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Wayfarer = Edit/remove nominations!

You can now post-edit or remove your nominations! Yay u/derf_vader they did it!
Upgrade Next??

Ok, I'll be captain obvious. This feature is broken. Does anyone here have any information on what is going on and more importantly what is going on with outstanding upgrades? This has the potential to be a great feature. I think a lot of the community has lost a lot of faith in Niantic and think our upgrades maybe in jeopardy of being lost.

If anyone has anything to add, please do so.
Attention: You can lost an Upgrade with Upgrade next option!


you have zero Upgrades and two open portal submissions which already received an upgrade.

you flag one of these submissions by mistake as upgrade next

after you receive an new upgrade he automaticly take it and put it to the "upgrade next" portal which already received an upgrade


this is an Bug! A Portal Submission which received an Upgrade should not be able to flag as upgrade next!
L10 and Wayfarer

Seeing as Level 10s can access Wayfarer, is there any plan for making the nominations section available?

It would be really useful to see where our submissions are up to!
Ummmm...this could be an issue
Moronic Monday - (10/14/2019) - Your weekly questions thread!

Welcome to the **Moronic Monday Question Thread!** No Ingress related question is too stupid. If you've been too embarrassed to make a self post, here's your opportunity! This post resets every Monday and is stickied all week. For your assistance, helpful links are included below.
**Important note about agent verification-** Agent verification is currently disabled. You do not need to get verified. In fact there is no way that you even can get verified! If you read something that says you need to be verified or if someone tells you that you need to be verified, you can ignore them.
**How do I get my Faction and Agent Level to appear next to my Reddit username?** That's called "flair." This subreddit has it's own flair. To choose your flair, first find and click on [the "edit" button next to your username on the sidebar]( You will need to be in the desktop view of Reddit in order to view this option. Then, [select your flair]( and click "save." That's it!

**Helpful Links**

1. [Empty control fields and how they happen.]( AKA - "Why is this not a field?"
2. ["How did a player put more than 1 L8 resonator on a portal?"]( AKA: "How did a player put more than two mods on a portal?" A. They used a Jarvis Virus or an ADA Refactor. Editor's Note: See section "Effect"
3. ["Why do some players ONLY put one resonator on a portal?"](
3.1 ["Why do some players leave portals unclaimed?"](
4. Q. “I am ENL, what good is an ADA Refactor?” A. Turn a friendly portal blue, breaking all links to said portal. This allows you to clear friendly links if they are blocking your plans. A RES agent can do the same with a Jarvis. (See link \#2 above)
5. [Fev Games Ingress Game Guide.](
6. [Glyph Hacking and the Command Channel explained.](
7. [Official Ingress Help Page.](
7.1 [Enlightened Starter Guide.](
7.2 [Resistance Starter Guide.](
7.3 [Alexa Mayer's famous "Smurfling Lessons]( Up to date. If you are Enlightened, simply reverse the colors in your mind.
8. [/r/Ingress Unofficial Wiki]( and [FAQ.](
8.1 [Wikia Ingress Wiki.](
9. [DeCode Ingress's Ingress Manual.]( (No longer updated.)
10. Where do Passcodes come from? [Niantic releases them in several different places for different reasons.](
10.1 **UPDATED LINK** List of [active passcodes]( that can (possibly) be redeemed by every agent one time.
10.2 How to [redeem passcodes.]( (Please note, not every passcode is guaranteed to work! Also, iPhone agents can only redeem passcodes on the Intel map.)
11. Want to do your own decoding? Check out []( a blog with methods and tips.
12. LORE: [Investigate Ingress]( is the official lore and backstory website/blog. Get caught up by reading their
["History of the Investigation"]( summary. Also checkout /u/MuMuMusings1331's
12.2 [The Niantic Investigation: Abridged]( (blog updated regularly) and
12.3 /r/TheNianticProject for lore discussion!
13. Need help making layered fields? Check out [Ingress Maxfield]( and/or /r/IngressMaxField. There's lots of great YouTube videos too.
13.1 [This one]( is a classic standard.
13.2 [This video on fan fields]( is a more recent iteration and perhaps easier to understand explanation from /u/SurprisedPotato.
14. What is Win-Trading? Win-trading is when players from opposite factions collude to score points. [Here's some examples of what is and what is not win-trading](

**I'm new! Help!!!**

"I don't know what faction to choose,"
"I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing,"
"Everything around me is super high level and I can't do anything!!"
Advice to these and similar questions can be found in the following highlighted responses and the other comments in these threads:

* [Don't fret, it's actually good if you are surrounded by enemies](
* [Deploy, deploy, deploy.](
* [Check the Intel Map to find unclaimed portals.](
* [Long-Press Fire, Long-Press Hack, Long-Press Recharge.](
* [Long-Press Hack - slowing it down.](
* [Portal submissions are back!]( Submissions are [available for players who are L10+]( There is currently a limit of 14 portal submissions that each have a 13 day clock. 13 days after you make each submission, [you get that submission back]( Long-press on the game map to toggle a new submission. Note [the default location of your submission is where you press on the map, not your GPS location]( Please use the “Confirm Location” map provided in the submission page to locate your portal submission in the correct location!
* Portal submissions are reviewed through a crowd source portal review system called ["Operation Portal Recon."]( OPR allows agents to review existing portal submissions and recommend they be accepted or rejected. OPR available to agents L12+. Agents have been curating [a comprehensive guidance document]( based on feedback provided by Niantic through various sources including AMA's. This document should be helpful to both portal submitters and reviewers.
* If the Google Street View near your portal submission is out of date it is recommended that you add a Photo Sphere using Google's Street View app of the area BEFORE submitting the portal to provide an updated steetview to reviewers.
* No, you CANNOT change how wild XM (random XM clusters) appear on the map. [XM clusters were generated from cellphone usage data that is now a few years old.]( There has been recent evidence that [XM distribution is getting tweaked](
comments/54r67s/new_xm_locations/) but there's not enough evidence to know if it can be influenced in any way by Agents.
* Don't forget, ["You're not outnumbered, you are in a target-rich environment!"](
* The best way to gain AP is to [simply play the game.]( Fully deploy, full mods, make many small fields, and you'll earn lots of AP.
* Q: What is an XM Anomaly Series? A: [Lots of fun!](
* Q: How long do dropped items stay on the map? A: [They will last until someone picks them up or decay after 12 hours passes, whichever comes first]( During Anomaly weekends the decay timer for dropped items reduces to 30 minutes.

**Posts on Inter-faction Dynamics**

- [Treat other players how you would like to be treated.]( It's much harder to do than it sounds.
- [Don't be your local "Ingress Police".]( It's tempting to want to look for and catch cheaters. Or cheat because you are "pretty sure" the other guys cheat. That's not a path I'd recommend.
- And in the end, it's generally more fun when your team is able "to play friendly" because you remember that [the people on the other side of the scanner are people too.](

**Has your question has already been asked and answered? Check out /r/IngressMoronicMonday, the Moronic Monday question thread repository.**

**Final Notes**
If you find conflicting info in these above links, it could be due to out of date information in one or more sources (the game is constantly evolving) or it could be due to event specific actions. It's very likely someone can provide clarification in the comments.
Also, if you have ideas for additional content for this preamble, **please make your suggestion below!**
Prime Never Notified Me That I Got It but I'm Still Glad to Have Gotten It After 3.3 Years. Hopefully I'll Be Notified When I Reach Onyx in Another 3.3 Years!
Wtf is Brian Rose wearing? A body condom?
Niantic Street Sweeper still active?

Im testing droppimg a key, and when checking after an hour it's not there. When will situation be like normal again?
Wayfarer - Getting the same Submission again and again

Is it just me or do i get some portal reviews twice?

i swear i reviewed the same one the fourth time in the last two days. everytime the same location and Text.

i am confused. is it a Error in the Matrix?
Genuine (?) Question To All Those Choosing Year 7 As Their Rage Quit Year.
This anti-facial recognicion mask looks like some recent badges..
I think this is a 1* for Mass Produced Art. Change My Mind.



EDIT: The submission is "Mama Mary Grotto".
Thank you for the downvote for a serious question.
Mission tool still unavailable to those who created accounts with Facebook login

It's been ages since Niantic allowed account creation with Facebook, and the mission tool is still unavailable to those who use that to login. Even adding a google account, unlinking facebook, etc, still unavailable. It's pretty ridiculous.
About this past weekend...
I identified and got 300 bots banned in the US in about a year from late 2017 to early 2019. I had a 95% ban success rate on my reports. Botmasters' primary, original accounts were also banned because of my work. AMA.

I'm losing interest in the game because NIA is incompetent, and bots are dead for the foreseeable future, so here goes:

Over the course of about a year (late 2017 to early 2019), I identified and got about 300 automated glyph hacking bots banned in the US. I also got several botmasters banned.

I would guess these were Ganess bots. I'm guessing this because the primary, original accounts that were banned were for people who were sort of technical, but not really. They were not technical enough to write their own software or bots. At best, I would describe them as script kiddies, but even that is being generous.

How did I identify and track these bots?

1. I would watch to see what new players joined the game, such as "XYZ completed training" or "XYZ captured their first portal"
2. I wrote a basic script to silently look up their stats once an hour. This script did not "ping" them in COMMs. The bots and bot operators had no idea I was looking at them.
3. If I saw their AP increased by about 10,000+ every hour for hours on end, but I saw no COMM activity from them, then they were reported.

I was not a trusted reporter as far as I knew, but I had about a 95% successful ban rate on my reports.

Several "real life" level 16 accounts (100M+ AP) were also banned as NIA discovered they were behind the bots.