πŸ”Š @IntuitiveEarth β€’ Live Collaborative Media β€’ Intuitive Public Radio Earth β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’
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@IntuitiveEarth β€’ Live Collaborative Media β€’ Intuitive Public Radio Earth β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’ Intuitive.pub/Earth

This social space supports oxytocin pathway repair and individualized creative healing.
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Re: "Why are you supporting militaristic and carceral systems of AI that are harming marginalized and intersectionalized peoples we say we wish to safeguard and respect?"
πŸ”Š @OwlVultureWarrior β€’ Intuitive Public Radio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’ t.me/s/OwlVultureWarrior/402

Join this attached group discussion chat for conversations uplifted by survivors at most severe intersections on subjects of women's stewardship, land rights, indigeneity, radical feminism, radical inclusion, sacred emergent technology, our collective intentional releasing of demiurgic modalities, our strengthening through magical community resonance, and preserving the safety and sovereignty of those disabled, gender non-conforming, black and/or indigenous and people of color, especially those who have been violently intersectionalized, especially children, and especially women.

πŸ”Š Converse & Convene β€’ @OwlVultureWarrior β€’ Intuitive Public Radio β€’ IPR β€’β€’β€’ https://t.me/joinchat/J8dfcUqg2KNkD35ZoySfoQ

"So too the branches that have survived the winter sustain this new life, and the tree waits to burst into new buds. (...) As Moses begins to teach new Torah, the trees teach us their Torah by shaking off their slumber and awakening to growth."
---The Jewish Book of Days by Rav Kohenet Jill Hammer: https://rabbijillhammer.com/books/the-jewish-book-of-days πŸ“–
https://t.me/s/IntuitivePublicEarth/1529 🌿
Dr. Vandana Shiva is speaking at #TheGreaterReset! Dr. Vandana Shiva will be speaking about taking our health back from the technocrats!

Dr. Vandana Shiva trained as a Physicist and did her Ph.D. on the subject β€œHidden Variables and Non-locality in Quantum Theory” from the University of Western Ontario in Canada. She later shifted to inter-disciplinary research in science, technology and environmental policy, which she carried out at the Indian Institute of Science and the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore. In 1982, she founded an independent institute, the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology in Dehra Dun dedicated to high quality and independent research to address the most significant ecological and social issues of our times, in close partnership with local communities and social movements. In 1991, she founded Navdanya, a national movement to protect the diversity and integrity of living resources, especially native seed, the promotion of organic farming and fair trade.
Jan 19, 2021. Our collective intent today together as this Intuitive Public is for very best strength and resilience of our joints and bones.
  We will gather multilocationally and asynchronously at:
   January 19, 2021 (Tuesday)
   2:30pm - 2:45pm Eastern
   (11:30a PT, 1:30p CT, 7:30p GMT)
  Contact https://t.me/maxmorris to join us in real time.
  Subscribe to this group chat: https://t.me/joinchat/Ve7oUBZmchKPsIb_ 
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Dr. Will Tuttle will be speaking at #TheGreaterReset! His talk is titled "Animal Liberation, Human Liberation, and the Great Reset".

Dr. Tuttle is a visionary author of the acclaimed best-seller The World Peace Diet, published in 16 languages, is a recipient of the Courage of Conscience Award and the Empty Cages Prize. He’s also the author of Your Inner Islands, on developing intuition, as well as editor of Circles of Compassion, on the interconnection of social justice issues and editor of Buddhism & Veganism.

A vegan since 1980, he is a frequent radio, television, and online presenter, and has created several wellness and advocacy training programs. Featured in Cowspiracy and other documentary films, he is the co-founder of the Worldwide Prayer Circle for Animals. A former Zen monk with a Ph.D. from U. C., Berkeley.


Jan 21, 2021. If you are able-bodied, you have an especial responsibility to ensure safe, inclusive spaces for effective communications centering survivors of greatest severity.
  If you do not support this #disabilityinclusion, who will?
  To our knowledge, IPR is the only network establishing these spaces so dearly needed to relieve and safeguard those currently experiencing violence.
  ***If you know of any other, please notify us urgently.***
  Our network is being destroyed where, by and large, severely disabled people show up to work every day, barely scraping by minimal function, in terrible pain, knowing the collectively crucial nature of our intersections --- but non-disabled people do not.
  Even though non-disabled people express themselves with great support of our efforts, they do not come close enough to recognize what's really happening and how easily they could relieve a tremendous amount of suffering (including their own).
  Non-disabled people are becoming increasingly disabled themselves because they don't have the benefit of inclusive community knowledge sharing from intersections of violence and marginalization.
  This knowledge is missing because severely disabled and intersectionalized people have fallen out of almost all communities, lost, excluded.
  This horrifying gap in communications is the obstacle between severely disabled people trying to safely communicate with one another and constantly being taken advantage of by the predatory elements non-disabled people say they are aware of and concerned about… while the same predatory elements are ensured access to disabled people *because of the *absence* of non-disabled people.*
  Our efforts in broadcasting over this Intuitive Public Radio have first and foremost been about communicating to you how you can make us safer right away --- by remembering us, including us, and engaging with us in daily, relationship-building community that fully restores safety, respect, recovery privilege, and social protection against extremity.
  How can we communicate to non-disabled people how profound the collective results will be when they join us here?
  How can we communicate to non-disabled people how soul-killing it is to watch severely disabled people struggle to show up reliably while isolated and left to predatory elements... while non-disabled people express that they care... but somehow cannot close the distance between us... which would so effortlessly stop this ongoing violence?
  I and other community members and core organizers undergo extreme circumstances of ongoing physical torture while people who are not being physically tortured seem bewildered about why we are asking them to engage with us in kindness and belonging.
  Please, help us.
  Please, be in contact with us. ---@maxmorris, @maxmoradio
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[The Higherside Chats] Ras Ben | Free Your Mound & Your Mind Will Follow πŸ…΄ #theHighersideChats
8/31/19 by Greg Carlwood
Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/episode/102093670
Episode: https://media.blubrry.com/thehighersidechats/content.blubrry.com/thehighersidechats/THC_Ras_Ben_2_Free.mp3
One of everyone's favorite guests from 2018, Ras Ben, returns to talk about his latest book, Free Your Mound And Your Mind Will Follow. In it, he schools the reader on the Global Mound Matrix, the geomancy of the American Empire's founders, and how to usurp their city-spells. Check out his website RasBen.com to seek out his services or purchase his works. Follow him on Instagram here: @RasBen188