IELTS with Isojon| 8.0
476 subscribers
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The channel is targetted at helping students to learn English.

Owner: @Sukhrobzoda_I
*Teacher at @everestofficial
* IELTS 8.0
* Students' results:
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Assalomu alaykum.

Breaking news 🌪📍


Xudo xohlasa kelayotgan hafta Seshanba kuni (20.02) dan boshlaymiz. 😇

Juft kunlari (Seshanba,Payshanba va Shanba)


Kurs narxi 💵 : 450 ming sòm

Davomiyligi : 3- 3.5 oy

📍Manzil : 👉 Everest Inyaz 👈
Instructor: Isojon Azamov
(IELTS 7.5 + 2 yillik tajriba)

Contact ☎️: +998991415448

General English 💡 va Gramatika🖇📒 darslari asosan shu levelda bòladi.
Some people think that fast food should be banned at universities.
Do you agree or disagree?

This is a special task two essay😉
IELTS with Isojon| 8.0
Around 23 or 25 minutes with proof reading 🙂

I know it is not a complicated essay, it is but for Pre-IELTS
Sunday vibes 😄
Listening is nearly ready, InshaAllah
Reading :)

Matching Authors' Name da xato qilish hammagayammas 😉😐
Cold weather and snow as a whole are my all-time favorite conditions, but from time to time, their side effect of making us out way(= stop from doing regular activities) really adds pale colors to the view....

У тебя новое анонимное сообщение!

Assalomu alaykum. Jahon tillari universitetiga o‘qishga kirishni tavsiya qilasizmi?

↩️ Свайпни для ответа.
IELTS with Isojon| 8.0
У тебя новое анонимное сообщение! Assalomu alaykum. Jahon tillari universitetiga o‘qishga kirishni tavsiya qilasizmi? ↩️ Свайпни для ответа.
Va aleykum salom

Ha agar IELTS sertifikatiz yòq bo'lsa va chet el universitetlariga kirish uchun imkoniyat bòlmasa+ Ingliz tili òqitilishi bo'yicha O’zbekistondagi "numbr van"

Lekin agar, yuqoridagilar bòlsayu, kirsangiz,shunchaki 4 etajli bino va oldida oltin yozuvli kirishda rasmga tushish bilan 4 yil òtadi
Forwarded from yamamuto🐾
Nowadays, a lot of candidates are considering to take CEFR exams, shifting from IELTS. Why is this the case? Is this a positive or negative development?

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