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Don't trust anyone who constantly blackpills. It means their analysis is weak and superficial.

It's one thing to look ugliness in the face, sometimes we need to be reminded of why we fight. But it's quite another to draw dumb conclusions from it. Your grandchildren will look back on your enemies with disgust.
Many in the West cling to the idea that individualism is a core and enduring part of the European identity. History and philosophy, however, tell a different story.

Individualism is vastly overblown as a supposedly inherent feature of Europeans, and it is anything but permanent. It is something very new, done to us only recently. And what was done can be undone—especially if only recently. What is great in us is great because of our folkhood, not because of our individuality.

Boys, your reviews have helped get Tristan's book Germanic Theology Vol. I up on the Amazon rankings and stay there.


Please take 5 minutes and rate or review the book. Every Amazon buyer who finds us goes down a deep rabbit hole, and not just on this topic.

You are helping to redpill people.
Now available on Amazon — HAGAKURE: The Way of the Samurai

Also available in hardcover through our Patronage Program.
We will have a big sale this weekend on linocuts. Some are already out of stock, but many are still available.

This is the best opportunity to score one while they're still here.
Forwarded from Kulture Dads

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The guitar is the sound of the 20th century, at least the second half. And the ultimate creative form of this medium is the guitar riff. As a vehicle for songwriting it is unmatched. Mike and Dave take you through their favourite guitar riffs of all time, breaking down what makes them iconic.
Folks who have not heard of the Conservative Revolution in Weimar Germany have a very deep and fruitful rabbit hole to go down. Truthfully it could be considered the dissident right of its time.

Counter-Currents did a great overview of this movement, spotlighting two of our authors (and more to come): Edgar Julius Jung and Arthur Moeller van den Bruck.