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The classics department of the future
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Forwarded from Red Ice TV
Our ancestors carved in stone, messages that have been left for thousands of years, for us to be able to read to this day. Today we are essentially a culture of nonsensical "tags" done with spray paint that will fade within a year or two. With the exception of a few remarkable architectural achievements, most things we produce today will be gone and forgotten probably within a generation or two.

What are you doing today that will leave a mark? Something that you descendants will be able to see and take part of? Something that speaks to them about the actions you took and your accomplishments?

Today we are told we can't even leave a "carbon footprint," I say leave the biggest footprint you possibly can. Make a mark on this world. Something that you will be remembered for. When you do, you will live forever. Be bold. Take risks.
Forwarded from Intel Slava Z
๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ This is quite something: South Korea Defense Minister Shin Won-sik says "we must firmly say 'no'!" to South Korea getting involved on the side of the US in a war over Taiwan.
I mentioned in my Korean fertility article (part II) that South Korea may realign with China as its commitment to liberalism forces it along a path toward extinction:

These solutions would of course mean decoupling from American influence, at a bare minimum. Practically, it would mean realignment with China and becoming a hermit state, perhaps even reunification with North Korea. In the current international global order no such policies would be tolerated. However that order is breaking down as the default state of multipolarity returns, and Americaโ€™s influence wanes.

This would be a logical first step in that direction.
Forwarded from The Golden One
๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ“š New Book-Review!

Germanic Theology Volume I: Poetic Edda โ€“ The Lays of the Gods by Tristan Powers

๐Ÿ”นSexual Morality
๐Ÿ”ธOur Lady Freya
๐Ÿ”นGothic Order
๐Ÿ”ธMagically Gifted Norse Queens
๐Ÿ”นRรญgsรพula, Odin, Heimdall

๐Ÿ“– Read the review here:
Forwarded from Kulture Dads
๐ŸŽ™ NEW Kulture Dads โ€” TED K AND LUDDISM

๐Ÿ‘‰ Get it HERE

Ted Kaczynski casts a shadow within the radical right. Although he's not our guy, his assessments of modern society have proven influential. What's more, the luddism he represents (albeit more peaceful) has a strong current that runs through our thing. The KDADS use the 2021 biopic of Ted to investigate luddism, giving a fair shake to its strengths and weaknesses.
Forwarded from Counter-Currents
Counter-Currents just survived yet another round of deplatforming. This time we were debanked. Fortunately, we quickly found a solution, but unfortunately, in setting up our new system, we were not able to retain many of our existing recurring donations. So, alas, we must ask that all of you who were donating to us in this way initiate a new donation through our new system. And if you haven't been donating to Counter-Currents but were thinking of doing so, now is the time, as we don't know what might happen to us next. Please follow the link for details:
Beautiful pic of our Joseph de Maistre linocut by Alexander Adams. Nice frame too. Sent to us by a good friend.

Get this one and other Imperium exclusives here:
Folkishness is starting to make waves in the radical right. It claims to be the answer to the worst problems of modernity. But what is it? How is it different from identitarianism? Mike lays out its basic ideas in plain language.

Folkishness is just how people have always lived. They did what their forefathers did. They lived around people of shared blood. They worshipped the same gods. They spoke the same language. So, what in this is new? Why does it have a claim on our attention?

Starting Heathenry is a ritual-focused online course which will furnish you with the knowledge and confidence to practise the Heathen religion alone or with others, making wise decisions about worship based on reliable historical evidence. The course teaches you how to construct Heathen prayers for yourself, not according to the established rites of any modern group, but according to what historical sources show.

Starting Heathenry assumes you are interested in Germanic paganism, know about the gods and myths, and want to begin practising this religion, but require guidance on how to do so. It is based on a micro-learning structure which is proven to improve knowledge retention by 18-80% in students compared to other learning methods. The 10 lessons include over 50 videos, and quizzes to access from your phone or computer.

Access more than 5 hours of learning material bit by bit, as you please. A modern method of learning about an ancient religion.

Your path to knowing the gods through ritual starts here
Fascinating article that challenges some folkish ideas of localism, at least in art. Localism sounds good (and it is), but letโ€™s not kid ourselves, it will give rise to a mountain of mid-tier cultural production too.
Occasionally we have to discontinue certain books of ours for opsec reasons.

Tomorrow, we are going to bring one of them back.
Forwarded from Kulture Dads

๐Ÿ‘‰ Get it HERE

Do the meek really inherit the earth? Women's basketball is a tax writeoff in sports entertainment, but a player has come along who is so dominant that it makes the WNBA fun to watch. There's a problem thoughโ€”she's white and wholesome. So it's HOES MAD. In this episode we talk about the anti-whiteness against Caitlin Clark, and use that to launch into a deeper discussion about the underdog and its significance in our culture.