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One more feather in the Crown of the family. Hearty Congratulations to Brother in Law, Group Captain Nitin Yashwant Patil, Indian Air Force (Khairnar Pariwar, Mohadi Pra. Dangri, Dhule) for getting felicitated with Vishishtha Seva Medal by Indian Air Force and signed by Hon. President of India, Honourable Shri.Ramnathji Kovind Sir on the Occasion of Air Force Day-2020 on 8th Oct 2020 :
The success story of an ENGINEER IN TRUE SENSE, Mr.Navin Singh, who worked on 10 Projects during his engineering graduation even though only 1 or 2 projects are necessary as per the university syllabus. It improved his Technical / Application /Practical knowledge to such a great extent that he got selected in one of the Core company which is famous across the world for Automotive Electronics, KPIT Technologies. He could get the opportunity to work on highly technical projects like Missile Systems. Currently, he is working in the Eaton India Innovation Center on many advanced technology projects :
*विविध अभ्यासक्रमांच्या ऑनलाइन प्रवेश प्रक्रियेविषयी मार्गदर्शन*

कोरोनाच्या पार्श्‍वभूमीवर इंजिनीअरींग, मॅनेजमेंट (एम.बी.ए, एम.सी.ए), आर्किटेक्‍चर अशा विविध अभ्यासक्रमांच्या आणि डिप्लोमानंतर इंजिनअिरिंग दुसऱ्या वर्षाची प्रवेश प्रक्रिया यावर्षी केंद्रीय पद्धतीने (ऑनलाइन) कशी राबविणार ? याविषयी अनेक प्रश्‍न विद्यार्थी व पालकांच्या मनात आहेत. याच अनुषंगाने "सकाळ विद्या' आणि पिंपरी चिंचवड एज्युकेशन ट्रस्ट व नुतन महाराष्ट्र विद्या प्रसारक मंडळ यांच्यातर्फे विनामूल्य मार्गदर्शनपर चर्चासत्राचे आयोजन करण्यात आले आहे.

चिंचवड येथील प्रा. रामकृष्ण मोरे प्रेक्षागृहात येत्या रविवारी (13 डिसेंबर) होणाऱ्या या चर्चासत्रात विविध अभ्यासक्रमांच्या ऑनलाइन प्रवेश प्रक्रियेमध्ये प्रवेशासाठी अर्ज करताना विद्यार्थी व पालकांना अनेक प्रश्‍न असतात. जसे की, ही प्रवेश प्रक्रिया ऑनलाइन पद्धतीने कशी होणार आहे? प्रवेशाच्या किती फेऱ्या होणार व कशा होणार? ही प्रवेश प्रक्रिया केव्हापर्यंत चालेल? आणि महाविद्यालये कधी सुरु होणार याबाबत सविस्तर मार्गदर्शन करण्यात येणार आहे.

कोणत्या शाखेत जायचे हे निश्‍चित झाले असले तरीही सीईटी किंवा जेईईच्या गुणांच्या (पर्सेंटाईल) आधारे कॉलेजची प्राथमिकता कशी ठरवावी व त्यासाठी ऑप्शन फॉर्म कसा भरावा, योग्य कॉलेजची निवड कशी करावी याची माहिती विद्यार्थी व पालकांना असली की ऑनलाइन प्रवेश अर्ज भरताना गोंधळ होत नाही. पीसीएममध्ये 45 टक्‍क्‍यांपेक्षा कमी गुण असतील तर कोणते पर्याय उपलब्ध आहेत? त्याचबरोबर शैक्षणिक कर्ज, कटऑफ, स्कॉलरशिप व डिप्लोमानंतर इंजिनअरिंगची दुसऱ्या वर्षाची प्रवेशप्रक्रिया या विषयांवर तज्ञ वक्ते डॉ. शीतलकुमार रवंदळे मार्गदर्शन करणार आहेत. तर आर्किटेक्‍चरमधील करिअर, प्रवेश व कॉलेजचे पर्याय यावर डॉ. महेंद्र सोनवणे तसेच प्रवेशासाठी आवश्‍यक कागदपत्रांची पूर्तता, बारावीनंतर उपलब्ध संधी व कॉलेजचे पर्याय याविषयी प्रा. विजय नवले मार्गदर्शन करतील.
विद्यार्थी व पालकांच्या यावर्षीच्या प्रवेश प्रक्रियेसंबंधी असलेल्या सर्व प्रश्‍नांची उत्तरे या चर्चासत्रातून मिळतील. इ- स्क्रुटनी म्हणजे काय? ऑनलाइन फॉर्म भरताना होणाऱ्या चुका कशा टाळाव्यात याचे प्रात्यक्षकही या वेळी दाखवण्यात येईल. त्यामुळे नक्कीच सहभागी व्हा.

*चर्चा सत्राविषयी -*
*कधी : रविवार, 13 डिसेंबर 2020*
*केव्हा : सकाळी 10.30 वा.*
*कुठे : प्रा. रामकृष्ण मोरे प्रेक्षागृह, चिंचवड*

*वक्ते :- डॉ. शीतलकुमार रवंदळे, डॉ. महेंद्र सोनवणे व प्रा. विजय नवले*

*विद्यार्थी व पालकांसाठी प्रवेश विनामुल्य, परंतु मर्यादित*

*अधिक माहितीसाठी संपर्क : 8380080436*
With Padmashree Hon. Mrs. Leela Poonawala ma'am @PCET's PCCOE. She is doing a Great Work of helping economically poor girls by paying entire fees of all the 4 years of graduation. Till date she has helped 9,000 girls by paying their fees. Salute to her work..
Maharashtra times and times of india
Photo from Rawandale Shitalkumar
2020 has finally ended and we should forget adversities faced in it and look forward and try to stay positive.

With the beginning of 2021, we should promise to leave behind the negativity and vow to not let the difficulties affect us in starting the new year on a positive note.

Leaving all the difficulties behind, we should look forward to the future and working hard to achieve our dreams and ambitions.

Let's promise to ourselves that this new year, we will be a better person and work towards leading our future to the righteous path and live the life to the fullest.
*Happy New Year : 2021*

Dr.Shitalkumar Rawandale
Dean Placements & TPO, Central Placement Cell, PCET-NUTAN Group, Pune
India’s Highest Authority in Technical Education - All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Delhi & India’s Biggest Industry Association - Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Delhi Recognized Placements & Industry Institute Interaction of PCET - NUTAN Group, Pune by Providing *Highest Category for “Industry - Linked Technical Institutes - 2020”.*

*Platinum Category to Our 3 PCET - NUTAN institutes* :
1. Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering (PCCOE) 2. Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering & Research (PCCOER) 3. Nutan Maharashtra Institute of Engineering & Technology (NMIET)

Gold Category to Our 1 PCET - NUTAN institute :
1. Nutan College of Engineering & Research (NCER)

*प्लेसमेंट बोले तो.... अपना*

Hearty Congratulations to All Family Members of PCET - NUTAN Group, Pune (Students, T&P Volunteers, Admin Staff, Faculty, HODs, Deans, Principals, Directors & Management Trustees).

*Thanks to All Friends & Well Wishers of PCET - NUTAN Group for Their Wishes & Blessings.*

*Team Central Placement Cell, PCET – NUTAN Group, Pune.*
IT companies hired 81,000 people in Last Two months (November/December 2020). The numbers are are almost 10 to 15% more than same period of last year (November/December 2019). It shows India did not get that much impacted due to Covid.. At least in Recruitment sector, things are preety good. Even in Campus Recruitment at PCET colleges, we can see almost 20 to 25% increase as compared to last year in the same period :
Photo from Rawandale Shitalkumar
*Analysis of All Maharashtra Cap Round 1 Cut Offs of FE Engineering Admissions 2021 for Computer and Mechanical Branch* :


Greetings from Central Placement Cell of PCET - NUTAN Group, Pune !!

To understand the admission scenario across Maharashtra, we have tried to analyse the cut off marks in CAP Round 1. The Open Category Cut Offs of Computer & Mechanical are considered from the file shared by CET Cell.
4 Files :
1) *Universitywise / Region Wise*(before BATU) Analysis of CAP Round 1 *Computer* Branch Cut offs for 2021 FE Admission :

2) *All Maharashtra Colleges* Analysis of CAP Round 1 *Computer* Branch Cut offs for 2021 FE Admission :

3) *Universitywise / Region Wise* (before BATU) Analysis of CAP Round 1 *Mechanical* Branch Cut offs for 2021 FE Admission :

4) *All Maharashtra* Analysis of CAP Round 1 Mechanical Branch Cut offs for 2021 FE Admission :

Data Source : The Open Category Cut Offs are considered from the file shared by CET Cell.
( ).

We do not claim that this is 100% accurate analysis. This is just a sincere attempt to analyze the cut off marks.
Thanks to our team of T&P Student Volunteers under the leadership of Kunal & PCET NUTAN Central Placement Cell team (Prof.Vijay, Prof.Rushikesh, Prof.Anup, Prof.Santosh, Mr.Shubham & Mr.Mangesh).


Prof. Dr. Shitalkumar Rawandale (Dean, Industry Institute Interaction, PCET-NUTAN Group, Pune

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