J6 Patriot News 🇺🇸
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This channel is dedicated to spread the LATEST news and current stories about January 6th Defendants and their families.


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CURRENT: $28,987
Felipe Martinez is a Father, Husband, hard worker and Loyal Patriot. On January 6, 2021, Felipe went with Friends to the Rallies in Washington, D.C..
Felipe NEVER ENTERED THE CAPITOL on that day. He DID NOT BREAK OR STEAL anything. He NEVER ACTED VIOLENTLY or aggressively. He simply exercised his First Amendment rights to be there and be heard that fateful day.
Today Felipe and his Family are just one entry in a long list of Patriotic American Families who are being persecuted and hunted for their beliefs and patriotism. After being assaulted in their home by a Terrorist Task Force in armored vehicles, the family was evicted. Felipe had to leave his family for a job 1500 miles away to try and support them.
He needs YOUR HELP to survive this unjust persecution and enable him to fight for his Freedom. 🇺🇸
Will you be a Patriot Family's Salvation today? ❤️‍🔥
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Forwarded from AmericanGulagChronicles (TIM Rivers)
🇺🇸MESSAGES FROM THE GULAG🇺🇸 🇺🇸BRIAN MOCK🇺🇸. 3-18-22. Thank you sir. I/we appreciate all the support. Hopefully there's still a world left standing when we all get out. Yes the abuses are numerous...it's utterly ridiculous. If I wasn't here experiencing this firsthand, I wouldn't believe it. I don't think we can even really do it full justice. We were just discussing this yesterday, saying that we can never fully describe this place and what we've been through. We won't even come close. It's surreal. I'm ashamed that we let out country get this bad. We are all culpable. We have all fallen short of doing what we should have done to fix this a long time ago. I can assure you, when I'm out, I will not stop until this country is what it should be or they put a bullet in me. Unfortunately, the latter is far more likely. I keep hearing people say "hold the line!" That's a fine sentiment and all but I say Damn with holding the line, advance the cause! Thank you and pass on my thanks to all those who are indeed advancing the cause.
Forwarded from Robbie Grace⭐⭐⭐⭐✝️
I have the biggest story that NOBODY has even talked about right here in my town in Virginia. A local police officer, a war veteran that served in Iraq and Afghanistan, was actively investigating a local corrupt lawyer the circuit court judges son, for drug money laundering, pimping escorts, and dealing cocaine. Once this lawyer knew of whom was investigating him, he then had to figure out how to get rid of Tj Robertson (the LEO I'm speaking of,) so as soon as January 6 took place, Tj and his partner went to DC that day and visited the capital, showed the Capital police their badges and they were given bottled waters and told to enjoy the tour. There was no riot In the part of the building they were at. And they never participated in any rioting period. Well that night, Tj posted photos of his visit inside the capital where it was just he and his partner and not many others around at the time. Well a local BLM activist that is affiliated with the lawyer, told him about the photos and the lawyer saw his opportunity to get rid of the man investigating his corruption, and so he told the FBi and the rest is history. So Tj has been locked up for over a year now while his partner got out immediately. Jake(his partner) worked with the FBi to be an informant and to give a false statement to the courts about what he and his partner TJ's intentions were on January 6. He told the court that they planned to break up Congress, and they wore gas masks and had beating sticks. All totally false!! The local news station WSLS did a story on TJ's arrest and said he was making pipe bombs in his garage which is totally bullshit! He had a black powder rifle and the FBI placed several things in his garage together to make it look like he may have been making pipe bombs but if you knew Tj like I do, you would know how absurd this is. Tj Robertson has denied the federal plea bargain offered and continues to deny it. He is a solid patriot! His partner Jake, is another story..he is a chicken shit coward that sold his partner out because he was fear mongered by the FBI. Please help me get this true story to someone that can investigate it because everyone else around here are cowards and will not help Tj. We need help. His court case is next month April.
Forwarded from Cowboyhat65 Bob
🇺🇸🇺🇸Fundraiser Updates🇺🇸🇺🇸
🇺🇸Robert Morss🇺🇸

Goal: $85, 000.00
Raised: $36, 736.00

OK friends, Americans. Please don't start thinking that the J6 ordeal is over, by any means. Don't let Nancy's nincompoops, the MSM, lull you into a trance over Ukraine or any other stupid tragedy Joe creates. American patriots locked up under horrific conditions. Yup, unthinkable? Nope, their reality.

In this, Robert is one such patriot. Never mind his birthright as an American, his faithful, honorable military service in the U. S. Army, the P.T.S.D. he now suffers from. Never mind the youth and potential that still remains. Or his devout following of our Maker and Savior. He is locked up, pending trial for over a year, in nothing more than a partisan witch hunt. Unthinkable? Too Twilight Zone for you? No. Robert and his family are being punished daily.

For his future and yours. Liberty and justice cannot be allowed to fail in our lifetime.

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🇺🇸🇺🇸Fundraiser Updates🇺🇸🇺🇸
🇺🇸Shawn Witzemann🇺🇸

Goal: $50,000
Raised: $14,367

Shawn Witzemann is an independent journalist and entrepreneur, and the loving father of two young teenage sons. On January 6, 2021, Shawn went to D.C. to hear President Trump speak and to cover the rally in his capacity as a journalist. Because Shawn believes in the sacred Duty of the journalist as the purveyor of Truth, he followed the crowd from the rally to the Capitol building to continue his coverage of the peaceful protest.

Shawn’s presence in the Capitol that day is fully documented through his own livestream. He is shown to have immediately obeyed Capitol police when, having climbed a scaffolding for a better visual of the crowd, he was commanded to get down. Police did not detain him, nor was his progress further obstructed at that time. He proceeded to enter the Capitol building through the open north door amidst a crowd of peaceful protestors, continuing his livestream and stopping to chat with Capitol police and protestors alike, as he made his way to the Rotunda. Shawn spent approximately two hours in the building, continually documenting the event, and leaving peaceably through a back door when instructed to do so by a Capitol police officer.

Besides publishing his livestream on independent news outlets Shawn also posted it on Facebook, which drew the attention of the FBI. He has cooperated fully with the authorities, providing them with copies of his livestream and answering truthfully all questions about his activities on January 6. The government’s own evidence against him consists of multiple still photos of Shawn conducting his livestream among the crowd in the Rotunda – in essence, the evidence proves that Shawn was acting in his capacity as a journalist, peacefully exercising his First Amendment rights on that day.

Shawn’s passion for journalism and the proper dissemination of truth at any expense is what drove him to document the events of January 6. Because of his belief in the public’s ‘right to know’ Shawn now faces Federal charges. Shawn is finding it increasingly difficult to care for his family while simultaneously using much of his resources for his defense.

If you feel moved to contribute to this Patriot you may do so here:


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Forwarded from The Prisoner's Record
Media is too big

@richardcitizenjournalist with Couy Griffin today after Judge McFadden convicted him of illegally entering a restricted area but acquitted him of disorderly conduct.

By law and by Secret Service operating procedure and testimony, a restricted area should be clearly denoted. This was not the case. The judge's ruling is not lawful!

Couy has a public defender.

Sentencing is set for June 17 at 2pm ET. Each misdemeanor carries a maximum six months prison time. Couy never considered a plea deal when it was offered earlier because that would be perjury.

With men like Couy speaking out on everything that alarms us, there is hope for America! The Biden Cartel, pedophilia, and stolen election will be brought to light and criminals will be held to account when we each do our part to hold the government accountable.

God is Couy's Rock and he shall not be shaken! When evil hits, only grace spills out.

Please pray & help Couy: https://givesendgo.com/CouyGriffin

🆘 https://t.me/ThePrisonersRecord
Media is too big
🇺🇸YOU'VE GOT MAIL - DAVID DEMPSEY🇺🇸 Interview with J6 Hostage David Dempsey from the D.C. Gulag
🇺🇸Ron Mele🇺🇸

Ron Mele, like so many, went to peacefully support President Trump on January 6th. Never entering the Capitol didn't stop the FBI from hunting Mele down back in his home state of California. His life has since been completely disrupted.

Ron was arrested back on June 10th and days later, terminated from his good job, causing the family to lose their health benefits and force them to sell their vehicles. 😔The FBI had raided his home months earlier in February, awakening and terrifying them and their children. After 4 months of silence, he was called in June by the FBI and told he had 2 hours to turn himself in. Like other J6ers, his name has been completely smeared all over the internet.

He and his family have been forced to relocate out of California, as he has been on the search for a job with no luck. Please support this Patriot with prayers & donations as they fight this unjust persecution!🙏


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Forwarded from AmericanGulagChronicles (TIM Rivers)
September 21, 2021
Hello Patriot!
I’ve received so many letters recently, that it’s hard to know how to respond. Where do I even begin? …how about at the end?

I’m sitting on a cold, steel, bunk right now; surrounded with the many letters i’ve recently received since the public learned how we’re being treated, and the jail started giving us our mail. Many of the letters are post marked from as much as 4 months ago. Many are damaged and torn, with no return addresses. All of these letters are my first, real light of hope, because many months ago I’d grown to despise the apathy of our Nation, and lost all hope.

They keep us in a remote part of the DC jail that wasn’t even in use until they brought us here. This is the 6th jail I’ve been shuffled around to since the day that 30 “agents“ and a tank assaulted me with guns and flash-bang grenades, when they arrested me, nearly 9 months ago.

I’m being charged with a lot of serious sounding charges that make no sense to me. But since I’ve never actually seen the charges against me; I’m not sure of the specifics. I know the liberal media has been calling me many things that end in “-ist” or “-phobic”. Untrue accusations of thought crimes…and they say I’ll serve 26yrs to life!
Arrested on February 2, 2021; my very first sham of a bond hearing wasn’t held until July 2021. This was also over-the-top and comedically dramatic, that I wasn’t even worried…initially. I’ve been demanding my constitutional right to a speedy trial, (which is 70 days), since day one, and thought I’d clear this all up, and be on my way! But ever since our most important right…our right to vote…was negated; I’m discovering that I no longer have ANY rights!!

It’s no longer amusing. Apparently, I’m being “pushy”, and showing a “lack of trust” in my lawyers by wanting to see the charges and evidence against me with my own eyes. I’m on my 3rd defense attorney now, and trying for a new one. None have filed any motions on my behalf, and they keep telling me to stay in jail quietly while the Prosecutors take the time they need to build a case against me! I’ve been wearing the same contact lenses since January 7th. My eyes hurt. My money's gone, and my career as a traveling welder might be over.

The Democrat's dream for our country is reality now.

Meanwhile, the guards here strut around in their “Black Lives Matter“ facemasks, being abusive, and shoving their racist propaganda down our throats; papers & magazines that openly say that “white people“ are devils, and dogs, and that we are lower than swine…claiming black men are gods. This racist, religious, cult propaganda is shoveled at us daily…but it was a 3-month BATTLE for me to get a Bible! And they call US racist for wanting a fair election?!?
Forwarded from AmericanGulagChronicles (TIM Rivers)
This Bizzaro World seemed comedic at first; just by the sheer ridiculousness and exaggerated proportions of the “narrative“. But now, as I’m sitting here on the cold bunk…unable to stop my leg from shaking; it’s my emotions that run the spectrum with exaggerated proportions. Pain and rage are powerful, and consuming emotions, but they don’t even hold a candle to the feeling of hopelessness. Fortunately, these letters all around me are my first real signs of hope. When I hear the conservatives–for–hire on the radio, condemning us…just like the liberals; it confuses me and destroys hope further. I was in lower Manhattan during the September 11th attacks in 2001, and nobody arrested me or condemned me for jumping into action then – – so why is, even people “on our side“ condemning us now?!?
On January 6, 2021; the Police repeatedly tried to incite a riot. They had undercover “agitators“, plus the Capitol Police using mace, tear gas, flash-bang grenades…or they'd beat on a woman…in order to fire up the crowd. (Like Roseanne who they beat to death and then disrespected her dead body.) These things DID fire up the crowd, but then everybody would calm right back down. The cops did this over…and over…and over…until they murdered Ashley Babbitt too. I think they did it to incite the crowd into enough of a frenzy that would justify them shooting us all.

And when the crowd didn’t escalate to the level they hoped; they just let people in the building for photos, so they could push their narrative anyhow. Their sick, twisted, narrative that now taunts the American people by giving Ashley Babbitt's murderer a REWARD for killing her!!!

Where’s the outrage for our Patriot women being murdered in cold blood, for NO reason…other than to hide more magnanimous crimes?!? Yet they are cheering on our liberal oppressors by saying, “well…if they did any violence, whether reactive or not…or broke any laws; they need held accountable!”
Any REASONABLE PERSON knows the election was stolen! So, the question that the courts, and the people should be asking about us J6er's is: WHEN does the DUTY to "throw off" a corrupt and tyrannical government begin? Our Declaration of Independence calls for it. Our Constitution backs it. So, at what point does that duty begin?
When the election numbers are making mathematically impossible shifts in the middle of the night? No. There are large and higher authorities in place to deal with that. (But I’m paying attention now.)Does it begin when the state I’m working in starts going against their own constitution to facilitate voter fraud? Not yet. There's still constitutional "safeguards" built in; such as the Electoral College, and the certification thereof.What about when the Vice President KNOWINGLY certifies a fraudulent election, and our country has officially been stolen from “we the people“?? Constitutionally, and by the very principles that our Nation was founded upon; anything good at that point!! Unfortunately, I wasn’t prepared for our entire Country to be stolen. I just jumped into action when I saw the Capital Police brutalize women and elderly Patriots. Most people call that "acts of heroism". -6-
I’m giving you a small window into some of my daily thoughts that run on a loop…but it’s difficult to know where to begin, or where to end. It’s nearly impossible for me to convey my daily reality to you, when these days…weeks…and months roll by so slowly here in solitary confinement, that they’ve robbed me of my own realities.
Forwarded from AmericanGulagChronicles (TIM Rivers)
Time moves so slowly that I feel like I was born in here, and all my memories of real life are just things I dreamed during the restless sleep I get when exhaustion overtakes my cramped up body with the achy uncomfortableness of my steel bunk. I had a wife. We traveled the country, from state to state, as my career called for, and had a small wedding back in Kentucky, (where we call home), last year. She was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer a month after my arrest, and with the news repeatedly saying that I’d be sentenced to 26 years to life; it was simply too much for her.

She has a new man now that she shares her new hard drug habit with. She blamed me for everything wrong because I “left her“, and my garbage lawyers wouldn’t even attempt to get me out on bond so I could be there for her surgeries. God and heaven knows how hard I tried…

Maybe she’s right… Reality is tangible, right? No matter how hard of a worker I’ve been...no matter how good of a spiritual leader I was…and no matter how much I provided for us: this cold, hard bunk, and solitude, is my only reality. Even if justice does, somehow prevail; I don’t even have my own roof to sleep under anymore.

I do have faith in God though. Faith requires action, however, and since I’m unable to do anything myself while I’m in here; I’m asking you to plaster my Give, Send, Go! account EVERYWHERE! On all forms of Social Media, to all the Podcasters, Radio and T.V. people… Julie Kelly, Steve Bannon, Natalie Harp, Greg Kelley, our Senators and Representatives… People need to know!

I need your help!
Love in Christ,
Pete J. Schwartz

Pete Schwartz #377185
D.C. – D.O.C. - C.T.F.
1901 E St. SE
Washington DC 20003
Forwarded from AmericanGulagChronicles (TIM Rivers)
Letter to Tim Trimble
Dearest Tim!
OH BOY! Your sending of War Bird magazines preceded your latest letter and I was so excited to get them. I shared the beauty of those birds with Cleveland Meredith and William "Billy" Chrestman who are also fans of WWII era aircraft. The magazines and the information about your award winning “cradle" were inspiration for more art like above. That latest letter you sent was shared with the men, it really fired them up and gave them some daylight here in this dark place. Sir, I am truly a believer in the word you wrote – SHITTY DAYS THEY HAPPEN. But LIFE ALWAYS gets BETTER AGAIN. Tim, it is Americans like you who make America great. Keep flying high and I’ll keep my eyes in the sky. God bless you – Kyle.
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Forwarded from AmericanGulagChronicles (TIM Rivers)
Letter to Tim Trimble transcription
Feb 16, 2022
Dearest Tim,
Oh man, do you mean it, air, will I really get a shot at flight after this spectacle? And in a trainer that produced the aces of WWII. Man. You should see the grin I’m sporting. You certainly know how to keep someone motivated to see this through! Despite a less than enthused reaction from the woman in my life, yes! I do notice a form of pissed off women in America lately. From Mama Bears fighting CRT to Soccer Moms sick of masking to a new beautiful generation of young ladies that are pro-life and support the unborn. It was really something to see when Congress folk visited us here and we are lucky to have MTG on our side as an advocate. All the news you shared was the perfect mix of encouragement and glad tidings that keeps us in the fight. We had heard about your state fighting the mail in ballots and the voting machines and saw the successes you described. The recent Trucker protest and Canada seem building to a “who runs border town“ moment. We recently saw them kicked off the Detroit/Windsor bridge and Trudeau invoking emergency powers to limit the size of assembly. If the women won’t get the men out there maybe the Trucker success in Canada might. “We’ll if the Canucks can do it!…” maybe we all will be wearing a trucker hat in solidarity soon. Tell Dan that we are holding the line. The latest metaphor for us now that the Durham probe has completely thrashed that Russia Russia Russia gate story and uncovered such underhanded spying is that we were the tip of the spear to slay the deep state and the damn tip broke off and keeps working its way to the heart, festering all along the way. I had to laugh – the “puke“ who got THE MOST VOTES EVAH! What!? No way Jose. I knew once the LGB chants took off it was curtains for that skeleton. Now he has to shoulder tap Supreme Court judges just to give the semblance of a victory after every legislative effort he espoused has gone down In flames. Very happy to hear you have good candidates running and that the people of PA are fighting so hard to preserve the Republic endowed us by our founders. Women, Truckers, and Patriots.
Tim, thanks so much for the care shown. It means a lot and is appreciated greatly by all of us here in DC. Keep up the fight.
Kyle Fitzsimmons, from the cells of the DC DOC
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American Gulag: AmericanGulag/TGP VISITS Jeremy Brown, J6 Political Prisoner, in Pinellas County Jail
Forwarded from AmericanGulagChronicles (TIM Rivers)
🇺🇸BRANDON FELLOWS🇺🇸 3-26-22.
Hello William,
My motions have gotten my judge to order the DDA of administration to be present my hearing on the 14th of April. The government is to answer for why I and the other Jan Sixer's are not getting church, clergy, haircuts, and my claims about the jails grievance process being broken.
On 3/18/22 Chief Anderson of the US Marshall services and a Marvin T Bickham came to the pod on behalf of my Judges order. They shared with me an internal audit from the DOC came out 3/17/22 saying the jails grievance process is completely broken. The marshalls also are now also in full agreement with me. They are trying to argue for these rights to be given to us against the jail... I did this with no law back round, having asbergers, being abused in the jail, and representing myself, if you are interested in hearing more bout this upcoming story please let me know, this is just my elevator speech lol. The 14th may be a day of victory for us Jan Sixer's, and many others being abused here.

Brandon Fellows #377943
1901 D St. SE
Wash. , D.C. 20003
Forwarded from Raquel
🚨Captain Gabriel Garcia received a Bronze Star for his tour of duty in Iraq. He continued his fight for America at home by showing up to January 6th to protest a stolen election. He did so peacefully, without breaking any law, or breached any barrier.

For exercising his first amendment rights, he was charged with two felonies and four misdemeanors. These are serious and unfounded charges that carry decades of prison time if convicted. For the sake of his three beautiful children, ages 4 to 12, and America, Gabriel has no choice but to fight these unjust charges.

(Gabriel introduced us to his attorney, 🔗Aubrey Webb. Contact Aubrey to review your case)

Threats resulted in business disruptions and a protracted legal fight forced Gabriel to sell his business. He will soon need to liquidate his house.

We collectively can meaningfully help Gabriel by each of us giving $7 to https://givesendgo.com/CPTGabrielGarcia

Please pray, donate, and share this post.