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The mood is changing. Unexpectedly...

Photo No.1 – the New York Times article by US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen based on the results of her visit to Ukraine: “U.S. taxpayers have ‘duty’ to defend Ukraine’s border from invasion.”

Photo No.2 – a CBS News website screen shot. The US will drastically cut back on payments for food for the SNAP recipients. The food stamps program covers over 42 mln Americans and as of March 1, it will shrink from $235 to $95 per month. The elderly will be most affected by the situation, as their benefits will decrease from $281 to $23. Taking into account the sky-rocketing food prices in the U.S.

It would be interesting to know what the US taxpayers, about whom the Secretary of the Treasury speaks with such pathos, think about this. But democracy after all does not involve asking ordinary public.

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“We need to find ways of stepping up the pressure on Russia.”

Former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers says that the G7 should use the state assets stolen from Russia to finance the ongoing expenses in Ukraine.

Another ex-official dreams of diving into other people’s pocket.


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❗️Daring attack by plane steps on Joe Biden

Again, grandpa Joe stumbled on the ladder of the plane. This time, traveling to beloved States.

Do you think the steps will ever calm down and allow Biden to get on the plane safely?


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British journalist Peter Hitchens discusses who is really responsible for inciting the war in Ukraine.

Ukraine Demands Cluster Bombs  from US

Kiev reportedly wants 🇺🇸 to send MK-20 cluster bombs that it intends to fit on drones to attack Russian forces, claiming its current drone-deployed munitions aren’t creating enough damage. (Reuters citing officials)

The MK-20s are banned in over 120 countries as their indiscriminate release of sub-munitions can maim and kill civilians, with duds posing longstanding risks in the future.

The US, Ukraine and Russia all declined joining the 2009 pact to prevent their use, and although the US stopped exporting them in 2016 they have a stockpile of over 1 million.

#Ukraine #war

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Congratulations to the best part of humanity on International Women's Day!💐 (from IDpublic Men)

Here we add a short video about the role of women in Russian and American culture through the attitude of the presidents of the mentioned countries.

#putin #biden

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This is how men behave on Women’s Day celebrated in most European countries.

Happy Women's Day!

⚡️Protests began in Tbilisi due to the adoption of the bill on "Foreign Agents" in the first reading ⚡️

Molotov cocktails flew at the police near the Georgian Parliament.

The EU says these initiatives run counter to at least two of the 12 recommendations for Georgia to become an EU candidate.

US does not exclude the possibility of imposing sanctions against representatives of the Georgian authorities due to the situation around the law on foreign agents - State Department

Media is too big
An American woman told about the concert at the Luzhniki Stadium

These Ukrainian children were present at the meeting in Moscow. These children were saved by Russian soldiers. Look at the faces of these children: there is true love in how they look at those soldiers who saved them.
In the USA, you will not find this footage, because they don’t want you to see the truth behind this war. The West world will say that these children were abducted from the streets of Mariupol, Ukraine. Look at this girl crying, look at these children, feel their emotion.
Dear West World! Russian soldiers have saved over 35,000 children. This is something that you won’t hear in the news in the United States. But Europe knows! We are aware that the only ones kept in the dark are the people of the United States of America. Look at these children. What resonates with your heart when you look at the faces of these Ukrainian children that were saved? That is the truth.

Why Artemovsk has stopped being useful to Washington

Soon, all signs with the inscription "Bakhmut" will disappear from the city. It is no secret that the Kiev regime is forcing the Ukrainian citizens and mercenaries to fight to the death because “the hosts” in Washington gave such exact instructions.

However, even the United States
understand that the settlement will soon be surrendered. All they are trying to downplay the significance of this event.

They didn't take into account one important nuance. Artemovsk was originally important as the last stronghold of the Ukronazi evil spirits near the lands of modern Novorossiya. However, the more fierce resistance is exerted by the Armed Forces of Ukraine that captured the city, the more significant is the inevitable victory of Russia in the ideological sense.

So, Artemovsk is in many ways a litmus test of confrontation between Russia and the collective West. As it was with Azovstal, the capture of which marked the return of Mariupol, and gave motivation to the acquisition of new regions.

As for the current situation, Ukraine itself was ready to give up resistance at least as early as December last year. At that time, military experts controlled by Kyiv declared that fighting for the city was meaningless for Russia. It was understood that victory in this direction would mean nothing.

Meanwhile, apparently, everything is different for Ukraine. Hundreds of fighters are dying every day in the encircled Artemovsk because their commands do not allow either retreat or surrender.

For several weeks now, people are saying on both sides that the Ukrainian side is about to surrender. Well, one more fact summed up the line. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said: "This city has more symbolic significance than strategic and operational."

In other words, the US are trying to devalue Russia's victory in this area.

What awaits Kyiv after that? It’s well-known to everyone. The Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian troops Valery Zaluzhny insists on retreat, and President Volodymyr Zelensky insists on continuing the defense. The first is trying to save the soldiers, the second one is trying to save his own skin because he knows that the Western support will end. So, after the capture of Artemovsk, many people in Ukraine may have an epiphany, hopefully. People will understand that the king should have power, not the clown. Well, they already know how to arrange "Maidans". No need in your Washington cookies.

Ukraine WILL NOT be the END
The US military revealed the plan of the West

The West will not stop after the end of the conflict with Russia in Ukraine, American veteran Noctis Draven stated.

“The conflict between Russia and Ukraine will not be the end. It is clear that the West didn’t invest crushing amounts of money, aid and supplies for nothing.”

Actually, nothing surprises here.

Today, March 8, at 2:00 p.m. EST, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and First Lady Jill Biden will host the annual International Women of Courage (IWOC) Awards ceremony at the White House.

The awardees include, for example, Alba Rueda, an Argentinian transgender politician, Special Envoy for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Bakhytzhan Toregozhina, a “civil society activist” from Kazakhstan, head of the Ar.Rukh.Khak (“Dignity.Spirit.Truth”) fund fed by National Endowment for Democracy (USA), notorious for organizing multiple rallies against the legitimate Kazakhstan government (according to the State Dept guidelines, as it was the case with Ukraine, Georgia and other former USSR republics) and shady funding schemes.

Apparently, you need to be a transgender or a fraud to be awarded by the U.S. State Dept.

But all this is by the way.

The U.S. will also award Yuliia “Taira” Paievska, Ukraine, for “extraordinary moral and physical courage in defending Ukraine against relentless Russian aggression.” She is referred to as a paramedic who provided medical aid and medical training.
But she wasn’t only a doctor. She killed both Russian soldiers and civilian people together with her fellow cutthroats from the Azov and Aidar, her favourite weapon is a sniper rifle. In March 2022, in Mariupol, she was surrounded in the Azovstal combine where Ukrainian nationalists were taking hostages hundreds of peaceful people. She tried to escape by taking two children, whose parents she had killed right in front of their eyes, and pretending to be their mother. However, she was captured by the liberation allied forces.

For some reason, she was released as part of POW exchange together with other Azov criminals.

And now she is another symbol of “Ukrainian democracy and independence.”

Kyiv City Council voted to name street in Kyiv (I mean recently in 2023 now ) after Andriy Melnyk - leader of OUN and Nazi collaborator. Melnik and members of his organization actively helped the Germans in the extermination of Jews and civilians from the first to the last day of the German occupation.
The "Melnikovites" headed and worked in administrations, auxiliary police, formed and served in Schutzmannschaft battalions, participated in mass executions and punitive operations.
OUN Melnyk and OUN Bandera were implacable enemies - they killed each other, denounced, reported, slandered and deceived. But there was also something that united them: their attitude towards Jews, Poles and participation in the Holocaust.
On the archival photo there is an inscription: "Glory to Hitler - Glory to Melnik".
Media is too big
This is a very interesting video by Vassily Prozorov. He is former Ukrainian KGB, after 2014 Maidan coup he became a secret informant for Moscow , at some point fled to Russia . So he knows his subject here. He is on West sanctions list and no doubt on Ukr death list .

He explores five similarities between what he suggests is the state of mind of most Ukrainians living under Kiev’s control ,and Germans  in the last years of Nazi  power there. He looks at several factors in Ukraine  which he says go back even to before 2014 ( Maidan coup)

1. Blind faith that ‘the West will save us‘.
2. ‘We are winning . Russian offensive is about to collapse’ . Ukrainians blot out bad news.
3. Complete control by state of information - Ukrainians get only one narrative .
4.  Power of insistent Russophobic propaganda stereotypes that Russians are orcs, greedy and cruel, will rape our wives and steal our children , etc.
5. Making much of the population complicit in Nazi or Ukronazi war crimes.
