Product code: PI1L0003
Dispositivo depilazione raffreddamento Depilazione permanente
Dispositivo di depilazione IPL con la funzione di raffreddamento a ghiaccio, 600.000 impulsi di luce Depilazione visibile permanente, per corpo, viso, linea bikini
€199.99 → € 0.00⛔️Sold out
Reviewers Channel: @ItalyAmazon
Contact: @RCAdmin2.
Dispositivo depilazione raffreddamento Depilazione permanente
Dispositivo di depilazione IPL con la funzione di raffreddamento a ghiaccio, 600.000 impulsi di luce Depilazione visibile permanente, per corpo, viso, linea bikini
€199.99 → € 0.00⛔️Sold out
Reviewers Channel: @ItalyAmazon
Contact: @RCAdmin2.
Product code: PI1L0004
Lettore lettore memoria compatibile
USB C TF Lettore di schede, Type C to TF Micro SD Card Reader, lettore di schede di memoria USB 2.0 per TF/ Micro SD/ Micro SDXC/ Micro SDHC, compatibile con Windows/ Mac OS/ Linux
€9.99 → € 0.00⛔️Sold out
Reviewers Channel: @ItalyAmazon
Contact: @RCAdmin2.
Lettore lettore memoria compatibile
USB C TF Lettore di schede, Type C to TF Micro SD Card Reader, lettore di schede di memoria USB 2.0 per TF/ Micro SD/ Micro SDXC/ Micro SDHC, compatibile con Windows/ Mac OS/ Linux
€9.99 → € 0.00⛔️Sold out
Reviewers Channel: @ItalyAmazon
Contact: @RCAdmin2.
Product code: PI1L0005
Caricabatterie Surface adattatore alimentazione Microsoft
Caricabatterie per Surface Pro 44W, 15V, 2,58A, adattatore di alimentazione Caricabatterie per laptop per Microsoft Surface Pro 3/4/5/6/7, Surface Laptop 1/2/3, Surface Go 1/2, Surface Book 1/2
€31.88 → € 0.00⛔️Sold out
Reviewers Channel: @ItalyAmazon
Contact: @RCAdmin2.
Caricabatterie Surface adattatore alimentazione Microsoft
Caricabatterie per Surface Pro 44W, 15V, 2,58A, adattatore di alimentazione Caricabatterie per laptop per Microsoft Surface Pro 3/4/5/6/7, Surface Laptop 1/2/3, Surface Go 1/2, Surface Book 1/2
€31.88 → € 0.00⛔️Sold out
Reviewers Channel: @ItalyAmazon
Contact: @RCAdmin2.
Product code: PI1L0006
Cavo tipo Lightning m
Cavo lungo da USB C a Lightning [certificato 5M/16FT MFi], cavo di ricarica per iPhone di tipo C, cavo di ricarica Apple USB C per iPhone 12 11 Pro Max XR XS X 8 Plus, supporta la ricarica PD
€14.99 → € 0.00⛔️Sold out
Reviewers Channel: @ItalyAmazon
Contact: @RCAdmin2.
Cavo tipo Lightning m
Cavo lungo da USB C a Lightning [certificato 5M/16FT MFi], cavo di ricarica per iPhone di tipo C, cavo di ricarica Apple USB C per iPhone 12 11 Pro Max XR XS X 8 Plus, supporta la ricarica PD
€14.99 → € 0.00⛔️Sold out
Reviewers Channel: @ItalyAmazon
Contact: @RCAdmin2.
Product code: PI1L0008
Professional Men Hair Clipper
Tagliacapelli Uomo Professionale, Tagliatrice Capelli Trimmer, Rasoio Barbiere Barba Elettrica Trimmer, Elettrico Pro Li Outliner Regolabarba Uomo T-blade Per Taglio 0 mm Cordless
€29.99 → € 0.00⛔️Sold out
Reviewers Channel: @ItalyAmazon
Contact: @RCAdmin2.
Professional Men Hair Clipper
Tagliacapelli Uomo Professionale, Tagliatrice Capelli Trimmer, Rasoio Barbiere Barba Elettrica Trimmer, Elettrico Pro Li Outliner Regolabarba Uomo T-blade Per Taglio 0 mm Cordless
€29.99 → € 0.00⛔️Sold out
Reviewers Channel: @ItalyAmazon
Contact: @RCAdmin2.
Dear Reviewers,
It is our pleasure to let you know that we have improved our purchasing process to be faster and more fair for all buyers.
From now on, we do not have a waiting list for requests. Once your request is confirmed for a product, you will have 3 hours for getting the confirmation of your search and placing your order, otherwise your request will be canceled and the product will be assigned to someone else.
You have two options to buy a product:
👉 Telegram: you can get a Request Code directly from our agents (not admins any more) by clicking on "Contact Us" button below of each product in Telegram.
👉 Website: You can get a Request Code directly from the website. The website will automatically confirm your request and provide the search information, then you can submit the link of your search in the website and get the confirmation automatically. All the process up to the review confirmation can be done in the website without any confirmation from or chat with admins or agents. 🤩
The maximum number of requests per day is 3 and the maximum number of requests per week is 10. If more than 50% of your requests will be canceled, you can not request for new items.
If you have any question, please contact admins or @RCDevManager.
Good Luck!
ReviewersChannel Team
It is our pleasure to let you know that we have improved our purchasing process to be faster and more fair for all buyers.
From now on, we do not have a waiting list for requests. Once your request is confirmed for a product, you will have 3 hours for getting the confirmation of your search and placing your order, otherwise your request will be canceled and the product will be assigned to someone else.
You have two options to buy a product:
👉 Telegram: you can get a Request Code directly from our agents (not admins any more) by clicking on "Contact Us" button below of each product in Telegram.
👉 Website: You can get a Request Code directly from the website. The website will automatically confirm your request and provide the search information, then you can submit the link of your search in the website and get the confirmation automatically. All the process up to the review confirmation can be done in the website without any confirmation from or chat with admins or agents. 🤩
The maximum number of requests per day is 3 and the maximum number of requests per week is 10. If more than 50% of your requests will be canceled, you can not request for new items.
If you have any question, please contact admins or @RCDevManager.
Good Luck!
ReviewersChannel Team
Product code: PI1L0009
Radiofrequenza Dispositivo Massaggiatore Multifunzionale
Radiofrequenza Viso Dispositivo Bellezza Ultrasuoni, EMS+Terapia della luce LED Massaggiatore,5 in 1 Bellezza Viso Multifunzionale, Stringendo la pelle Anti-aging Rimuovi l'acne Pulizia Facial
€58.00 → € 0.00⛔️Sold out
Radiofrequenza Dispositivo Massaggiatore Multifunzionale
Radiofrequenza Viso Dispositivo Bellezza Ultrasuoni, EMS+Terapia della luce LED Massaggiatore,5 in 1 Bellezza Viso Multifunzionale, Stringendo la pelle Anti-aging Rimuovi l'acne Pulizia Facial
€58.00 → € 0.00⛔️Sold out
Product code: PI1L0010
Ultrasuoni Massaggiatore Ringiovanimento Quotidiana
Ultrasuoni Massaggiatore Viso Antirughe, Terapia Luce LED Rossa/Blu, Funzione Caldo/Freddo, EMS e Ione±, Anti-età, Antirughe, Ringiovanimento, Pulizia profonda, Cura Quotidiana del Viso
€46.00 → € 0.00
Ultrasuoni Massaggiatore Ringiovanimento Quotidiana
Ultrasuoni Massaggiatore Viso Antirughe, Terapia Luce LED Rossa/Blu, Funzione Caldo/Freddo, EMS e Ione±, Anti-età, Antirughe, Ringiovanimento, Pulizia profonda, Cura Quotidiana del Viso
€46.00 → € 0.00
Product code: PI1L0011
Irrigazione Automatica Regolabile Dispositivo dIrrigazione
Irrigazione a Goccia, Irrigazione a Goccia Automatica,Regolabile Strumento di Irrigazione Automatico a Goccia Dispositivo Sistema d'Irrigazione Automatico,per Piante da Interni ed Esterni(18 Pezzi)
€13.59 → € 0.00
Irrigazione Automatica Regolabile Dispositivo dIrrigazione
Irrigazione a Goccia, Irrigazione a Goccia Automatica,Regolabile Strumento di Irrigazione Automatico a Goccia Dispositivo Sistema d'Irrigazione Automatico,per Piante da Interni ed Esterni(18 Pezzi)
€13.59 → € 0.00
Forwarded from Siavash
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If you have previous purchases from our Telegram channel, you do not need to sign up in the website. You can sign in with your PayPal email and then click "Forgot password?". You will receive an email to change your password.
After you login with your PayPal email, you can find all your previous orders and their status in your account, as well as your referral reward.
If you are not sure which email was used to register your orders, you can ask it from the channel admin.
Reviewers Channel Team
If you have previous purchases from our Telegram channel, you do not need to sign up in the website. You can sign in with your PayPal email and then click "Forgot password?". You will receive an email to change your password.
After you login with your PayPal email, you can find all your previous orders and their status in your account, as well as your referral reward.
If you are not sure which email was used to register your orders, you can ask it from the channel admin.
Reviewers Channel Team
Reviewers Channel
We help sellers to know your valuable and honest comments on their new products, and get 100% cashback in return.
Product code: PI1L0012
Controllo Assorbimento Spazzatura Lucentezza Lelasticità
Maschera Viso Comedone, Maschere per il Viso al Carbone di Bambù, Maschere Viso per il Controllo Dell'olio, Forte Assorbimento di Pori e Spazzatura, Migliora la Lucentezza e L'elasticità Della Pelle
€9.99 → € 0.00
Controllo Assorbimento Spazzatura Lucentezza Lelasticità
Maschera Viso Comedone, Maschere per il Viso al Carbone di Bambù, Maschere Viso per il Controllo Dell'olio, Forte Assorbimento di Pori e Spazzatura, Migliora la Lucentezza e L'elasticità Della Pelle
€9.99 → € 0.00
Product code: PI1L0013
Idratante Detergente Controllo Anti Acne Ammorbidire
Idratante e Detergente Green Mask Stick, Controllo Dell'olio, Pulizia Profonda, Maschera Viso Anti-Acne, Ammorbidire le Cellule Morte Green Tea Cleansing Mask per Tutti i Tipi di Pelle
€7.99 → € 0.00
Idratante Detergente Controllo Anti Acne Ammorbidire
Idratante e Detergente Green Mask Stick, Controllo Dell'olio, Pulizia Profonda, Maschera Viso Anti-Acne, Ammorbidire le Cellule Morte Green Tea Cleansing Mask per Tutti i Tipi di Pelle
€7.99 → € 0.00
Product code: PI1L0014
Detergente Controllo Rimozione Melanzana Rimuovere
Green Mask Stick, Maschera Viso Detergente, Controllo Dell'olio, Punti Neri Rimozione, Maschere per il Viso Melanzana per Rimuovere L'acne, Maschere Viso Idratante Profonda
€7.99 → € 0.00
Detergente Controllo Rimozione Melanzana Rimuovere
Green Mask Stick, Maschera Viso Detergente, Controllo Dell'olio, Punti Neri Rimozione, Maschere per il Viso Melanzana per Rimuovere L'acne, Maschere Viso Idratante Profonda
€7.99 → € 0.00
Product code: PI1L0015
Irrigazione Automatica Regolabile Dispositivo dIrrigazione
Irrigazione a Goccia, Irrigazione a Goccia Automatica,Regolabile Strumento di Irrigazione Automatico a Goccia Dispositivo Sistema d'Irrigazione Automatico,per Piante da Interni ed Esterni(18 Pezzi)
€13.59 → € 0.00
Irrigazione Automatica Regolabile Dispositivo dIrrigazione
Irrigazione a Goccia, Irrigazione a Goccia Automatica,Regolabile Strumento di Irrigazione Automatico a Goccia Dispositivo Sistema d'Irrigazione Automatico,per Piante da Interni ed Esterni(18 Pezzi)
€13.59 → € 0.00
Dear Reviewers,
We will update our website on October 30, from 3:30 am to 5:30 am Pacific time. During the update, the website will be out of reach. You will be able to work with the website again as soon as the update finishes.
Thank you for your patience and support.
Reviewers Channel Team
We will update our website on October 30, from 3:30 am to 5:30 am Pacific time. During the update, the website will be out of reach. You will be able to work with the website again as soon as the update finishes.
Thank you for your patience and support.
Reviewers Channel Team
Product code: PI1M0001
Auricolari senza Bluetooth Cuffie microfono
Auricolari senza fili Bluetooth Cuffie con microfono
€29.99 → € 0.00
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Auricolari senza Bluetooth Cuffie microfono
Auricolari senza fili Bluetooth Cuffie con microfono
€29.99 → € 0.00
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Product code: PI1M0002
Riscaldante Germinazione Idroponica Certificato
18Watt Tappeto Piastra Riscaldante per Serra Germinazione,Giardino Idroponica,Rettile Terrario, 24 X 52 cm Certificato CE
€19.99 → € 0.00
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Riscaldante Germinazione Idroponica Certificato
18Watt Tappeto Piastra Riscaldante per Serra Germinazione,Giardino Idroponica,Rettile Terrario, 24 X 52 cm Certificato CE
€19.99 → € 0.00
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Forwarded from Reviewers Info
Website update for requesting a product again:
As you know, if you do not register your search or order in 3 hours your request will be canceled and maybe assigned to someone else.
Now, if you come back after 3 hours and your request was canceled, you can click “request again” and if the product is still available you will be able to continue your request and register your search or order.
If you have any suggestion about the website, please do not hesitate to contact @RCDevManager.
Reviewers Info @ReviewersInfo
As you know, if you do not register your search or order in 3 hours your request will be canceled and maybe assigned to someone else.
Now, if you come back after 3 hours and your request was canceled, you can click “request again” and if the product is still available you will be able to continue your request and register your search or order.
If you have any suggestion about the website, please do not hesitate to contact @RCDevManager.
Reviewers Info @ReviewersInfo
Product code: PI1M0003
16 Pieces Christmas Painting Stencils
16 Pezzi Natale Stencil di Pittura, Disegno Stencil DIY Pittura Template per Scrapbooking, Disegno, Graffiti, Natale Decorazione da Parete, Natale Regalo per Bambini
€8.99 → € 0.00
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16 Pieces Christmas Painting Stencils
16 Pezzi Natale Stencil di Pittura, Disegno Stencil DIY Pittura Template per Scrapbooking, Disegno, Graffiti, Natale Decorazione da Parete, Natale Regalo per Bambini
€8.99 → € 0.00
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Product code: PI1M0004
Raffreddamento Illuminazione Regolabile
Base di Raffreddamento PC Portatile, ventole per pc Portatile con Illuminazione RGB per Laptop 11-21", Raffreddamento Notebook 2 Ventole a Forte Flusso d'Aria, 5 Regolabile in Altezza
€39.00 → € 0.00⛔️Sold out
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Raffreddamento Illuminazione Regolabile
Base di Raffreddamento PC Portatile, ventole per pc Portatile con Illuminazione RGB per Laptop 11-21", Raffreddamento Notebook 2 Ventole a Forte Flusso d'Aria, 5 Regolabile in Altezza
€39.00 → € 0.00⛔️Sold out
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Forwarded from Reviewers Info
How to find the product link
On a browser (pc or mobile) you can go to the product page and copy the product link from the address bar.
On the Amazon app (mobile only), again you can go to the product page and find the share button above right of the main photo. Click on the share button and click on copy the link.
Reviewers Info @ReviewersInfo
On a browser (pc or mobile) you can go to the product page and copy the product link from the address bar.
On the Amazon app (mobile only), again you can go to the product page and find the share button above right of the main photo. Click on the share button and click on copy the link.
Reviewers Info @ReviewersInfo