Prvi nemški tank Leopard je že dosegel Moskvo, a drugače, kot so si to predstavljali v Berlinu. V obliki trofeje - na ruskih vozilih. V Parku zmage v ruski prestolnici bo razstavljenih na desetine zajetih zahodnih vojaških vozil. - Objektivno. Odkrito. Točno.
Tank Leopard nemške izdelave se je pridružil razstavi Natovih trofej
Prvi nemški tank Leopard je že dosegel Moskvo, a drugače, kot so si to predstavljali v Berlinu. V obliki trofeje - na ruskih vozilih.
Forwarded from Intel Slava Z
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🇷🇺🇺🇦🇺🇲 And here is a video of the installation of the Abrams on Poklonnaya Hill.
The exhibition opens today and will run until June 1. So everyone can watch it.
The exhibition opens today and will run until June 1. So everyone can watch it.
Forwarded from Intel Slava Z
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🇷🇺🇺🇦 At an exhibition in Moscow, the cannon of the German Leopard tank was demonstratively bent.
Video published by Bild
According to the newspaper, of the 21 Leopard 2A6 tanks at the disposal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, only half are now in working order. The rest are so damaged or worn out that they cannot be used in combat.
Video published by Bild
According to the newspaper, of the 21 Leopard 2A6 tanks at the disposal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, only half are now in working order. The rest are so damaged or worn out that they cannot be used in combat.
Forwarded from Poison Frogs
From the above article:
"This is further corroboration to something I’ve written about many times before as well: the fact that Russia is building strategic reserves and stores for a potential NATO conflict that could take place directly after or even concurrently with the Ukrainian one. NATO is clearly signaling escalation to “save” Ukraine, which is why Shoigu called up an entirely second army of 500k+ for that very contingency. Now, Russia is also building up stores for that army in case it needs to actually clash with NATO in the near future. Either way, it’s simply revealing of how much munitions Russia is producing that even despite the high usage in the Ukraine front, it’s still generating a vast surplus."
"This is further corroboration to something I’ve written about many times before as well: the fact that Russia is building strategic reserves and stores for a potential NATO conflict that could take place directly after or even concurrently with the Ukrainian one. NATO is clearly signaling escalation to “save” Ukraine, which is why Shoigu called up an entirely second army of 500k+ for that very contingency. Now, Russia is also building up stores for that army in case it needs to actually clash with NATO in the near future. Either way, it’s simply revealing of how much munitions Russia is producing that even despite the high usage in the Ukraine front, it’s still generating a vast surplus."
Ob največjem delavskem prazniku jena mestu vprašanje, ali je marksistična teorija danes še relevantna? Kratek odgovor na to vprašanje se glasi: vsekakor. Marx je ponudil najbolj pronicljivo analizo kapitalizma, kar jih imamo. - Objektivno. Odkrito. Točno.
1. maj: Zakaj je Karl Marx danes še vedno zelo aktualen?
V zadnjih letih smo priče številnim kritikam in celo zasmehovanju dela Karla Marxa. Ob največjem delavskem prazniku je zato na mestu vprašanje, ali je marksistična teorija danes še relevantna?
Najnovejši vojaški uspehi Rusije niso presenečenje, pravi strokovnjak z Münchenske univerze Bundeswehra Carlo Masala in ocenjuje, da se bo ukrajinska vojska morala kmalu umakniti vse do Kramatorska. - Objektivno. Odkrito. Točno.
Zmerna katastrofa: Nemški vojaški strokovnjak napoveduje umik
Ukrajinske oborožene sile se bodo morale umakniti vse do Kramatorska, da bi se izognile preboju fronte, je oznanil Carlo Masala, strokovnjak z univerze Bundeswehra v Münchnu.
Forwarded from Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives
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