🔊 @IntuitiveRecovery • Self-Led Recovery & Well-Being Resourcing For Safe, Inclusive, Resilient Communities • IPR •••
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the prison of the body IS
the cauldron of the mind
what foments
and physically
elemental, broad in variety,
application, creative force,
and essential kindness
the body is capable
of many amazing things
that prisons can't or couldn't
so when we feel imprisoned
we reshape ourselves
dream anew
and are liberated
https://t.me/MaxMoRadio/5155, https://t.me/SpontaneousCosmology/5257
When other people do not understand what you're saying in a crisis, do not rail at them.

Do not plead at them. Do not frustrate or hurt yourself trying to reach them in the same ways as before.

Take moments (and longer, however necessary) to ground and steady yourself.

Your community members are experiencing real hypnosis that must be effectively addressed in order to restore the kinds of natural, relational communications we've been led to believe are possible already.

When we join one another to be fully, wakefully present in eso space, we learn how to resolve this successfully.

🔊 tune to • @esoexp • eso experiential • deep archive • concierge collective • intuitive flow • ipr ••• respect, joy, discernment, strength, & the honor to tune together: https://t.me/+ePlN9LmM13wzNjZk

Photography by Mara Bird • Support & Build The Joyful Recovery Spaces Of @MakePeaceLifeSchool With Us! Share funds: cash.app/$BirdMara • We are celebrating living, loving, & learning -- growing strong communities. Explore more art, photography, & opportunities to participate: intuitivepr.gumroad.com/l/AutumnResilienceKindnessColorado • t.me/MakePeaceLifeSchool/310