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Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee. Isaiah 26:3 bible.com/bible/1077/isa.26.3.JUB t.me/IntuitiveSacred/374
Q. I tried to listen to an audio recording, but it was silent.
Was it a butt dial?
Is there something wrong with your recording device -- or maybe with the device I'm using to listen?

A. Heehee, not a butt dial :-) nor a device malfunction. 🌺

When you encounter a silent audio or video in the Intuitive network, you are receiving an earnest invitation to meditate with us in that space.

Meditate from wherever you're at, whenever you find the message -- or make an opportunity to come back later on and join us then.

This is the beauty of asynchronous communications.

Shared meditative attunement is a helpful practice, especially if you don't currently have anyone else to meditate with in person.

Breathe gently and with care for your body.

Attune your presence and vibration with others who are in the same space, even though all of us may be in different locations.

Notice our shared psychic state -- and how connected we are, especially with the Internet turned off and the audio player set to the side or behind you, out of your line of sight.

Shared meditative practice and the holding of intention, just this way, have nourished and strengthened us in building the Intuitive network for many years -- especially in times of greatest hardship and isolation.

Together, we activate our awareness and kindness for ourselves and one another.

In this silent stillness, we co-create new worlds from the life energy of our mindfulness, breathing, and heartbeats.

We experience peacefulness in collective resonance.

This is one way of tending the community body.

When we finish a meditation with one another, even asynchronously, we understand more of what happens next.

With our Intuitive attention held together in recording or listening to this audio... what is forming?

Thank you for joining. πŸ’ž

ΒΆ For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only do not use liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by charity serve one another. Galatians 5:13
Then he said unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. β€’ Matthew 9:37 - 38 β€’ bible.com/bible/1077/mat.9.37-38.JUB β€’ t.me/IntuitiveSacred/379
for every one that asks receives, and she that seeks finds, and to she that knocks it shall be opened. Matthew 7:8 bible.com/bible/1077/mat.7.8.JUB t.me/IntuitiveSacred/381
But rather love ye your enemies and do good and lend, hoping for nothing again, and your reward shall be great; and ye shall be the sons of the Most High, for he is kind even unto the unthankful and to the evil. Luke 6:35 bible.com/bible/1077/luk.6.35.JUB t.me/IntuitiveSacred/382
For I know with certainty that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the coming glory which shall be manifested in us. Romans 8:18 bible.com/bible/1077/rom.8.18.JUB t.me/IntuitiveSacred/384
I have showed you in all things how that so labouring, ye ought to support the weak and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35
...if my people, upon whom my name is invoked, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from the heavens and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 bible.com/bible/1077/2ch.7.14.JUB t.me/IntuitiveSacred/386
Linda Kohanov: The Tao of Equus

πŸ—“οΈ 6/9/07 β€’ πŸ•‘ 53:27 β€’ πŸ“ 26 MB

Podcast: Attunement: Deep Conversations
Author: Linda Kohanov and Anthony S Wright PhD

Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/attunement-deep-conversations/episode/84374019
Episode: http://www.attunement.biz/AttunementMain/podcasts/l.kohanov.6.28.07.web.mp3

A Woman's Journey of Healing and Transformation Through the Way of the Horse

Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
Email Testimony

Hey Dave,

Earlier this year, I had a series of very weird dreams that left me with a strange and uneasy feeling. I ask the Lord to give me interpretation for my dreams but I had no idea. So I got quite unhappy with it.

One day, while praying, a thought came to my mind: why not contact my former best friend, since the Lord used to speak to her through dreams.

It wasn’t easy for me since there was some restraint (because she stopped our friendship 10 years ago without any explanations right when I needed her the most) although I had forgiven her several times. I decided to text her. She answered and said that she hadn’t been dreaming / heard from the Lord for the last 10 years, but she agreed to meet with me.

We met and I told her my dreams. First she had no idea, but later she got the interpretation. I was astonished and grateful. So we met again and I told her some more, and God gave her knowledge, etc. She started having dreams again! We shared from our lives and so she told me that she gave up contact to me because of other people (it wasn’t because of me). And she had not only stopped contacting me but also lost connection to God.

One day, God gave me a prophetic vision for her. I saw a closed door of a very dark room but the light was shining very bright under the doorstep. Red drops of blood were floating in the air in the shape of a heart. I knew that God wanted to bring his light/healing into a dark and very hurtful place in her heart.

When I told her, she said that she had severe heart problems during this time and had to stay in hospital because it was so bad, that she might have died. So she was still on a lot of medication. God revealed to her what this dark place was and I could lead her through emotional healing and she immediately received healing and felt totally changed. She had dreams almost every night. God gave her a BRAND NEW HEART lined with gold.

I had another prophetic word for her: to take specific words from the word of God daily – like a medicine. She then told me that she wanted to stop taking all those medicine awhile ago but didn’t know how. God led her trough this process and she feels better than before without them! The dramatic change in her has also impact on her family, mother, work, etc.

Recently, she entrusted me that she wanted so desperately to find her way back to the Lord but didn’t know how and had no power to do so. Before I contacted her a very little thought in her said to God: I want to come back to you, but I can’t. You need to come to me. And he came to her – through me…

Not only she has a relationship with the father again and received a brand new heart, but another precious thing is that we now have such a sweet friendship – better than ever before. We love and cherish each other so much and this is so precious to me, since I felt very β€œfriendship-abandoned” for the last 10 years.

Our loving father is so good, he works multidimensional. One little yes from me to contact her changed so much in both of our lives. I want to encourage everybody – dare to follow that small voice inside of you, you might experience the greatest adventures of your life! All thanks and glory to God!!!

Thank you Dave for your videos, books and everything you share with us from the Lord. You are also a participator of our blessings!

What is your preferred name for calling to the Divine?
What name for the Divine makes you feel most intimately safe and supported in the universe?
New music 🎢 Listen now (4 min) | Walk Through (Yea) 2 β€’ Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. β€’ intuitivepublicradio.substack.com/p/walk-through-yea-2 β€’ t.me/IntuitiveSacred/393 β€’ t.me/IntuitivePublicMusic/2604 β€’ t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/11700
One of our very most effective tuning practices, these days, is the Sufi (and multi-faith) Remembrance practice taught by Mark Silver on his dedicated platform, Heart of Business.

Not only in tending to our livelihoods, but also in tending to our lives and our community bodies, this practice is very powerful and very simple. We have found ourselves recommending it to everybody.

Whether you learn this practice in order to be in closer contact with the sacred roots of your own abundance-generating works in the world, or to gain in attuned presencing with any other aspect of your life, it is worth your attention, care, and time.

We feel strongly about the benefits of this. We want to encourage a lot more business people β€” and a lot more people everywhere, in whatever personal, family, or community endeavor you may pursue β€” to engage with this practice on a daily basis.

Learn this Remembrance practice the way Mark teaches it in his book: heartofbusiness.com/pdf/gettingtothecore.pdf

The link to Mark's book in PDF is also included in this blog post, where he describes more and adds links to audios you can practice with: heartofbusiness.com/2009/guided-remembrance

Thank you for reading, and thank you for practicing with us.
