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Crypto is shaped not only by traders and market makers but also by innovative projects and entrepreneurs. Located in Singapore on September 11-12, Invest: Asia has gathered prominence blockchain projects from multiple countries. This event places the focus on driving people the advent of exchange tokens and crypto-related topics. While we've been partnering up with TomoChain Pte. Ltd. , the event became a special occasion where Tokoin once again got to meet Tomochain team, including Kyn Chaturvedi, the Chief Growth Officer of Tomochain. This meetup strengthens the partnership of Tokoin and Tomochain for further possible integration between the two. #Tokoin #MSME #Blockchain #Crypto #cryptotrading #BTC #EmergingMarkets #Ecommerce #retail #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #Cryptocurrency #ETH
In the world of MSMEs, there is one complex question that can't be solved by the current system. Because the massive numbers of MSMEs existed can`t match the human resources needed to capture data transaction, causing a roadblock in the MSMEs system itself. By leveraging Blockchain that emphasizing the decentralized capability to incentivize users who contribute to the network by providing correct data is where TOKOIN roles play.

The replication multitude of transactions could be made within minutes and yet guarantee. Data integrity needed by the MSMEs. So they could leverage their business in a sustainable way. By using blockchain it also means TOKOIN will implement encryption that enables the system to transact faster but also secure. #Tokoin #MSME #Blockchain #Crypto #cryptotrading #BTC #EmergingMarkets #Ecommerce #retail #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #Cryptocurrency #ETH
Beside following this page, you can also follow Tokoin Indonesia to get updated on news related to our product and MSME in bahasa Indonesia.

This Facebook Page will focus on sharing information regarding global partnership, TOKO token-related news, and internationals event that we take part in.

Anyway, you can directly go to the links below to follow our other social media accounts.

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Sebagai satu-satunya proyek kripto Indonesia yang berhasil masuk ke dalam program spotlight KuCoin, Tokoin terus berupaya untuk memberikan yang terbaik untuk ekonomi Indonesia, untuk UMKM dan terus berupaya meningkatkan performa proyek kripto Indonesia di market kripto global.

Berikut ringkasan mengenai perjalanan Tokoin dalam menraih panggung market kripto dunia:

As the only Indonesian project that's being placed as the spotlight program of KuCoin, Tokoin keeps trying our best to provide the best for the Indonesian economy, for MSME and always tries to improve Indonesian crypto scenes in the global crypto market. Some parts of our journey were also being covered in one of the most reliable news in Indonesia, Infia. #Tokoin #MSME #Blockchain #Crypto #cryptotrading #BTC #EmergingMarkets #Ecommerce #retail #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #Cryptocurrency #ETH
Good Morning!
Yesterday has been an exciting day as we visited some traditional markets to talk and have more chats with the SME businesses. We tried to know more about what problems that they are actually still facing so that we can make sure our platform in the future can help to solve their actual problems.
From yesterday activities, we found out that at least SMEs still find it hard to get broader access to financial institutions for lending or insurance.
Follow us on our social media to keep updated!
Twitter, Instagram: @tokoinofficial
Fb: #Tokoin #MSME #Blockchain #Crypto #cryptotrading #BTC #EmergingMarkets #Ecommerce #retail #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #Cryptocurrency #ETH
Tidak sabar menunggu Public Sale? Sebelum Public Sale diumumkan, sudahkan Anda mempersiapkan media penyimpan TOKO (Token Tokoin) Anda? Didesain agar kompatibel dengan Ethereum, maka sebaiknya Anda membuat crypto-wallet yang Ether-compatible atau ERC-20.

Salah satu crypto-wallet yang kompatibel dengan jenis ERC-20 yang bisa Anda pilih adalah MetaMask. Klik link dibawah ini untuk melihat langkah-langkah membuat crypto-wallet lewat platform MetaMask. #Tokoin #MSME #Blockchain #Crypto #cryptotrading #BTC #EmergingMarkets #Ecommerce #retail #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #Cryptocurrency #ETH
A platform that leveraging blockchain technology to establish Valid identity and reputation of MSMEs. Tokoin using blockchain-based solutions that allowing TOKOIN users to build a trust-able profile for all stakeholders in the ecosystem. #Tokoin #MSME #Blockchain #Crypto #cryptotrading #BTC #EmergingMarkets #Ecommerce #retail #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #Cryptocurrency #ETH
HAPPENING NOW! Tokoin has been invited as a speaker in Bali Block Confex today and tomorrow.

The adoption and implementation of blockchain technology is still very new in Indonesia. Bali and its growing tourism industry has made Indonesia a prospective country for economic development, and it has been said to be the blockchain capital of South East Asia.

At Bali Block Confex, there is a great opportunity to meet with prominent players in the blockchain sector, useful for blockchain-related businesses to improve and develop further.

As one of the very few blockchain-related startups in Indonesia, Tokoin is honored to be part of Bali Block Confex 2019. Here's to the bright future of blockchain in Indonesia! #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC

Unknown Profile

Building a Digital Identity
for MSME that represents a valid

Accommodate MSMES

Accommodate MSME
to utilize their data to
create more funding opportunity

Valuable partnership

Provide growth opportunities
for MSME by bringing business

partnership #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC
Tokoin has a strong community with members who are very passionate about what we are doing, that they want the world to know about us!

One of our community members recently wrote an article about us, out of his own initiative. We are so grateful for the endless support of the Tokoin community. We wouldn't have gone this far without you!

Read the article written by our community member on #TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC
Who doesn't know Silicon Valley? Of course we all do! There have been so many giant companies established there.

Now, Tokoin is proud to announce that we are joining forces with a Silicon Valley project, SesameOpen!
SesameOpen is a protocol that is working towards powering communities to create the $100T+ economy of Commerce 3.0 and embrace the era of decentralized commerce.

Tokoin wants to see companies, especially MSMEs in Indonesia, to survive and be a big player in the market. That is the why behind this partnership. The Indonesian market will be more than lucky to be the first ones to receive the opportunity to adapt to the latest technology advancement in the world, the blockchain-based Commerce 3.0.
#TokoinID #EmergingMarkets #Tokoin4MSME #Business #Blockchain #Technology #SmallBusiness #SME #MSME #Cryptocurrency #ETH #BTC