Archiving Irish Diversity Stuff (AIDS)
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Irish Nationalist History & Politics Channel, with a side dish of shitposting. Use of the channel has changed since August 2020 but name stays cause its funny.

No, I am not on Twitter at all. I repost stuff from Twitter.
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The people are beginning to fear that the Irish Government is merely a, machinery for their destruction; that, for all the usual functions of Government, this Castle-nuisance is altogether powerless; that it is unable, or unwilling, to take a single step for the prevention of famine, for the encouragement of manufactures, or providing fields of industry, and is only active in promoting, by high premiums and bounties, the horrible manufacture of crimes!

- John Mitchel, The Nation, 8th November 1845
"The Firbolgs, should their scattered descendants be brought together, would have a greater moral claim to the present ownership of Ireland than the Jews to Palestine....

To be blunt, the United Nations Organization is but the temporary World Government of the Jewish Communists or Zionists, whose plans for ultimate world domination draw nearer to realization with every day that passes...

It is no wonder the United Nations flag bears the Israeli colours of blue and white"

- Seán Ó Riain, cartoonist for Ailtirí na hAiséirghe in his article 'Much Promised Land' in their newspaper 'Aiséirghe' 13th March 1948. Ailtirí in the Post-War years continually attacked the U.N.O for its artificial internationalism and its role in creating the Jewish state in Palestine.
That time in 1989 when Jewish Fine Gael TD Alan Shatter released his novel "Laura", featuring this sex scene set in Leinster House

He also wrote a book in 1979 called “Family Planning - Irish Style” to satirise Catholic sexual morality & mocking the then proposed “1979 Family Planning Bill” which would require people get medical prescriptions for condoms with only a certain number allowed to be purchased per month

He was the one who proposed the gay marriage referendum in 2013 to be held in 2015 & drafted the Child & Family Relationship Bill which allows gay people to adopt kids and is now being used for provisions related to surrogacy

He also made it easier for foreigners to get passports,giving out 69,000 in 2011 and starting ‘citizenship ceremonies’ where once a year the Gov live-streams them handing out foreigners passports & celebrating

He also wanted to give €10 million of taxpayer money to buy weapons for Israel in 2012.

He was kicked out of Gov via corruption allegations in 2014 by Maurice McCabe
Archiving Irish Diversity Stuff (AIDS)
That time in 1989 when Jewish Fine Gael TD Alan Shatter released his novel "Laura", featuring this sex scene set in Leinster House He also wrote a book in 1979 called “Family Planning - Irish Style” to satirise Catholic sexual morality & mocking the then…
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Jewish Former TD & Minister for Justice / Defence Alan Shatter complaining that UCD college kids don’t understand that Israel has a right to self determination and is the ancestral land of the Jewish people

The same Alan Shatter who liberalised Irelands immigration laws which allowed for easier access to passports and yearly citizenship ceremonies
Jewish Twitter currently advocating for the Genocide of Irish people over the Irish Government announced to recognise a Palestinian State
StopAntisemitism is making up kidnap and rape scenarios about the Irish Taoiseach’s daughter, the Irish Tánaiste’s daughter and the Norwegian Prime Minister’s wife because Ireland and Norway announced their recognition of the State of Palestine today.
Notice these ‘Republican’ groups never do this to Fianna Fáil / Fine Gael …. 🤔
Media is too big
"Make no mistake this is not a swing to the right, it's a swing back to the centre"

Niall Boylan actively counter-signalling rw rhetoric on his campaign.

It’s good that more people are speaking on immigration but we can’t let these boomers farts in the Independent Ireland party take over. We need to be grilling them harder in comment section etc and at protests.
Ballot paper in Midlands North West lol
Archiving Irish Diversity Stuff (AIDS)
Something to watch out for: With Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard stating ‘the Irish deserve it’ and many other Jews online crying for Arab immigration into Ireland as payback for Palestinian support - if Israel goes into conflict with Lebanon they’re defo going…
I posted this back in February (see reply) but something to watch out for is if Israel do anything to either Irish aid workers or UN Peace keepers at the Lebanon border.

Ireland isn’t in NATO or anything, and given the amount of seethe, I wouldn’t be too surprised if something happens ‘by accident’ or whatever.

Israel has killed Irish UN soldiers before.

Despite most of the world recognising a Palestinian state, and Spain + Norway also announcing it with Ireland, the entire Israeli hate has been directed at Ireland from looking online. There’s something about Irish anti-Israel sentiment that really makes them tick.

Also, Ireland’s recognition of a Palestinian state was the ‘two state solution’…it wasn’t even a rejection of Israel. Isn’t that what even ‘moderate Zionists’ want?