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RT @CENTCOM: #AdviseAssistEnable @CJTFOIR works with partner forces to ensure the lasting defeat of Daesh #StrongerTogether

#AdviseAssistEnable @CJTFOIR works with partner forces to ensure the lasting defeat of Daesh #StrongerTogether
— U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) May 9, 2022

The post Monday, May 09, 2022 – 1642Z appeared first on Aleph, The real one!.

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
Thank You Sir! Building strong partner relationships is essential to providing stability and security in the CENTCOM area of responsibility @GENCQBrownJr @USAFCENT #StrongerTogether

Thank You Sir! Building strong partner relationships is essential to providing stability and security in the CENTCOM area of responsibility @GENCQBrownJr @USAFCENT #StrongerTogether
— U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) May 17, 2022

The post Tuesday, May 17, 2022 – 1829Z appeared first on Aleph, The real one!.

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
RT @CENTCOM: #TDICCH @CJTFOIR delivered fire support to remove ISIS remnants from the battlefield #PartnerForces

#TDICCH @CJTFOIR delivered fire support to remove ISIS remnants from the battlefield #PartnerForces
— U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) May 26, 2022

The post Thursday, May 26, 2022 – 1428Z appeared first on Aleph, The real one!.

Via: Aleph א – Tweets
CENTCOM’s Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction team meets with the #Kuwaiti WMD Defense Command to discuss the newly acquired FOX Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear Reconnaissance vehicle designed to assist people and infrastructures #StrongerTogether

CENTCOM’s Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction team meets with the #Kuwaiti WMD Defense Command to discuss the newly acquired FOX Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear Reconnaissance vehicle designed to assist people and infrastructures #StrongerTogether
— U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) June 2, 2022

The post Thursday, June 02, 2022 – 1658Z appeared first on Aleph, The real one!.

Via: Aleph א – Tweets