Nodirjon's IELTSmates
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Owner: @NodirjonEgamberdiev (Overall 8.5)
IELTS Instructor at Everest Amir Temur (@EverestOfficial)
Teaching since 2018

@UzIELTSbot - IELTS is easy with us!
(Almost all preparation materials)

πŸ“ Everest Amir Temur
πŸ“ž +99895 144 90 40
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Forwarded from English is hiring journalists and correspondents who are proficient in English to develop the English version of its website.

The main responsibility of correspondents recruited for the English editorial team will be to enrich the English version of by covering events, in particular, by adding diversity through interviews and journalistic video content.


➑️ official channel
Tom demanded we …come on time.
a)can b) could c) are able to d) be able to
Anonymous Quiz
Wishing all IELTS candidates the best for the upcoming exam! 🌟

Here are 3 last-minute tips for success:

1. Listening:
Be sure you warm up a little bit before the test. You can listen to your favorite podcast at a higher speed(x1.5 or x2) or practice Micro Skills by doing some spelling exercises.

2. Time Management:
Use your time efficiently in the listening and reading tests. Stay aware of the clock to answer all questions.

3. Reading:
Quickly skim passages to identify key points, and focus on understanding main ideas for efficient reading.

4. Writing:
If you feel you don't have ideas, try thinking from another angle. Use Different Perspectives to come up with ideas.

Good luck! πŸ“šπŸŽ“

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Most people never try anything. Others fail once, they give up. It takes resilience to succeed. You will never become world class if you stop after a failed attempt!

©️$100M offers by Alex Hormozi

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Progressiv, ahil va shubhasiz, mamlakatimizdagi eng kuchli jamoa - EVEREST TEAM a'zosiga aylaning! πŸ”πŸš€

Bizga xozirda uch yo'nalishda hodimlar kerak - mock examination, teaching staff va administrativ hodim!

- EVEREST bitiruvchisi (qat'iy);
- faqat ertalabki smenada o'quvchi universitet talabasi yoki bitiruvchisi (qat'iy);
- kamida overall IELTS 7.0 (qat'iy);

2) MOCK EXAM TEAM - 5 nafar;
- EVEREST bitiruvchisi (qat'iy);
- faqat ertalabki smenada o'quvchi universitet talabasi yoki bitiruvchisi (qat'iy);
- kamida IELTS 7.0 (qat'iy);

- EVEREST bitiruvchisi (qat'iy);
- sirtqi shaklda o'quvchi universitet talabasi (qat'iy emas muhimi 9.00-19.00 oralig'ida ishlay olishi kerak);
- kamida IELTS 5.5, 6.0 va 6.5 (qat'iy);

P.S. Kaminaga bemalol murojaat qilavering: @urokovkhurshid :)

Ariza va suhbat bosqichlarida barchaga EVEREST TEAM omad tilaydi!😊


πŸ“ @everestmanzillari
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ @everest_kids

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Forwarded from Inti's English hacks 🌷 (inti🌷)
Assalomu alaykumπŸ‘‹

✨Online kursimizda yangi elementary (pre-intermediate) daraja yaqin kunlarda boshlanadi πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ«
✨Darslar haftaning toq kunlari kechki payt 7:30-9:30 oralig'ida bo'lib o'tadi.
✨O'quvchi va o'qituvchilar uchun eng qulay platforma zoomda har bir mavzu presentatsiya yordamida tushuntirilib, takrorlash qulay bo'lishi uchun dars jarayoni yozib olinib guruhga saqlanib boriladi.
✨ Har bir dars grammatika mustahkam o'rgatilib, lug'atlar va ularni o'rganish texnikalari bilan ishlanadi, listening tinglab praktika oshirib boriladi.
✨Uyga vazifalar grammar, vocabulary, reading and comprehension, listening bilan bog'liq vazilafalarni ichiga oladi.

✏️ Eslatib o'taman, bundan tashqari IELTS olishga katta ehtiyoji bor, ammo offline kurslarda shug'ullanish mushkullik qilayotgan o'quvchilar uchun juft kunlari soat kechki 8:00-10:00 oralig'ida IELTS kurslari olib borilmoqda.

✨Darslarda ketma ket 4ta IELTS qismlari ustida ishlanadi.
✨O'quvchilar uchun og'riqli bo'lgan speaking va writing ustida ko'proq ishlanadi.
✨Darslar faqat va faqat ingliz tilida olib boriladi.
✨Lug'at ustida ishlashga alohida urg'u beriladi
✨Haqiqiy speaking imtihonida beriladigan mavzularning har biriga darsma dars lug'at beriladi.
✏️ Kurs olib boruvchi ustoz, Everest o'quv markazi o'qituvchisi, 7 yillik dars berish tajribasiga, 100lab IELTS topshirgan o'quvchilarga va 8.5 IELTS balliga ega Intizor Urokova.

πŸ“ŒKurs bo'yicha qoshimcha savollar paydo bo'lgan holda bemalol murojaat qilishingiz mumkin @khalid120423
Dear Everesters!
πŸ’ We sincerely congratulate you on the national holiday "Navroz", which is a day of goodness, sophistication, life, renewal, kindness .

May joy and happiness not leave you on this day! May your family be blessed with happiness and peace!

Sincerely, Team EVEREST!

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Doing the work does the work!
Wishing all IELTS candidates the best for the upcoming exam! 🌟

Here are four last-minute tips for success:

1. Listening:
Be sure you warm up a little bit before the test. You can listen to your favorite podcast at a higher speed(x1.5 or x2) or practice Micro Skills by doing some spelling exercises.

2. Time Management:
Use your time efficiently in the listening and reading tests. Stay aware of the clock to answer all questions.

3. Reading:
Quickly skim passages to identify key points, and focus on understanding main ideas for efficient reading.

4. Writing:
If you feel you don't have ideas, try thinking from another angle. Use Different Perspectives to come up with ideas.

5. Avoid Anxiety:
Focus on deep breathing just before the test!

Good luck! πŸ“šπŸŽ“

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What is a desire?
Nodirjon's IELTSmates
#just What is a desire?
Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want!
(Naval Ravikant)

©️$100M offers

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Let's turn monster mode on until August!

Yeah, I've been in quiet mode so far;)), but now I'm ready to take up another challenge πŸ€“!

Starting this Tuesday, I'll be opening new Graduation levels nasib. The students can take the test anytime between July and August.

My challenge is to have more 7+ achievers than Khurshid Urokov (a.k.a. Mr Batman) each day and overall!

I'll send further details about the groups later during the day nasib. Stay tuned!

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Nodirjon's IELTSmates
Let's turn monster mode on until August! Yeah, I've been in quiet mode so far;)), but now I'm ready to take up another challenge πŸ€“! Starting this Tuesday, I'll be opening new Graduation levels nasib. The students can take the test anytime between July and…
#schedule #update #groups #levels
1. New Graduation
πŸ“Œ Days: Tue/Thurs/Sat
πŸ•’Time: 9:30-11:30

2. New Graduation
πŸ“Œ Days: Tue/Thurs/Sat
πŸ•’Time: 14:30-16:30

3. New Elementary
πŸ“Œ Days: Tue/Thurs/Sat
πŸ•’Time: 18:30-20:30

You can find the list of my existing groups and their time in this photo. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comment section below.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« Instructor - @NodirjonEgamberdiev
If you can't reach me, you can write to my assistants:
Jahongir (IELTS 7.5) - @jakhong1r99
Bekjon (IELTS 7.0) - @Bekjon0107
Muhammad (IELTS 7.0) - @Fayzu11ayev1ch

πŸ“ Everest Amir Temur
πŸ“ž +99895 144 90 40
πŸ“ž +99895 144 40 90

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