KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BBRI) dan PT Tower Bersama Bersama Infrastructure Tbk (TBIG) menyatakan siap melunasi obligasi yang jatuh tempo pada bulan April ini.
Asal tahu saja, Obligasi Berkelanjutan II Bank BRI Tahap II Tahun 2017 SERI B dengan kupon 8,1% itu bernilai hingga Rp 1,74 triliun. Adapun tanggal jatuh temponya pada 12 April 2020. Sementara itu, Obligasi berkelanjutan II Tower Bersama Infra Tahap II Tahun 2017 bernilai Rp 700 miliar. Obligasi dengan kupon 8,75% itu akan jatuh tempo pada 21 April 2020.
*BBRI dan TBIG menyiapkan dana untuk melunasi obligasi jatuh tempo April 2020*
KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BBRI) dan PT Tower Bersama Bersama Infrastructure Tbk (TBIG) menyatakan siap melunasi obligasi yang jatuh tempo pada bulan April ini.
Asal tahu saja, Obligasi Berkelanjutan II Bank BRI Tahap II Tahun 2017 SERI B dengan kupon 8,1% itu bernilai hingga Rp 1,74 triliun. Adapun tanggal jatuh temponya pada 12 April 2020. Sementara itu, Obligasi berkelanjutan II Tower Bersama Infra Tahap II Tahun 2017 bernilai Rp 700 miliar. Obligasi dengan kupon 8,75% itu akan jatuh tempo pada 21 April 2020.
*BBRI dan TBIG menyiapkan dana untuk melunasi obligasi jatuh tempo April 2020*
BBRI : Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.
Analisis saham untuk Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (BBRI) termasuk harga saham, grafik saham, berita perusahaan, berita investasi, data intraday, historical data dan profil perusahaan.
KONTAN.CO.ID -JAKARTA. PT Indika Energy Tbk (INDY) akan melakukan pembelian kembali (buyback) saham perusahaan di tengah gerak saham yang fluktuatif. Indiika menyiapkan dana untuk pelaksanaan buyback sebesar US$ 20 juta atau sekitar Rp 300 miliar.
Berdasarkan pengumuman resmi perusahaan ini di Bursa Efek Indonesia, Rabu (8/4), pembelian kembali saham itu akan dilakukan dengan mercermati kondisi ekonomi global yang terus melambat. Pelambatan pertumbuhan ekonomi juga terjadi di Indonesia.
*Indika Energy siap buy back saham perusahaan senilai Rp 300 miliar*
KONTAN.CO.ID -JAKARTA. PT Indika Energy Tbk (INDY) akan melakukan pembelian kembali (buyback) saham perusahaan di tengah gerak saham yang fluktuatif. Indiika menyiapkan dana untuk pelaksanaan buyback sebesar US$ 20 juta atau sekitar Rp 300 miliar.
Berdasarkan pengumuman resmi perusahaan ini di Bursa Efek Indonesia, Rabu (8/4), pembelian kembali saham itu akan dilakukan dengan mercermati kondisi ekonomi global yang terus melambat. Pelambatan pertumbuhan ekonomi juga terjadi di Indonesia.
*Indika Energy siap buy back saham perusahaan senilai Rp 300 miliar*
Indika Energy siap buy back saham perusahaan senilai Rp 300 miliar
PT Indika Energy Tbk siap buyback sahamnya senilai Rp 300 miliar. Harga yang tak cerminkan fundamental jadi alasan.
*Mau 'Libur' Cicilan KUR 6 Bulan? Nih, Catat Syaratnya*
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Koordinator bidang perekonomian (Kemenko Perekonomian) akhirnya resmi membebaskan pembayaran bunga dan penundaan pokok angsuran Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR), untuk usaha yang terkena dampak virus corona (Covid-19) paling lama 6 bulan.
Pembebasan pembayaran bunga dan penundaan pembayaran pokok KUR tersebut juga akan diikuti relaksasi ketentuan KUR dengan memberikan perpanjangan jangka waktu dan tambahan plafon. Kebijakan ini mulai berlaku pada 1 April 2020.
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Koordinator bidang perekonomian (Kemenko Perekonomian) akhirnya resmi membebaskan pembayaran bunga dan penundaan pokok angsuran Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR), untuk usaha yang terkena dampak virus corona (Covid-19) paling lama 6 bulan.
Pembebasan pembayaran bunga dan penundaan pembayaran pokok KUR tersebut juga akan diikuti relaksasi ketentuan KUR dengan memberikan perpanjangan jangka waktu dan tambahan plafon. Kebijakan ini mulai berlaku pada 1 April 2020.
CNBC Indonesia
Mau 'Libur' Cicilan KUR 6 Bulan? Nih, Catat Syaratnya
Pemerintah akhirnya resmi membebaskan pembayaran bunga dan pokok KUR.
Syarat Umum:
(a) Kualitas kredit per 29 Februari 2020 yakni:
(i) kolektabilitas performing loan (kolektabilitas 1 dan 2) dan tidak sedang dalam masa restrukturisasi; atau
(ii) kolektabilitas performing loan (kolektabilitas 1 dan 2) dan dalam masa restrukturisasi, dapat diberikan stimulus dengan syarat restrukturisasi berjalan lancar sesuai PK restrukturisasi dan tidak memiliki tunggakan bunga dana atau pokok; dan
(b) Bersikap kooperatif dan memiliki itikad baik.
Syarat Khusus:
Penerima KUR mengurangi penurunan usaha dikarenakan minimal salah satu kondisi seperti:
(a) Lokasi usaha berada daerah terdampak Covid-19 yang diumumkan pemerintah setempat;
(b) Terjadi penurunan pendapatan atau omzet karena mengalami gangguan terkait Covid-19; dan
(c) Terjadi gangguan terhadap proses produksi karena dampak Covid-19.
(a) Kualitas kredit per 29 Februari 2020 yakni:
(i) kolektabilitas performing loan (kolektabilitas 1 dan 2) dan tidak sedang dalam masa restrukturisasi; atau
(ii) kolektabilitas performing loan (kolektabilitas 1 dan 2) dan dalam masa restrukturisasi, dapat diberikan stimulus dengan syarat restrukturisasi berjalan lancar sesuai PK restrukturisasi dan tidak memiliki tunggakan bunga dana atau pokok; dan
(b) Bersikap kooperatif dan memiliki itikad baik.
Syarat Khusus:
Penerima KUR mengurangi penurunan usaha dikarenakan minimal salah satu kondisi seperti:
(a) Lokasi usaha berada daerah terdampak Covid-19 yang diumumkan pemerintah setempat;
(b) Terjadi penurunan pendapatan atau omzet karena mengalami gangguan terkait Covid-19; dan
(c) Terjadi gangguan terhadap proses produksi karena dampak Covid-19.
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia- Langkah nyata kini semakin dinanti dalam membantu kelompok - kelompok masyarakat yang terkena dampak serius akibat wabah Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), salah satunya adalah merealiasikan Program Kartu Prakerja.
PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) TBK (BNI) menjadi bank yang ditunjuk sebagai Official Digital Banking Partner pada penyaluran sejumlah insentif Kartu Prakerja, baik Insentif Pelatihan, Insentif Survey, maupun menyediakan sistem cash management yang terintegasi dengan Project Management Office (PMO) Kartu Pra Kerja dalam mengelola dana insentif tersebut agar tersalurkan secara akurat, efektif, dan efisien.
Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia- Langkah nyata kini semakin dinanti dalam membantu kelompok - kelompok masyarakat yang terkena dampak serius akibat wabah Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), salah satunya adalah merealiasikan Program Kartu Prakerja.
PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) TBK (BNI) menjadi bank yang ditunjuk sebagai Official Digital Banking Partner pada penyaluran sejumlah insentif Kartu Prakerja, baik Insentif Pelatihan, Insentif Survey, maupun menyediakan sistem cash management yang terintegasi dengan Project Management Office (PMO) Kartu Pra Kerja dalam mengelola dana insentif tersebut agar tersalurkan secara akurat, efektif, dan efisien.
CNBC Indonesia
BNI Jadi Bank Pembayar Insentif Kartu Prakerja
BNI menjadi bank yang ditunjuk sebagai Official Digital Banking Partner pada penyaluran sejumlah insentif Kartu Prakerja.
Sekretaris Perusahaan Waskita Toll Road Alex Siwu menjelaskan, perusahaan akan melepas kepemilikan saham di empat ruas tol Trans Jawa melalui investor strategis dan melepas sebagian kepemilikan saham di dua ruas tol lainnya dengan menerbitkan instrumen ekuitas.
Tiga ruas tol di Trans Jawa yang dimiliki Waskita Toll Road adalah ruas Kanci-Pejagan sebanyak 77,69%, Pejagan-Pemalang 99,99% dan Pasuruan-Probolinggo 99,99%.
Lebih lanjut, Waskita Karya merupakan pemilik konsensi ruas Pemalang-Batang 60%, Semarang-Batang 40%, dan Krian-Legundi-Bunder-Manyar 99%. Sebelumnya, Waskita Karya juga memiliki konsensi di ruas tol Solo-Ngawi dan Ngawi-Kertosono. Namun pada akhir tahun lalu perusahaan ini berhasil melakukan divestasi atas dua ruas tol tersebut.
"Diharapkan divestasi tersebut dapat terealisasi di tahun ini," jelas Alex kepada Kontan, Jumat (10/4).
*Empat investor tertarik divestasi tol milik Waskita Karya (WSKT) - Page all*
Sekretaris Perusahaan Waskita Toll Road Alex Siwu menjelaskan, perusahaan akan melepas kepemilikan saham di empat ruas tol Trans Jawa melalui investor strategis dan melepas sebagian kepemilikan saham di dua ruas tol lainnya dengan menerbitkan instrumen ekuitas.
Tiga ruas tol di Trans Jawa yang dimiliki Waskita Toll Road adalah ruas Kanci-Pejagan sebanyak 77,69%, Pejagan-Pemalang 99,99% dan Pasuruan-Probolinggo 99,99%.
Lebih lanjut, Waskita Karya merupakan pemilik konsensi ruas Pemalang-Batang 60%, Semarang-Batang 40%, dan Krian-Legundi-Bunder-Manyar 99%. Sebelumnya, Waskita Karya juga memiliki konsensi di ruas tol Solo-Ngawi dan Ngawi-Kertosono. Namun pada akhir tahun lalu perusahaan ini berhasil melakukan divestasi atas dua ruas tol tersebut.
"Diharapkan divestasi tersebut dapat terealisasi di tahun ini," jelas Alex kepada Kontan, Jumat (10/4).
*Empat investor tertarik divestasi tol milik Waskita Karya (WSKT) - Page all*
Empat investor tertarik divestasi tol milik Waskita Karya (WSKT)
Waskita Karya sedang melakukan due diligence dengan empat investor untuk divestasi tol
TOWR CEO letter to shareholder for 2019 results
Jakarta, April 13, 2020 | Source: Company
Dear Shareholders,
Another year has passed and we are excited by our achievements in 2019. It has been a great year for us, in which we have continued to succeed through both organic and in-organic growth. Our revenue growth reached double digits at 10.0%, while our EBITDA grew by 9.2% and net income by 6.5%.
In line with our Build, Buy and Return strategy, we built a net of 882 towers this year and successfully closed the acquisition of 1,000 towers from PT Indosat Ooredoo, boosting our total towers to 19,319 at the end of the year.
Our tenancies increased by 5,027 to reach a total of 33,346 tenants at the end of the year. We have also succesfully renewed more than 7,300 tenancies for another 10 year period. All of these factors contributed to raising our tenancy ratio to 1.73x from 1.62x in 2018.
Aside from towers, we have also seen a growing revenue contribution from our non-tower business, in particular fiber. In line with the increasing data demand and operators’ focus to improve network quality, our fiber optic network expanded significantly this year. As of the end of 2019, we own and operate 27,527kms revenue generating fiber accross Java, Sumatra and Bali. This will continue to grow in the future and we target to close 2020 with more than 40,000kms despite the impact of the Covid-19 virus. Similar to our tower business model, our fiber model for tower fiberization has long term contracts, from 10 to 14 years, and the likelihood of colocation, making it another source for relatively secure and predictable revenue for the Company.
As of end of 2019, both our tower and our non-tower business have provided future actual contracted revenue of Rp 51 trillion through 2032 with an average remaining contract period of 8.2 years. This amount excludes any potential value of future contract renewals. We believe that with our management expertise and experience as well as our discipline in investing, our revenue and returns will continue to grow in the future.
We are pleased to continue to show our commitment to implement the Return leg of our strategy by distributing an interim dividend in December 2019 of Rp 301 billion, while a final dividend will be determined at 2019 AGM. Aside from dividends, we have also conducted a share buy back program, spending Rp 514 billion to acquire a total of ~809 million shares from the market. We will continue to implement this program in the future based on the market situation and our financial condition. It has been our target for TOWR shares to be included in IDX LQ45, an index of the most liquid shares on the IDX, and we have achieved this goal in January 2020 by becoming one of three new members.
Despite strong business growth that requires the spending of capex, dividend distributions and share buybacks, we have been able to maintain a solid investment grade balance sheet. In July 2019, we received a rating upgrade from S&P to BBB from BBB-. We also gained a positive outlook from Fitch (BBB-) and maintained a Baa3 rating from Moody’s. Our financial strength as reflected by low net debt to EBITDA ratios and low cost of funds is one of our competitive advantages in the industry.
Finally, we would like to thank all stakeholders, the Board of Commissioners, the Audit Committee, the management team and the employees of the Company and its subsidiaries for all their support to make 2019 a successful year. We believe that with our solid effort and the continuous support of our shareholders, management, and employees, we will be able to continue our strategy of: “Build, Buy, Return”.
With regards,
Ferdinandus Aming Santoso
CEO – SMN Group
TOWR CEO letter to shareholder for 2019 results
Jakarta, April 13, 2020 | Source: Company
Dear Shareholders,
Another year has passed and we are excited by our achievements in 2019. It has been a great year for us, in which we have continued to succeed through both organic and in-organic growth. Our revenue growth reached double digits at 10.0%, while our EBITDA grew by 9.2% and net income by 6.5%.
In line with our Build, Buy and Return strategy, we built a net of 882 towers this year and successfully closed the acquisition of 1,000 towers from PT Indosat Ooredoo, boosting our total towers to 19,319 at the end of the year.
Our tenancies increased by 5,027 to reach a total of 33,346 tenants at the end of the year. We have also succesfully renewed more than 7,300 tenancies for another 10 year period. All of these factors contributed to raising our tenancy ratio to 1.73x from 1.62x in 2018.
Aside from towers, we have also seen a growing revenue contribution from our non-tower business, in particular fiber. In line with the increasing data demand and operators’ focus to improve network quality, our fiber optic network expanded significantly this year. As of the end of 2019, we own and operate 27,527kms revenue generating fiber accross Java, Sumatra and Bali. This will continue to grow in the future and we target to close 2020 with more than 40,000kms despite the impact of the Covid-19 virus. Similar to our tower business model, our fiber model for tower fiberization has long term contracts, from 10 to 14 years, and the likelihood of colocation, making it another source for relatively secure and predictable revenue for the Company.
As of end of 2019, both our tower and our non-tower business have provided future actual contracted revenue of Rp 51 trillion through 2032 with an average remaining contract period of 8.2 years. This amount excludes any potential value of future contract renewals. We believe that with our management expertise and experience as well as our discipline in investing, our revenue and returns will continue to grow in the future.
We are pleased to continue to show our commitment to implement the Return leg of our strategy by distributing an interim dividend in December 2019 of Rp 301 billion, while a final dividend will be determined at 2019 AGM. Aside from dividends, we have also conducted a share buy back program, spending Rp 514 billion to acquire a total of ~809 million shares from the market. We will continue to implement this program in the future based on the market situation and our financial condition. It has been our target for TOWR shares to be included in IDX LQ45, an index of the most liquid shares on the IDX, and we have achieved this goal in January 2020 by becoming one of three new members.
Despite strong business growth that requires the spending of capex, dividend distributions and share buybacks, we have been able to maintain a solid investment grade balance sheet. In July 2019, we received a rating upgrade from S&P to BBB from BBB-. We also gained a positive outlook from Fitch (BBB-) and maintained a Baa3 rating from Moody’s. Our financial strength as reflected by low net debt to EBITDA ratios and low cost of funds is one of our competitive advantages in the industry.
Finally, we would like to thank all stakeholders, the Board of Commissioners, the Audit Committee, the management team and the employees of the Company and its subsidiaries for all their support to make 2019 a successful year. We believe that with our solid effort and the continuous support of our shareholders, management, and employees, we will be able to continue our strategy of: “Build, Buy, Return”.
With regards,
Ferdinandus Aming Santoso
CEO – SMN Group