For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent
For Jerusalem’s sake I will not be still
Isaiah 62:1
A CRY HAS GONE UP from Jerusalem warning the world that the events that led up to the Holocaust are being repeated in our times, potentially with similarly devastating results.
The warning comes in the Isaiah 62 Declaration, a document stating that the political response to Covid included suppression of civil liberties, and policies which led to the exclusion from society of groups regarded as unhealthy or unclean, or otherwise undesirable - in clear parallel to the events of the 1930s which paved the way for the Holocaust to take place.
In 2021, around the world, vast numbers of people who had chosen not to, or were unable to be vaccinated against Covid-19 were excluded from public areas, denied life-saving medical care, and lost their livelihoods, in clear contravention of the Nuremberg Code, which prohibits coercion into medical treatment.
This sent a clear signal to citizens that unvaccinated and unmasked people were legitimate targets for persecution. In Tel Aviv, an opera-goer who was unable to wear a mask was surrounded by a mob of fellow audience-members and had to be physically escorted away for her own safety. She then had to watch the performance she had come to see with a security guard by her side.
Although some of those restrictions have since been relaxed, to this day, unvaccinated people are banned from travelling to America, Australia, and Spain, among other countries. Vaccine mandates are still in place in many workplaces. Children are still being made to mask in schools.
Meanwhile, many governments are warning that restrictions may return. Just today (Monday, June 27), Pakistan reintroduced a mask mandate on domestic flights, showing how easily restrictions, once established, can be brought back into effect.
In the last two years, unvaccinated people around the world have been excluded from full participation in society under the guise of ‘public health’, yet no evidence exists that excluding people based solely on vaccination status could or would slow the spread of disease. A moment’s thought will tell you that an uninfected person cannot spread a disease, and we know that vaccination status has no bearing on whether or not a person is likely to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 — indeed, the evidence now suggests those who have been vaccinated are more likely to have Covid, and that they too can spread it.
Rather than reflecting ‘The Science’, these policies far more closely echo the Nazi’s insistence that Jews spread typhus, a claim that led directly to the creation of the Warsaw ghetto, and a consequent spike in the number of typhus cases at that time.
As Jews, we carry the responsibility of our history. We owe it to the memories of those who died in the Holocaust to give their tragic deaths meaning, by making sure that a similar fate can never befall other innocent people. For that reason, we must speak out when we see the same pattern repeating, and sound the warning bell. That is what we are now doing with the Isaiah 62 declaration.
You can sign the declaration at
For Jerusalem’s sake I will not be still
Isaiah 62:1
A CRY HAS GONE UP from Jerusalem warning the world that the events that led up to the Holocaust are being repeated in our times, potentially with similarly devastating results.
The warning comes in the Isaiah 62 Declaration, a document stating that the political response to Covid included suppression of civil liberties, and policies which led to the exclusion from society of groups regarded as unhealthy or unclean, or otherwise undesirable - in clear parallel to the events of the 1930s which paved the way for the Holocaust to take place.
In 2021, around the world, vast numbers of people who had chosen not to, or were unable to be vaccinated against Covid-19 were excluded from public areas, denied life-saving medical care, and lost their livelihoods, in clear contravention of the Nuremberg Code, which prohibits coercion into medical treatment.
This sent a clear signal to citizens that unvaccinated and unmasked people were legitimate targets for persecution. In Tel Aviv, an opera-goer who was unable to wear a mask was surrounded by a mob of fellow audience-members and had to be physically escorted away for her own safety. She then had to watch the performance she had come to see with a security guard by her side.
Although some of those restrictions have since been relaxed, to this day, unvaccinated people are banned from travelling to America, Australia, and Spain, among other countries. Vaccine mandates are still in place in many workplaces. Children are still being made to mask in schools.
Meanwhile, many governments are warning that restrictions may return. Just today (Monday, June 27), Pakistan reintroduced a mask mandate on domestic flights, showing how easily restrictions, once established, can be brought back into effect.
In the last two years, unvaccinated people around the world have been excluded from full participation in society under the guise of ‘public health’, yet no evidence exists that excluding people based solely on vaccination status could or would slow the spread of disease. A moment’s thought will tell you that an uninfected person cannot spread a disease, and we know that vaccination status has no bearing on whether or not a person is likely to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 — indeed, the evidence now suggests those who have been vaccinated are more likely to have Covid, and that they too can spread it.
Rather than reflecting ‘The Science’, these policies far more closely echo the Nazi’s insistence that Jews spread typhus, a claim that led directly to the creation of the Warsaw ghetto, and a consequent spike in the number of typhus cases at that time.
As Jews, we carry the responsibility of our history. We owe it to the memories of those who died in the Holocaust to give their tragic deaths meaning, by making sure that a similar fate can never befall other innocent people. For that reason, we must speak out when we see the same pattern repeating, and sound the warning bell. That is what we are now doing with the Isaiah 62 declaration.
You can sign the declaration at
Sign and share the Isaiah 62 Declaration
Help us send a message to the world: The events that led to the Holocaust are being repeated in our time in the name of 'public health'.
'Never Again' is Now.
Share the link and sign:
Help us send a message to the world: The events that led to the Holocaust are being repeated in our time in the name of 'public health'.
'Never Again' is Now.
Share the link and sign:
"‘It’s really crucial that the people who are not in the process of mass formation continue to speak out, because if they don’t, the mass hypnosis becomes deeper and deeper, and typically reaches the point where the masses become so fanatically convinced of the narrative they believe in, that they believe it is necessary to eliminate the people who don’t go along with it." — Mattias Desmet.
Thank you to the editors at The Conservative Woman for publishing our article on why the Isaiah 62 Declaration is necessary. Please share.
Thank you to the editors at The Conservative Woman for publishing our article on why the Isaiah 62 Declaration is necessary. Please share.
The Conservative Woman
Never Again? Israel’s mask mob echo the Holocaust - The Conservative Woman
We are thrilled to have passed 300 signatures to the Declaration in just 72 hours!
Thank you so much to everyone who has already shared. And if you haven't yet, the link is
Thank you so much to everyone who has already shared. And if you haven't yet, the link is
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has been handed a million dollar prize by Israel's establishment for his part in a vaccine which has killed and maimed thousands. To add insult to injury, he plans to use the money to build ... a Holocaust museum.
It’s hard to overstate just how insulting Bourla’s announcement is. It couldn’t get more insulting if he rolled up to Auschwitz flying a Nazi banner, pissed on the mass graves and laughed in the faces of the living relatives as they stood by watching.
It’s hard to overstate just how insulting Bourla’s announcement is. It couldn’t get more insulting if he rolled up to Auschwitz flying a Nazi banner, pissed on the mass graves and laughed in the faces of the living relatives as they stood by watching.
The Isaiah 62 Declaration
Trampling on the bones of the dead
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla plans to build a Holocaust museum with money awarded him by Israel's leaders for his part in the vaccine rollout. How dare he?
Nos complace anunciar que el texto de la declaración ya está disponible en nuestro sitio web en español
La Declaración Isaías 62
Sounding a warning to the world: 'Never Again' is Now.
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass der Erklärungstext jetzt auf unserer Website in deutscher Sprache verfügbar ist.
Die Erklärung nach Jesaja 62
Sounding a warning to the world: 'Never Again' is Now.