IELTS with Isojon| 8.0
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The channel is targetted at helping students to learn English.

Owner: @Sukhrobzoda_I
*Teacher at @everestofficial
* IELTS 8.0
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IELTS with Isojon| 8.0
Do you want to see yesterday's the best selfie 😁 tap πŸ”₯
30πŸ”₯ then You may see a selfie with a beginner or elementary student who asks about Task One:Bar chart
Some people say that the experiences a child has before starting school have the most influence on their future life. Others say that experiences as a teenager, especially at school, are more influential. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
IELTS with Isojon| 8.0
#task2 #balanced_essay Some people say that the experiences a child has before starting school have the most influence on their future life. Others say that experiences as a teenager, especially at school, are more influential. Discuss both views and give…
There is a view that children can have more influential experience during pre-school time, while their probability to gain better one at school is prioritized by others. Whereas I understand that a child can have advantages to learn foreign languages in the kindergarten age, I still think that teenagerhood experience is better positioned to make strides in terms of choosing a career and possessing a healthy body.

The pursuit of various experiences prior to school year may have some positive consequences for children. One major benefit can be early exposure to a foreign language. Given scientific papers about the importance of learning a language at young age, children can achieve strong memory and better brain function. It comes at the expense of practices with grammar structures and vocabularies. This, in fact, might impact positively to further studies at school.

In my opinion, however, school time experience can have superior effect for youngsters’ future. Firstly, it is common for the youth to opt for a field of study as their future job,at school. The driving force behind it must be either practical or theoretical activities conducted during the lessons, which can give a room to envisage about both upsides and downsides of a profession. For example, informative chemistry and biology classes can encourage a pupil to pursue medicine.

On a broader level, teenagers are likely to grasp early information about human health studying at school. This is mainly because of separate classes and programs conducted at school, in which pupils can only not acquire the knowledge about health issues, but also ways to achieve a robust well-being. Consequently, children’s first-handed experience about these matters can be a guideline to improve physical health.

In conclusion, children can enhance brain functionality and memory with the help of pre-school activities. However, school time can come in handy to find an optimum future career and to learn much about healthier body.
Modal Verbs past form in Passive voice πŸ€”
New Scientist
2024, February 24 weekly.
New Scientist.pdf
14.6 MB
And now it is released 😁

I am excited to learn much about Brain 🧠
Some parents say that giving expensive gifts to a child can create bad habits in him/her.
To what extent do you agree or disagree ?

E'tibor bergan bo'lsangiz oxirgi bir-ikki oy ichida to'rt yangi EVEREST manzilini ochdik:


Shu munosabad bilan juda ko'plab yangi ish o'rinlari yaratishga muvoffaq bo'ldik! Xullas, xozir ayni vaqt, komanda a'zosiga aylanib qoling! Keyin kech bo'lib qolishi mumkin! ;)

Progressiv, ahil va shubhasiz, mamlakatimizdagi eng kuchli jamoa - EVEREST TEAM a'zosiga aylaning!β›°οΈπŸš€

Bizga xozirda uch yo'nalishda hodimlar kerak - mock examination, teaching staff va administrativ hodim!

- EVEREST bitiruvchisi (qat'iy);
- faqat ertalabki smenada o'quvchi universitet talabasi yoki bitiruvchisi (qat'iy);
- kamida overall IELTS 7.0 (qat'iy);

2) MOCK EXAM TEAM - 10 nafar;
- EVEREST bitiruvchisi (qat'iy);
- faqat ertalabki smenada o'quvchi universitet talabasi yoki bitiruvchisi (qat'iy);
- kamida IELTS 7.0 (qat'iy);

- EVEREST bitiruvchisi (qat'iy);
- sirtqi shaklda o'quvchi universitet talabasi (qat'iy emas muhimi 9.00-19.00 oralig'ida ishlay olishi kerak);
- kamida IELTS 5.5, 6.0 va 6.5 (qat'iy);

P.S. Kaminaga bemalol murojaat qilavering: @urokovkhurshid :)

Ariza va suhbat bosqichlarida barchaga EVEREST TEAM omad tilaydi!😊


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before exam, it had seemed a bit discouraging,but turned into an eye opener for me. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
Chat GPT's advice about how to be confident in IELTS exam πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Building and maintaining confidence is crucial for exam success. Here are some tips to boost your confidence:

1. Positive Affirmations: Remind yourself of your strengths and achievements. Positive self-talk can help build confidence.

2. Visualize Success: Picture yourself performing well in the exam. Visualization can positively impact your mindset.

3. Focus on Preparation: Reflect on the effort you've put into preparing for the exam. Recognize your hard work and dedication.

4. Set Realistic Goals: Establish achievable goals for the exam. Breaking down the exam into manageable tasks can make it less daunting.

5. Learn from Mistakes: Instead of dwelling on mistakes, see them as opportunities for improvement. Analyze errors to understand and avoid them in the future.

6. Practice Regularly: Regular practice builds familiarity with the exam format and boosts your confidence in tackling different types of questions.

7. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements along the way. Every step forward is a success.

8. Stay Positive: Surround yourself with positivity. Avoid negative thoughts and focus on what you can control.

9. Stay Healthy: Physical well-being contributes to mental well-being. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise.

10. Remain Present: Concentrate on the present moment during the exam. Worrying about the outcome can undermine your confidence.

Remember, confidence is a gradual process. Believe in yourself, stay positive, and trust your abilities. You've prepared for this, and you have the skills needed to succeed. Good luck on your IELTS exam!
Today's vibe )
Forwarded from Isayeva's Blog (π‘°π’”π’‚π’šπ’†π’—π’‚)
Most students' listening&reading between Writing and Speaking.
Main Test has just finished πŸ™‚

Hopefully I could do my best )

Writing task two has been completed, around 350 words.
Type:Discussion essay

Topic: Some people think that every person in the world has the right to drink fresh water. Others think that government should tightly control it, because it is a limited resource.

But for Task One, I couldn't finish it.
Type: Fixed 4x pie charts
Topic: In A and B country male and female workers in 3 sectors: Agriculture, Industry and Services

I was able to write:
Introduction+ Overall + Body 1
125 words
Tim was with me today, for my Speaking exam πŸ™‚

He was supportive during the process

Part One: 6 or 7 questions

Part two: Describe a drawing you like to look at
I told about the drawing of my grandfather, which is about the Second World War.πŸ’£πŸͺ¦

part three 5 or 6 questions
about beauty and art

Most surprising and well-liked question is that Do we all agree about beautiful things?

It was a good performance I think, but only Allah knows about the result.

These pie πŸ₯§ charts were with me :)

Only year 2007 was given.