πŸ”Š @IntuitiveFamily β€’ Live Collaborative Intuitive Public Family Channel β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
7 subscribers
172 photos
35 videos
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283 links
Welcome to this Intuitive Family.

@IntuitiveFamily β€’ Live Collaborative Media β€’ Intuitive Public Radio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’ Intuitive.pub/Family

This social space supports oxytocin pathway repair and individualized creative healing.
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Livestream @ 12p Eastern β€’ 13 February 2022 β€’ Sunday Gospel Study with Philosopher, Teacher, & Teacha KRS-ONE, Acronologist Minista G SIMONE, Minista SUN-ONE, & The Temple of Hip Hop β€’ Livestream & full video: https://youtu.be/Uvqf8To0Xpg β€’ Comments & discussion: https://t.me/TOHHchat β€’ https://t.me/TheTempleOfHIPHOP/348
For community members and core organizers in our network who are still without safe food, disability repair resourcing, accessible shelter, and emergency supplies, would you please consider contributing some of what you can spare to our relief efforts?
508c1a, tax-deductible non-profit donation: https://paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles β€’ More options to support severely disabled survivors building safe, inclusive communities: https://Intuitive.community/support
Reach out to @maxmorris to make additional arrangements. Thank you for doing this work with us. Your gifts, kindness, and contributions are required for the ongoing manifestations of all our collective success --- and we are grateful to you for your presence amidst these important projects.
May we all be filled with joy, nourishment, courage, clarity, heartfulness, and blessings.
Special Support Opportunity
Lend a hand to facilitate our @IntuitiveMedia survivors' groups in producing @IntuitivePublicMusic β€”- our necessary infrastructure is nearly complete! We are searching for assistance to get 2-3 more software disability (recovery) aid solutions in place, which looks to cost a little over $100. Can you assist?
@IntuitivePublicRadio and our @IntuitiveCommunity network are organizing individual and collective income streams and economic access points for severely disabled survivors of human trafficking and invisible violence who are otherwise prevented from financial participation and basic survival resourcing.
Even better, these projects and income streams provide opportunities for healing expression, repair of one's creative process, and vocational resilience that is unparalleled by any other trauma recovery resource.
Building this media infrastructure, we get to experience how survivors recover from what had seemed irreparable β€”- and bring their own essential gifts into healing and strengthening themselves, their environments, their families, and their community members.
Be our co-producer β€”- and claim your front row seat to the powerful and unique musical expressions of our friends and colleagues who have survived the impossible. All of us together are now building the new world our hearts hadn't dared hope for. In our midst, it's manifesting.
Contribute via https://paypal.me/intuitiveinvisibles and reach out to t.me/maxmorris for additional arrangements. Find more information about how to support our work by visiting https://intuitive.community/support.
β€”β€”https://t.me/IntuitivePublicMusic/2399, https://t.me/DisabilityAid/487, https://t.me/IntuitiveRecovery/37, https://t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10111
This Intuitive community's PITTSBURGH PERMACULTURE PROJECT continues a-pace!
Just north of Pittsburgh and in many more places we are cultivating locational resourcing to support severely disabled survivors of human trafficking and related violence. In several of our Pennsylvania locations, we are beginning to discover the nourishments growing right here in front of us β€” and at Mack's location near Fox Chapel, we are delving in the tall grass, watching the weeds wield their wiley wealth and teach us the life-honoring learnings we'd previously been missing.
This work saves lives. Nowhere else have we found evolving infrastructures that truly embrace and include our most severely affected community members. Many have been wastefully excluded from community activities that can rapidly strengthen all our positions, all our collaborations.
If this is you, reach out to us. We're building for you.
When people discover this resourcing, it changes their lives. Our Intuitive friends who facilitate our Flow Fund (visit & contribute via https://paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles) have a front row seat and powerful place in witnessing and benefitting from the resource structures survivors themselves are co-creating.
You, too, are invited.
Is this the best game we've ever played? It is full of life energy. It makes us resilient. It heals our physical bodies. And it repairs our communities β€” increasingly stabilized and stabilizing, our work on this project literally -prevents- human trafficking pathways.
To all those who have been involved and growing with us, we are so deep in gratitude β€” rooting, rooted. And more and more β€” getting to eat the most wonderful healthy, restorative, nutrient-rich food.
Thank you so much for all this that is so good.
If you'd like to participate, reach out to t.me/MaxMorris to choose next steps and root these roots.
t.me/PittsburghIPR/3146, t.me/NortheastIPR/248, t.me/IntuitiveGrowing/991, t.me/IntuitiveFamily/634, t.me/IntuitiveGenerations/128, t.me/IntuitiveFood/63, t.me/IntuitivePublicRadio/10494
Photography by Mara Bird β€’ Support & Build The Joyful Recovery Spaces Of @MakePeaceLifeSchool With Us! Share funds: cash.app/$BirdMara β€’ We are celebrating living, loving, & learning -- growing strong communities. Explore more art, photography, & opportunities to participate: intuitivepr.gumroad.com/l/AutumnResilienceKindnessColorado β€’ t.me/MakePeaceLifeSchool/310
"A Gathering Basket" Multimedia Cookbook and the Promise of Rematriation
Lyla June
"A Gathering Basket" Multimedia Cookbook and the Promise of Rematriation

11/17/21 by Lyla June

Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/episode/131586214
Episode: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1869393/9563138-a-gathering-basket-multimedia-cookbook-and-the-promise-of-rematriation.mp3

In this inaugural episode, we meet with M. Karlos Baca, who shares the I-Collective’s most recent multimedia publication, A Gathering Basket; Hazel James shares teachings regarding DinΓ© lifeways; Janene Yazzie braids these intersecting topics to discuss the importance and meaning of rematriation, and the fundamentals of DinΓ© and Indigenous matriarchies.

t.me/IntuitiveFood/65, t.me/IntuitiveKitchen/1895, t.me/AbyaYalaRPI/749
Class signups open:

Intuitive Family Frameworks β€’ t.me/IntuitiveFamily β€’ $25 β€’ 10pm ET, 9 June - 9 July 2022 (Mondays, Thursdays, & Saturdays) β€’ Sign up for special class materials, participate asynchronously, or ask to join for $0-$25+ by contacting t.me/maxmorris (email, max@intuitive.pub)

Flow $25 to this fund to thank survivors' groups for building these collaborative learning toolsets & community spaces: paypal.me/IntuitiveInvisibles

To find more class offerings, follow this calendar: teamup.com/ksfty6wmpjn7w8et1e

How to set up notifications: t.me/IntuitiveSocialCalendar/660

View: teamup.com/event/show/id/CavXMroWiXAc54rcVYBa9jFfWzGgP6

Your children are brought to this planet and they try to save you. They run around trying to highlight all the most important things for survival and thriving to contribute to their family. And they are misunderstood.

They are rewritten.

And all of us somehow still emerge from that moeras of violence and programming passed down to us through abuses toward our parents and our prior generations.

And however it is that we find the means of trying again... there are points from which it seems inevitable, the life of the body. Continuing.

And all of us playing our parts.

Strengthening family and community bodies.

t.me/IntuitiveGenerations/166, 20220731-184727

t.me/IntuitiveHeartbeat/33, t.me/IntuitiveHeartbeat/35
Intuitive Family TV - Instructions
(Press 'on' for power. Then, you'll find you might...)
Tell an engaging story
Channel spontaneous poetry
Perform oration of a (new or familiar) text
Sing a song you know (or sort of know)
Make up a song you have never sung before
Be delightfully, heart-thrummingly brave
Play (or pretend to play) an instrument
Describe something you love & feel gratitude for
Share your artwork, achievements, successes
Invent collaborative, co-created entertainment
Shake your own body in joyful celebration
Dance! or β€” be still, fully present, and breathe
Stretch, relax, yawn big, have gladness, feel good
Form a meaningful shape with your body
Change your expression-shape with rareness or frequency
Watch "TV" inputs with least-used sensory transceivers
Make Intuitive TV to care for family & community
Practice all-sense experiencing (without electronics)
(...what did you "be" or "see" on "TV" today?)
Blessings Intuitive Family. <3
t.me/IntuitiveFamily/641, 20220907-112638
Act to strengthen and facilitate communications immediately upon evidence of sex trafficking network activities.

Require clear, consistent communications in order to establish collective safety.

Safety is never to be assumed. Safety can only be determined through clear, consistent communications.

Realize the truth in what a survivor tells you. It will not necessarily be what you think they are communicating at first. Ensure that you adjust your language translation, receptivity, and honorable compass to resonate effectively with the survivor who is communicating with you.

If the survivor is not able to calm down, you are not understanding or speaking their necessary recovery language.

If the survivor tells you that something you say is a trigger for destruction of physiology, you must heed them. Survivors of violent intersections are programmed through torture to respond in certain ways to certain words or behaviors. Often, certain words or gestures are keyed to their physical bodies to cause terrible pain or psychoactive dysfunction.

As your way of respecting the relationship you are building, omit specific words, gestures, or other behaviors from your interactions with that individual as requested so that they may stabilize their neurological function and communicate successfully.

Likewise, when a survivor tells you what words, gestures, or other behaviors would be most supportive for them, listen closely and practice supporting them in this way.

Survivors know how to deprogram themselves if they are in the company of fully respecting and honorable community members committed to building collaborative safety and nourishment.

Once you demonstrate language comprehension and skilled respectfulness, the survivor can calm remarkably quickly.

This facilitates accurate, productive, reparative communications.

These communications are life saving, as the survivor you're interacting with may not find any other human capable of respecting their necessary recovery language.

It is the business of sex trafficking organizations to prevent people from recognizing one another's necessary recovery languages and to make it painful or frightening for people to listen to or learn from one another.

Any delay in your recognition of the survivor's shared information is on the same vector as environmental and interpersonal destructions to their communications and ability to behave calmly and linearly.

The longer you doubt a survivor's story, especially while a body is dying, the more likely it is the survivor will not be able to communicate or behave calmly or productively without significantly more support once you do respond.

This is why most survivors of intersections like these are abandoned.

By the time someone truly tries to listen to and understand them, the damage of continuous torture has made their verbal communications and / or interpersonal behaviors a confusing, violent experience for others to navigate.

Rare helpers do not have a means of successfully navigating the stress of these interactions, and they are not taught how to do it by mainstream professional helping organizations.

You may be the only one who can act for this survivor's safety.

When we all choose to learn how to take action to support survivors' safety in these ways, peace, care, and resilience are rapidly restored to our families and communities.

Thank you for taking this responsibility seriously.
