🔊 @IntuitiveMedia • Media Toolsets & Dialogue for Public Social Community • Intuitive Public Radio • IPR •••
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Rescue aid, public media, and conversations that help human sex trafficking survivors -- what trust litmus have you verified? • t.me/IntuitiveTraffic/2491
Media recording participation signups open now for congenial coordination of collaborative media broadcasts.

You're invited 🌺🥰

Broadcast Memo • t.me/IntuitiveMedia • Free Admission • 11am & 4pm ET, 23 May - 1 July 2023 (Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays) • Sign up for special session materials, participate asynchronously, or ask to join by contacting t.me/maxmorris (email, max@intuitive.pub)

View this event, save the details, and share with others:
11am: teamup.com/event/show/id/42RwnkpRVwYZx5vdumHbPNE1Nwr99b
4pm: teamup.com/event/show/id/j1Jo2mpcAjPBJEJSHAghA74rwv92f4

Support survivor-led public media facilitation by donating to this fund for each session you attend or co-facilitate. In this way, you thank survivors' groups for building these collaborative learning toolsets & community spaces. Gratitude: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles

How to choose class pathways in the Intuitive community network: t.me/IntuitiveSocialCalendar/668

To find more class offerings, follow this calendar: teamup.com/ksfty6wmpjn7w8et1e

How to set up calendar notifications: t.me/IntuitiveSocialCalendar/660

Intuitive network groups experience tremendous advantages from following @StarfireCodes releases. We've been very grateful for this work.

If you're in a position to do so, please subscribe and financially support the www.StarfireCodes.com Substack directly.

Demi's published peaces are especially useful in understanding hidden psychic, social, and generational architecture being used by human sex trafficking organizations to compromise and commoditize all community spaces.

In order to eliminate human trafficking influences from communities, we must ensure continuing dialogue and connectivity not only with the most severely affected members of our community bodies -- but also, crucially, with our deepest core source selves.

Demi gets this, it seems to me.

This morning I have felt moved to express our gratitude for her continuing to offer such timely and relevant strengths-building resourcing.


How do I connect to Intuitive network private radio streams?

Intuitive network supports community members in building private process spaces for individual private broadcasts and group dialogue.

As you learn and grow with Intuitive network community members, you will notice opportunities to join one another in these private process, private broadcast spaces.

When there is a lock icon at the beginning of a chat title, that chat is private and should never be shared elsewhere without specific permission.

A chat with a lock on it may also be a secret community resource.

Beyond our private access content, we have built Intuitive secret radio infrastructure to especially safeguard regenerative processes -- which then allows us to flow nutrients through our communities in especially powerful ways.

Secret invitations can appear in a public or private space -- and then after a short time, may disappear!

When you see one, you may like to respond to it at your earliest opportunity in order to be involved in the secret dialogue and project work being facilitated.

Often a secret pathway invitation will only be mentioned once, not to be opened again until that project is finished with its secret process designation.

Our most exciting and profound process collaborations happen in the Intuitive secret frameworks we've established.

To receive invitations to connect to Intuitive secret radio streams, subscribe to Mack's Memo (Intuitive Public Radio) on Substack.

To receive even more invitations to connect to Intuitive secret radio streams, become a paid subscriber at intuitivepublicradio.substack.com or reach out to us directly to request a comped subscription.

Public, private, and secret media collaborations are useful modes of co-creation, each facilitating a different set of important solutions.

Private and secret community resourcing provide us with secure communications and protected relationship building resources -- vital assets in the work we do together.

We experience powerful benefits from this practice.

We invite you to practice with us.

Intuitive Social Theater • Radio Pública Intuitiva • Pittsburgh IPR • Book Launch • Album Release • Gallery Show • Broadcast Event • Private Access • Headlining Megan Elizabeth Morris as Max Mo & You as... Your Self! • t.me/IntuitiveSocialTheater/388t.me/RadioPublicaIntuitiva/2147t.me/PittsburghIPR/3344
It is a valuable game to notice when a document is becoming most clear and actionable.

A seminar document in the Intuitive network often takes the form of a Telegram channel or chat.

This is also the case for our co-facilitated classes, workshops, and Intuitive group coordination efforts.

We compile learning materials as we work together and support one another; then we refer to these materials and iterate them for publishing.

These living documents — the Telegram spaces! — are experienced as our own living books as we write ourselves forward into our near and long term futures.

Often, we know these living documents are not yet complete enough to be amplified more widely.

You may notice, however, that a particular document is becoming full with a perfect complement of information to help more others understand the content.

When one of us notices this, we call it out.

Exciting things happen next.

Friends! Open a book and read out loud the paragraph(s) in front of you.
Record your short reading for Intuitive Public Media -- at any level of experience, zero stress, zero perfectionism.
Feel the relevance of this (perhaps randomly chosen) message.
Let that feeling shine thorough your reading!
This is Star Clock: our shared moments of timespace in meaningfully emergent collaborative activation.
What does your spacetime have to share?
SHARE HERE: t.me/DivineSpacetime/219t.me/StarClock/200
' Meanwhile the country is a wasteland with a nationwide famine brought on by widespread agricultural failure. Crops are hydrated with Brawndo, a Gatorade-type drink instead of water. “Brawndo’s got what plants crave. It’s got electrolytes,” claims the secretary of state, the much-quoted line that inspired Fairey. The Brawndo corporation owns the FDA and the FCC and their slogan is accepted science. (Last week, one tweeter observed that “But he’s a successful businessman” is the 2016 equivalent to “It’s got electrolytes”.) ' theguardian.com/artanddesign/2016/oct/07/shepard-fairey-idiocracy-inspired-election-artwork t.me/IntuitiveUnknown/2614
How Trafficking Methods Isolate & Take Control of Disabled People

Good evening friends!

We are coordinating this immediate, time-sensitive Public Media Care Notation Quest.

Please assist with swiftness.

Co-create with us this crucial public list:












It's that time again!
    Intuitive Editorial is reorganizing and updating our network broadcast collaboration infrastructure. Read on for important details.
    We're going to experience an admins / microphones reset transition together in our spaces across all of Radio Pública Intuitiva (RPI, IPR, Eso, and integral survivor-led spaces) starting at an unknown time on or after today, 17 June 2023.
    All microphones in public broadcast channels and public discussion group chats are likely to be turned off at that time while we work up our continued program schedule.
    Not long after that, most of our public chat microphones will start coming on again. Some public chats will remain silent until we've finished setting up our next steps for that space and its associated public and private group activities.
    Broadcast channel microphones will remain silent until new plans are finished and next steps coordinated.
    If your microphone is not turned off at the same time as others, you may already be part of a conversation currently needed to support this infrastructural transition. (Please check in with Max.)
    If you notice others' microphones activated while yours is off, reach out to us for assistance; we are probably in a planning stage or have not yet completed a necessary task.
    In the intervening time, practice sitting with and honoring the expressions of others. Feel into this as a kind of short retreat time, to strengthen your interactions in that space moving into the future. Plan how you would like to share next in that space. Dream something beautiful to bring to the group once the space is ready.
    You may like to unfold new expressions in another channel set or private group to warm up your broadcast neurology until a particular space is ready. Then check back with the space you are waiting for, and once we're ready to go, rejoin the conversation.
    For more continuous broadcast microphone access opportunities and less-frequent editorial interludes, join t.me/IntuitiveSignal and explore what network colleagues are signaling to then plan your own broadcast approach.
    Microphone access at any location in the network may fluctuate unexpectedly at any time as we flow with the usual epically rewarding challenges.
    Check in with Max to ask questions and assist.
    We are moving quite slowly to best preserve the work Intuitive groups have been doing. Especially considering the endurance athleticism, high-touch cognitive analysis, and deep wilderness prep required for success in this work, sometimes it takes us more time than expected to finish a task or respond to a message.
    Seek helpful insights or conversational support by leaving a respectful comment at t.me/HelpRequests, which will also help us respond to your request more easily.
    To plan next broadcasts, be in contact with t.me/maxmorris and comment to join us in the chat at t.me/IntuitiveMedia. If you're not sure yet how to get started, we will notice helpful toolsets and teach you how to use them.
    Thank you for your patience, kindness, and encouragement as we manuever.
    Today at this time, our chat in this space is open.
    Please share what you are dreaming.
    What are you hoping for?
    What are you determined to manifest?
    Who are you becoming?
    Thank you for your presence with us here, thank you for your support for this work, and thank you for being.
How To Record With Intuitive Public Radio on Telegram Messenger

See this public document for complete text: docs.google.com/document/d/1UpwuLT8KPQA2hQPeIAI9hr6FfUUUy4bA3d-cGcGDLto

0. We plan our topic ahead of time to be broadcast in a particular public space on Telegram messenger.
   We may leave that conversational topic open to explore in whatever way we feel best while recording, or we may write down specific questions to guide our broadcast content.

1. I introduce our conversation in that public space by sharing what Intuitive groups are working on moment-to-moment about our chosen subject.
   Then I ask you a question that allows you to introduce yourself.
2. You record your introductory response directly in that space when you're ready.
  Include any additional detail you feel moved to offer in the public broadcast channel. 
  Signal me when you're finished recording your response -- then I will say more or ask a question, and give you a signal when it's time for you to record again.
  Notes on making an introduction:
    Introduce yourself in whatever way is most comfortable for you. 
    Feel free to include references to your work where it can be found on the internet -- or anything else that comes up for you that you'd like to share.
    There's no need to fit everything you can think of into your introduction, because we can make additional introductions in the network in different ways that follow this one.
    We're glad to meet you and grateful to have you as part of our conversations. :-)

3. We switch off every now and then, letting the other know when we're finished responding.  
   We record a little bit here and there, maybe once or a few times a day, for several days. 
   This is how we use asynchronous communication to build broadcast recordings.

4. I coordinate with other participants to help them join us in the broadcast. This often means I may include Johanna, if she's available during the time we're recording, and others who may be interested and available to add to our conversation. 

5. When we get to a good wrapping up point, I close the conversation. 
  I prefer to include your platform or contact information as part of our wrap up so that community members can find and support your work after the broadcast.

6. I export the audio we've shared in that public broadcast channel to a single audio file to be promoted on platforms beyond Telegram (like Substack). We do our best to avoid any editing process, so that we can get the content to additional platforms as quickly and effectively as possible.

7. We all share the Substack link with friends and colleagues who may be interested to know about it.
  We encourage you and all others to add hearts and comments to that same Substack post, especially when we want to expand the conversation.
  Please do subscribe to intuitivepublicradio.substack.com to follow and boost this and any other published content on the IPR (RPI) platform. This significantly assists your content and all our collective content to receive more attention and engagement.

8. We plan our next conversation as a follow-up later on in the same Telegram space, or alternately, for a different public broadcast channel in the Intuitive network.
  Our recording together works the same way the next time, in the same space or in a new space.
  When we invite people to our recording session on Telegram, where helpful, we give them the Substack link of our previous recorded episode so they can catch up on earlier parts of the conversation too.

See this public document for complete text: docs.google.com/document/d/1UpwuLT8KPQA2hQPeIAI9hr6FfUUUy4bA3d-cGcGDLto

Read & Listen (10 min) | Learn how to record with Intuitive Public Radio (Radio Pública Intuitiva) on Telegram messenger! Read this post on Substack and get involved in these nutritive community broadcasts: intuitivepublicradio.substack.com/p/how-to-record-with-intuitive-publict.me/RadioPublicaIntuitiva/2185, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/11596
Q. I tried to listen to an audio recording, but it was silent.
Was it a butt dial?
Is there something wrong with your recording device -- or maybe with the device I'm using to listen?

A. Heehee, not a butt dial :-) nor a device malfunction. 🌺

When you encounter a silent audio or video in the Intuitive network, you are receiving an earnest invitation to meditate with us in that space.

Meditate from wherever you're at, whenever you find the message -- or make an opportunity to come back later on and join us then.

This is the beauty of asynchronous communications.

Shared meditative attunement is a helpful practice, especially if you don't currently have anyone else to meditate with in person.

Breathe gently and with care for your body.

Attune your presence and vibration with others who are in the same space, even though all of us may be in different locations.

Notice our shared psychic state -- and how connected we are, especially with the Internet turned off and the audio player set to the side or behind you, out of your line of sight.

Shared meditative practice and the holding of intention, just this way, have nourished and strengthened us in building the Intuitive network for many years -- especially in times of greatest hardship and isolation.

Together, we activate our awareness and kindness for ourselves and one another.

In this silent stillness, we co-create new worlds from the life energy of our mindfulness, breathing, and heartbeats.

We experience peacefulness in collective resonance.

This is one way of tending the community body.

When we finish a meditation with one another, even asynchronously, we understand more of what happens next.

With our Intuitive attention held together in recording or listening to this audio... what is forming?

Thank you for joining. 💞
