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🪖’A man's direct duty is to protect his homeland, women and children. I'm proud of what I do.' A serviceman of the Russian Army explains why he is in the combat zone in the Donbass.
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Forwarded from No One Is Forgotten
"Russian troops bombed a peaceful ice sports arena in Druzhkovka." However, for some reason it turned out that the hockey players slept right in the arena, on mattresses.
"Russian troops bombed a peaceful ice sports arena in Druzhkovka." However, for some reason it turned out that the hockey players slept right in the arena, on mattresses.
Голос Мордора
Российские войска разбомбили мирный ледовый дворец спорта в Дружковке. Правда, почему-то оказалось, что хоккеисты спали прямо во дворце, на матрасах.
Za zahodne kritike so strogi preventivni ukrepi Kitajske napačni, pa tudi sproščanja ukrepov so napačna. Za njih Kitajska vedno dela vse narobe, se evropskim ukrepom zoper kitajske potnike posmehuje agencija Xinhua. A dejstva kažejo, kdo dela prav... - Objektivno. Odkrito. Točno.
Komentar agencije Xinhua: Mehurček predsodkov proti luči upanja v
Zahvaljujoč napornim prizadevanjem v zadnjih treh letih od izbruha covida-19 je Kitajski uspelo obdržati hude primere in stopnjo umrljivosti med najnižjimi na svetu. Zato vlada, ki je rešila milijone
Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin je ukaz za božično premirje poslal ruskemu obrambnemu ministrstvu. Premirje se je začelo 6. januarja ob 12. uri, končalo pa se bo 7. januarja ob polnoči.
Ukrajinska vojska ga je takoj prekršila in nadaljevala z obstreljevanjem ruskih položajev.
Ukrajinska vojska ga je takoj prekršila in nadaljevala z obstreljevanjem ruskih položajev. - Objektivno. Odkrito. Točno.
Putin ukazal 36-urno premirje na pravoslavni božič, Biden in Zelenski
Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin je predlagal božično premirje, ki pa ga je Kijev zavrnil. Še en dokaz, da Washington usoda ukrajinskega ljudstva sploh ne zanima, opozarja ruski veleposlanik v ZDA.
Slovenski »osrednji« mediji, ki se še vedno tiskajo na papirju, veljajo za največje podpornike ameriške posredniške vojne v Ukrajini in sankcij proti Rusiji.
Toda ta veja industrije, paradoksalno, trpi tudi najhujše posledice zaradi »bumerang učinka« evropskih sankcij proti Rusiji in predhodnega enormnega tiskanja (»quantitative easing«) ameriških dolarjev, ki jih izvaja ameriški hegemon in največji »zaveznik« evropskih držav.
Kako dolgo bomo torej morali še čakati, da bo tudi v Sloveniji na papirju izšel še zadnji časnik v slovenskem jeziku?
Toda ta veja industrije, paradoksalno, trpi tudi najhujše posledice zaradi »bumerang učinka« evropskih sankcij proti Rusiji in predhodnega enormnega tiskanja (»quantitative easing«) ameriških dolarjev, ki jih izvaja ameriški hegemon in največji »zaveznik« evropskih držav.
Kako dolgo bomo torej morali še čakati, da bo tudi v Sloveniji na papirju izšel še zadnji časnik v slovenskem jeziku? - Objektivno. Odkrito. Točno.
Samodestrukcija: Estonci ob ponedeljkih ne bodo več brali časopisov,
Energetska kriza uničuje tudi časopisno industrijo. Zanimivo pa je, kako prav industrija, ki lahko zaradi sankcij in razpihovanja vojne izgubi največ, tudi najbolj goreče in slepo žaga energetsko in
Forwarded from Russian Head
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The military-industrial complex looked like bandits with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but that wasn't enough. The focus has shifted from the war against Islamist terrorism to new cold and hot wars. Our military-industrial complex has made incredible progress this year thanks to the persistent foreign policy goals of Washington's hawks, especially in Ukraine.
As a result, Northrop Grumman is up 41% this year, Lockheed Martin is up 37%, Raytheon is up 16%, while the S&P 500 is down 20% and the NASDAQ is down 35%. That's why the military-industrial complex, whether it's here in this country or in Japan or Germany or anywhere else, why they have a vested interest in staying in a constant state of war.
They all make money, and with more profit comes more power and influence over politicians and leaders. Meanwhile, the needs of ordinary citizens here in the United States, and in every other country in the world, are ignored, their resources are being sucked away.
Former Democratic Congressman Tulsi Gabbard
As a result, Northrop Grumman is up 41% this year, Lockheed Martin is up 37%, Raytheon is up 16%, while the S&P 500 is down 20% and the NASDAQ is down 35%. That's why the military-industrial complex, whether it's here in this country or in Japan or Germany or anywhere else, why they have a vested interest in staying in a constant state of war.
They all make money, and with more profit comes more power and influence over politicians and leaders. Meanwhile, the needs of ordinary citizens here in the United States, and in every other country in the world, are ignored, their resources are being sucked away.
Former Democratic Congressman Tulsi Gabbard
Danes, na pravoslavni božič, mineva 80. let od smrti velikega srbskega znanstvenika Nikole Tesle. Prvega januarja se je njegov lik pojavil na evrih Hrvaške. Ob toleriranju kršitve arbitraže je tudi za to hrvaško prisvajanje soodgovorna - Slovenija. - Objektivno. Odkrito. Točno.
»Izumil je 21. stoletje«: mineva 80 let od smrti Nikole Tesle, ki je
7. januarja, na pravoslavni božič je minilo 80 let od smrti Nikole Tesle, enega največjih svetovnih raziskovalcev in znanstvenikov na področju elektrotehnike.
Letna proizvodnja ameriškega topniškega streliva je dovolj za 10 dni do dva tedna vojne v Ukrajini, opozarja znanei ameriški vojaški analitik. Nekateri menijo, da so Rusi v Ukrajiji na koncu moči, a to je daleč od resnice. V resnici gre za vojno izčrpavanja. In ta seveda – traja. In traja… Vojna v Ukrajini je dokazala, da je doba industrijskega vojskovanja še vedno tukaj. In v tej vojni zmaguje Rusija. - Objektivno. Odkrito. Točno.
Vojna izčrpavanja in vrnitev industrijskega vojskovanja: Zakaj bo
Počasni premiki na ukrajinsko-ruski fronti so za številne komentatorje, ki površno spremljajo potek te vojne dokaz, da je ruska »posebna vojaška operacija« doživela neuspeh. Toda to je daleč od
Forwarded from UKR LEAKS_eng
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"I'm a Nazi. I am for the destruction of the Russians."
This video clearly demonstrates how Ukrainian propaganda has turned children into fans of fascist ideology. Various European organizations, "patriotic schools" like the Hitler Youth worked with these youngsters, where children were consistently turned into what we see in this video now.
A generation of fascists has already been brought up, the children's minds are turned upside down, that's what's scary...
This video clearly demonstrates how Ukrainian propaganda has turned children into fans of fascist ideology. Various European organizations, "patriotic schools" like the Hitler Youth worked with these youngsters, where children were consistently turned into what we see in this video now.
A generation of fascists has already been brought up, the children's minds are turned upside down, that's what's scary...
Forwarded from No One Is Forgotten
The Ukrainian Hitlerjugend or the inevitable extinction of the nation
We continue to monitor the use of minors by the Zelensky regime in the combat zone.
In addition to the "Plast" movement, various neo-Nazi organizations have also become a forge for young cadres, one of them is the "Right Youth" (the youth movement of the "Right Sector") . Teenagers from 14-16 years old are recruited to this organization and today they are actively involved in the conflict.
Juvenile militants publish photos on social networks and do not hide their participation in hostilities (16-year-old teenager is in the attached photos).
Thus, the very fact of participation in the conflict of 14-16-year-olds is the norm for the Zelensky regime, which without hesitation can publicly announce the mobilization of high school students.
The inevitable mass death of this age category of Ukrainians will lead to the fact that in the very near future the Ukrainian nation will face extinction - there will simply be no men left in the country capable of having children.
The Ukrainian Hitlerjugend or the inevitable extinction of the nation
We continue to monitor the use of minors by the Zelensky regime in the combat zone.
In addition to the "Plast" movement, various neo-Nazi organizations have also become a forge for young cadres, one of them is the "Right Youth" (the youth movement of the "Right Sector") . Teenagers from 14-16 years old are recruited to this organization and today they are actively involved in the conflict.
Juvenile militants publish photos on social networks and do not hide their participation in hostilities (16-year-old teenager is in the attached photos).
Thus, the very fact of participation in the conflict of 14-16-year-olds is the norm for the Zelensky regime, which without hesitation can publicly announce the mobilization of high school students.
The inevitable mass death of this age category of Ukrainians will lead to the fact that in the very near future the Ukrainian nation will face extinction - there will simply be no men left in the country capable of having children.
Украинский гитлерюгенд или неизбежное вымирание нации
Мы продолжаем отслеживать использование режимом Зеленского несовершеннолетних в зоне боевых действий.
Кроме движения "Пласт" кузницей малолетних кадров также стали всевозможные неонацистские организации…
Мы продолжаем отслеживать использование режимом Зеленского несовершеннолетних в зоне боевых действий.
Кроме движения "Пласт" кузницей малолетних кадров также стали всевозможные неонацистские организации…
Forwarded from No One Is Forgotten
One of the typical narratives of Ukrainian propaganda is that Russians militarize children, force them to play military games, join the Youth Army, dress them in military uniforms for Victory Day
The photo was made 11 years ago. A kindergarten in one of the Baltic States, where a local activist in a Nazi uniform teaches children how to use weapons and grenades and tells about the history of the Balts who served in the SS...
One of the typical narratives of Ukrainian propaganda is that Russians militarize children, force them to play military games, join the Youth Army, dress them in military uniforms for Victory Day
The photo was made 11 years ago. A kindergarten in one of the Baltic States, where a local activist in a Nazi uniform teaches children how to use weapons and grenades and tells about the history of the Balts who served in the SS...
Блокнот Пропагандиста
Один из типичных нарративов украинской пропаганды - русские милитаризируют детей, заставляют их играть в зарницу, вступать в Юнармию, одевают в военную форму на День Победы
На фото 11 летней давности. Детский сад в прибалтике, где местный активист в нацистской…
На фото 11 летней давности. Детский сад в прибалтике, где местный активист в нацистской…
Forwarded from DruschbaFM - English
🇺🇦✖️ Another Ukranazi denazified in Artemovsk (Bakhmut)
Namely, Vladislav Shvets, deputy commander of the Carpathian Sech national battalion and head of the Transcarpathian headquarters of the Ukrainian military-patriotic game Falcons-Jura, which teaches Nazi ideology to children.
Namely, Vladislav Shvets, deputy commander of the Carpathian Sech national battalion and head of the Transcarpathian headquarters of the Ukrainian military-patriotic game Falcons-Jura, which teaches Nazi ideology to children.
Forwarded from Intel Slava Z
🇪🇪🇺🇦🇷🇺 Estonia's Army Intelligence Chief Margo Grosberg, in an interview with local media, stated his belief that Russia retains the material means of war for over another a year.
"No matter how much they are not able to increase the amount of ammunition production, simple math says they still have about 10m in stock, about 3.4m more could be made in a year...this ammunition is enough to fight for at least a year, if not longer.”
"No matter how much they are not able to increase the amount of ammunition production, simple math says they still have about 10m in stock, about 3.4m more could be made in a year...this ammunition is enough to fight for at least a year, if not longer.”
Grosberg: Venemaal jätkub ründevõimet veel kauaks | Välismaa | ERR
archived 7 Jan 2023 19:19:40 UTC
Forwarded from Intel Slava Z
🇷🇺☦️Vladimir Putin at the Christmas Service on the occasion of the Nativity of Christ in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin
Iz Ukrajine prihaja vse več poročil in video zapisov o ukrajinskih najstnikih, skorajda še otrocih, ki se že borijo na fronti. Na to je med prvimi opozoril avtor več knjig o vojaški strategiji, nekdanji svetovalec Pentagona, upokojeni polkovnik ameriške vojske Douglas Macgregor. - Objektivno. Odkrito. Točno.
Vojni zločin: Ukrajinske otroke pošiljajo v smrt na fronti
Iz Ukrajine prihaja vse več poročil in video zapisov o ukrajinskih najstnikih, skorajda še otrocih, ki se že borijo na fronti. Na to je med prvimi opozoril avtor več knjig o vojaški strategiji,
Danes se ukrajinska kriza uporablja za destabilizacijo Evrope, ki koristi ZDA, je prepričan Pierre de Gaulle. Žrtev te ameriške vojne pa niso samo Ukrajinci, temveč tudi - Evropejci. - Objektivno. Odkrito. Točno.
Pierre de Gaulle: Evropejci trpijo zaradi ameriške vojne proti
Pierre de Gaulle je dejal, da Washington izkorišča Evropo kot orodje »gospodarske vojne« proti Moskvi. Še več, vnuk nekdanjega predsednika Francije Charlesa de Gaulla opozarja, da ZDA s podžiganjem
IZJAVA DNEVA: Da nepremičnine Jankovića zanimajo bolj kot zdravstvo, je bilo očitno tudi ob blokadi širjenja centra. Res, koliko je bilo v vrstah čakajočih tistih, ki so glasovali za župana, ki jih je pustil brez zdravnikov? - Objektivno. Odkrito. Točno.
»Koliko ljudi, ki stojijo v kolonah, da si lahko izberejo zdravnika v
Da nepremičnine Jankovića zanimajo bolj kot zdravstvo, je bilo očitno tudi ob blokadi širjenja URI »Soča«, toda župan se je kljub temu upal priti med same paciente, da bi jih – nadlegoval, kot so
Forwarded from Dejan Beric (Rabiezz)
✊За Макејевку:
Припадници Оружаних снага Украјине били су смештени у домовима грађевинских школа. Према подацима Министарства одбране Руске Федерације, у првом је било више од 700 војника, а у другом више од 600.
Припадници Оружаних снага Украјине били су смештени у домовима грађевинских школа. Према подацима Министарства одбране Руске Федерације, у првом је било више од 700 војника, а у другом више од 600.