IELTS registration in Uzbekistan
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Assalomu aleykum. Feel free to write to @AhmadQodirov. We will help you with registration for both BC and IDP then explain the payment process and offer some great teaching for your @IELTS_Journey.
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In 2022, we have helped about 190 candidates to register with IDP and more than 200 with British Council. I also share useful advice and materials for your preparation as I am an IELTS instructor (IELTS 8.0 4x).

Contact @AhmadQodirov if you or your friends need a free help with registration and IELTS preparation.

#Feedback. Helping with registration free of charge and fixing issues with payment/date.
If you are happy with our service, please use the following link when you register for the IELTS exam via IDP.
Your free unconditional help with IELTS registration. Contact @AhmadQodirov

Agar 2023-yildagi har qanday sanadagi, har qanday viloyatdagi IELTS imtixonlaridan biriga mening yordamim orqali British Council ga registratsiya qiling va yaqinda boshlanadigan, Speaking yoki Writing Marathon dan biriga bepul qo’shiling. ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Qo’shimcha ma’lumot yoki savollar bo’lsa tortinmay yozaveramiz. @AhmadQodirov

@IELTSregistration siz uchun
Contact @AhmadQodirov if you need help with IELTS registration. 😊
Ertadan banklarda 1 hafta dam olish, shunga bugun ulgurib qoling IELTS dan ro’yxatga o’tishga.

Contact @AhmadQodirov
Registering a candidate to take IELTS in South Korea. Seems a bit surreal.

Avgust oyida viloyatlar hududlarida o‘tkaziladigan IELTS imtihoni sanalari bilan tanishing

▫️ 05.08.2023 — Andijan, Tashkent, Karshi
▫️ 10.08.2023 — Navoi, Nukus
▫️ 19.08.2023 — Bukhara, Namangan, Urgench, Tashkent
▫️ 26.08.2023 — Samarkand, Tashkent, Jizzakh, Termez
▫️ 31.08.2023 — Fergana, Tashkent, Urgench

‼️Ro‘yxatdan o‘tishga shoshiling, qabul uchun o‘rinlar soni cheklangan!

Murojaat uchun @AhmadQodirov
Get ready to achieve your IELTS goals this August! 🌞

Don't miss out on our upcoming IELTS test dates.
Register now with the help of @AhmadQodirov and get free access to our expert preparation programme - IELTS Ready: Premium!
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