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A platform that leveraging blockchain technology to establish Valid identity and reputation of MSMEs. Tokoin using blockchain-based solutions that allowing TOKOIN users to build a trust-able profile for all stakeholders in the ecosystem. #Tokoin #MSME #Blockchain #Crypto #cryptotrading #BTC #EmergingMarkets #Ecommerce #retail #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #Cryptocurrency #ETH
The #Eleven01 #Developer Portal - #DEV01 has more than 4500 sign ups at present. Join us on our mission to bring blokchain for the next billion users! Sign up for #DEV01 here - #Eleven01 #Crypto #Blockchain #ether #ethereum #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #ICO #tokensale
HAPPENING NOW! Tokoin has been invited as a speaker in Bali Block Confex today and tomorrow.

The adoption and implementation of blockchain technology is still very new in Indonesia. Bali and its growing tourism industry has made Indonesia a prospective country for economic development, and it has been said to be the blockchain capital of South East Asia.

At Bali Block Confex, there is a great opportunity to meet with prominent players in the blockchain sector, useful for blockchain-related businesses to improve and develop further.

As one of the very few blockchain-related startups in Indonesia, Tokoin is honored to be part of Bali Block Confex 2019. Here's to the bright future of blockchain in Indonesia! #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC

Unknown Profile

Building a Digital Identity
for MSME that represents a valid

Accommodate MSMES

Accommodate MSME
to utilize their data to
create more funding opportunity

Valuable partnership

Provide growth opportunities
for MSME by bringing business

partnership #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC
Tokoin has a strong community with members who are very passionate about what we are doing, that they want the world to know about us!

One of our community members recently wrote an article about us, out of his own initiative. We are so grateful for the endless support of the Tokoin community. We wouldn't have gone this far without you!

Read the article written by our community member on #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC
Who doesn't know Silicon Valley? Of course we all do! There have been so many giant companies established there.

Now, Tokoin is proud to announce that we are joining forces with a Silicon Valley project, SesameOpen!
SesameOpen is a protocol that is working towards powering communities to create the $100T+ economy of Commerce 3.0 and embrace the era of decentralized commerce.

Tokoin wants to see companies, especially MSMEs in Indonesia, to survive and be a big player in the market. That is the why behind this partnership. The Indonesian market will be more than lucky to be the first ones to receive the opportunity to adapt to the latest technology advancement in the world, the blockchain-based Commerce 3.0.
#TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC
Indonesia is already known for many small businesses, and the introduction of blockchain could enhance that sector.

Many small enterprises in Indonesia are not able to deploy digital payment mechanisms due to the high costs set by credit card companies or banks, so "Blockchain" will provide enterprises a cheaper and less bureaucratic alternative to that. #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC
The MSME sector in emerging markets such as Indonesia also includes the agricultural sector. According to the Agricultural Ministry of the Indonesian Republic, in 2018 the local coffee production reached 674.636 tons, increased only 1% from 2017. The productivity level had grown in stagnant because most of the land areas, including the coffee trees, are aged and the land fertility has dropped.

To significantly increase productivity, repopulation is also needed to reduce the tree gaps and intensify the cultivation. Meanwhile, the funds from the Regional Development Budget is still low. Around Rp1,63 trillions distributed to the total commodity land all across Indonesia of 1.25 million hectares. This budget is addressed to the land rejuvenation and farm revitalization.
#TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC
Budi, one of the players of the coffee industry always has a story to share here
Introduction to TOKOIN

Tokoin is a whole blockchain-based platform that helps to build partnerships in business, attract customers, creating an entire ecosystem for those who run the business and for customers. In the ecosystem, you can find profiles of potential partners that will be beneficial to the business.

The project aims to help businesses and customers by creating a strong relationship that is secure, transparent, decentralized. Also have a bunch of B2B & B2C. The project will help businesses to expand customer database, increase their involvement in the business. Users Tokoin in the early stages can get a good profit, because the market, which settled the project is huge.

All blockchain data is transparent, which can ensure transparency and reputation, and the use of smart contracts increases the security of transactions on the platform. Partners can see the status of a transaction as well as profile information at any time. #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC
What are the benefits of using TOKOIN?

Tokoin is a platform that allows its customers to promote a wide range of services and products. In other words, the platform is used to promote the business with minimal investment, with maximum conversion.

Also in this platform there are smart contracts that allow you to manage transactions making them more secure.

The Tokoin platform also simplifies the cycle of interaction with potential customers, removing the geographical barrier. #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC
Tokoin Dapp

Decentralized application project – best product platform. After all, thanks to him, developers, companies, customers, everyone can set up a convenient means of communication, where, in addition, personal data will be protected. MSME, as a data provider, sends data about payments and transactions using the Tokoin application. This is precisely the reason why many projects with data storage and transfer functionality use dApps.

However, the Tokoin project is aimed at attracting an audience, as well as helping organizations to connect to their system. Promoting this project will mean increasing its efficiency for future customers who open their business. Thus, an increasing number of organizations will start using blockchain and cryptocurrency. #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC
Tokoin will bring prosperity to MSMEs by enabling blockchain technology, combining digital identity and digital ledger to build MSMEs credit score.

On this modern business ecosystem, Tokoin allows the MSMEs on having the financial records as similar as with the bank. Every transaction that is initiated through Tokoin’s platform is accurately recorded with timestamps. #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC
Introduction to TOKOIN
Tokoin is a whole blockchain-based platform that helps to build partnerships in business, attract customers, creating an entire ecosystem for those who run the business and for customers. In the ecosystem, you can find profiles of potential partners that will be beneficial to the business.

The project aims to help businesses and customers by creating a strong relationship that is secure, transparent, decentralized. Also have a bunch of B2B & B2C. The project will help businesses to expand customer database, increase their involvement in the business. Users Tokoin in the early stages can get a good profit, because the market, which settled the project is huge.

All blockchain data is transparent, which can ensure transparency and reputation, and the use of smart contracts increases the security of transactions on the platform. Partners can see the status of a transaction as well as profile information at any time. #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC
As Tokoin Community Meetup had been held and is gaining positive feedback from our community, Tokoin will present another event!

There are a lot of people we'd like to involve in building a favorable ecosystem for MSMEs while educating the public about the impact of Industry 4.0 and the implementation of blockchain in everyday life.

So, guess where will we go next? #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC
Implementation of Blockchain technology

Business transparency

Blockchain allows you to record the history of interaction between registered users: updating profile and information, reviews, transactions (processing, completed), statistics, balance. This information cannot be deleted or changed. Reviews, of course, can be spoiled, but the whole story will still be stored inside the block. Also, all these data are publicly available, which guarantees transparency.

Data transparency

Tokoin in its work uses smart contracts that provide transparency of transactions and services provided, they also allow you to track the transaction process, making this process transparent.


Tokoin, providing its own API, gives the opportunity to create their own wallets, virtual transaction channels, etc., which will provide transparent income to make payments, and more. Services that bring people together to sell goods or provide services to each other are in great demand. #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC
What are the benefits of using TOKOIN?

Tokoin is a platform that allows its customers to promote a wide range of services and products. In other words, the platform is used to promote the business with minimal investment, with maximum conversion.

Also in this platform there are smart contracts that allow you to manage transactions making them more secure.

The Tokoin platform also simplifies the cycle of interaction with potential customers, removing the geographical barrier. #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC
API is an interface between two different services, to exchange data or content between two services. With this protocol, Tycoon can read the orders placed by the trader and forward them to the followers' portfolios without accessing the users‘ assets. Neither the platform nor the trader have the ability to transfer the users' assets to another wallet. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Check out our Whitepaper for further details on:
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to hit us up in the comment section or send us a dm. We are looking forward to answer all of your burning questions!
#tycoon #ama #cryptocurrency #crypto #bitcoin #trading #blockchain #Tycoonio #Tycoon #Social #trading #blockchain #crypto #cryptotrading
Tycoon hope you all had a fresh start into 2020 and we are excited to drop the first AMA of this year! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Users will receive a significant discount on fees, when settling profit share and connection fees by using the Tycoon Token (TYC). With a maximum of 140 million Tycoon Token being distributed, its demand will rise in time as the platform grows in popularity. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
For more info about the Tycoon Token sale and discount structure, check out our Whitepaper or register on:
#ama #tycoon #trading #bitcoin #crypto #blockchain #cryptocurrency #Tycoonio #Tycoon #Social #trading #blockchain #crypto #cryptotrading
Hey Tycoon Community, ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
get ready for another round of our AMA segment! ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Regardless of the vesting program Tokens can be used on the platform the entire time. While there is no vesting program for participants of the crowdsale. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
To learn more about our vesting program, have a look at our Whitepaper on: ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Let us know about your questions and concerns and leave us a comment or send us a dm. We are ready to answer all of your questions. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Your Tycoon Team. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#ama #tycoon #trading #bitcoin #blockchain #crypto #cryptocurrency #Tycoonio #Tycoon #Social #trading #blockchain #crypto #cryptotrading
For a quick overview, traders' additional data are presented in an organized structure - allowing followers to search and select their favorite traders through filters. Our ranking system consists of 6 levels and classifies traders from Level 0 up to Level 5 via algorithm, which considers the following categories:
· profits generated
· activity of the newsfeed
· number of followers
· personal data
· managed trading volume
· risk management and risk level.
Find out more about our ranking system in our Whitepaper on:
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to hit us up in the comment section or send us a dm. We are looking forward to answer all of your burning questions!

#ama #tycoon #cryptocurrency #crypto #bitcoin #blockchain #trading⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#Tycoonio #Tycoon #Social #trading #blockchain #crypto #cryptotrading