Nodirjon's IELTSmates
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Owner: @NodirjonEgamberdiev (Overall 8.5)
IELTS Instructor at Everest Amir Temur (@EverestOfficial)
Teaching since 2018

@UzIELTSbot - IELTS is easy with us!
(Almost all preparation materials)

πŸ“ Everest Amir Temur
πŸ“ž +99895 144 90 40
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Nodirjon's IELTSmates
#plan #topics #band9 #LetsStudyTogether My '50-day' plan πŸ“ŒDays 1-24 Day 25: Alternative medicine and conventional healthcare Day 26: Cultural Diversity And Integration Day 27: Role of governments in addressing poverty Day 28: Benefits and drawbacks of…
#plan #day28 #useful #immersion
Day 28: Benefits And Drawbacks of Nuclear Energy

- Podcast: "Nuclear Energy: Weighing Benefits and Risks for a Sustainable Future." Podcast 2
- Note discussions on the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy.

- Article: "The Controversy of Nuclear Energy: Balancing Risks and Rewards."
- Summarize key benefits and drawbacks discussed.

- Essay: Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of nuclear energy.
- Incorporate insights from the podcast and article.

- Discuss with a partner: Share views on the role of nuclear energy in the energy mix.
- Practice articulating ideas and discussing potential safety measures.

πŸ“Œ Days 1-24

πŸ“ŒDays 25-50
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Nodirjon's IELTSmates
#plan #day28 #useful #immersion Day 28: Benefits And Drawbacks of Nuclear Energy Listening: - Podcast: "Nuclear Energy: Weighing Benefits and Risks for a Sustainable Future." …
#writing #task2 #doublequestion
I will send a Band 8.0+ essay later today, nasib.

Until then, you can also give it a try and send your version to the Discussion Group of the channel by incorporating insights from the podcast and articles above.

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Nodirjon's IELTSmates
#writing #task2 #doublequestion I will send a Band 8.0+ essay later today, nasib. Until then, you can also give it a try and send your version to the Discussion Group of the channel by incorporating insights from the podcast and articles above. Join and…
#writing #task2 #essay #model
Nuclear energy has always been a much-debated technology. This essay will discuss the dangers posed by its use and decide whether it is beneficial or harmful for humanity.

There are several issues associated with nuclear energy. These problems are evidenced in its history of disasters and destruction. Once the power of the atom had been discovered, it was almost immediately weaponized and used to destroy two cities filled with civilians. Even when nuclear technology was used for peaceful means, tragedy has still been connected with its use. The Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters along with many other smaller ones show that this technology is never truly safe even in supposedly technologically advanced countries.

However, nuclear technology is the best choice in many situations. The only current realistic affordable alternative to nuclear energy is the burning of fossil fuels. Studies show that fossil fuel emissions have claimed many more lives than nuclear disasters because air pollution slowly poisons people’s throats, lungs and respiratory systems. In addition, even though some may argue that solar, wind, wave or hydroelectricity are better alternatives, some cold landlocked nations such as Switzerland do not have consistent access to sunlight, wind or flowing rivers year-round. For these countries it would appear that nuclear energy, despite its dangers, is the best option.

In conclusion, although nuclear technology is undoubtedly dangerous due to radioactivity and its proven history, I believe in some contexts it is actually the best alternative to other more harmful or unreliable energy sources.

247 words (Yes, it is OK)
Band 8.0+

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Yanvar va Fevral oylaridagi barcha natijalarni Instagram sahifamizga yukladik!

πŸ“· IELTSmates_Uz

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#schedule #update #groups #levels
1. New Introduction - Niners
πŸ“Œ Days: Mon/Wed/Fri
πŸ•’Time: 9:30-11:30
πŸ“†Apr 22

3. New Pre IELTS - Successors
πŸ“Œ Days: Tue/Thurs/Sat
πŸ•’Time: 16:30-18:30
πŸ“†Apr 30

You can find the list of my existing groups and their time in this photo. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comment section below.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« Instructor - @NodirjonEgamberdiev

If you can't reach me, you can write to my assistants:
Jahongir (IELTS 7.5) - @jakhong1r99
Bekjon (IELTS 7.0) - @Bekjon0107
Muhammad (IELTS 7.0) - @Fayzu11ayev1ch

πŸ“ Everest Amir Temur
πŸ“ž +99895 144 90 40
πŸ“ž +99895 144 40 90

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Wishing all IELTS candidates the best for the upcoming exam! 🌟

Here are four last-minute tips for success:

1. Listening:
Be sure you warm up a little bit before the test. You can listen to your favorite podcast at a higher speed(x1.5 or x2) or practice Micro Skills by doing some spelling exercises.
Telegram > @IELTS_Listening_Skill_Practice

2. Time Management:
Use your time efficiently in the listening and reading tests. Stay aware of the clock to answer all questions.

3. Reading:
Quickly skim passages to identify key points, and focus on understanding main ideas for efficient reading.

4. Writing:
If you feel you don't have ideas, try thinking from another angle. Use Different Perspectives to come up with ideas.

5. Avoid Anxiety:
Focus on deep breathing just before the test!

Good luck! πŸ“šπŸŽ“

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Nodirjon's IELTSmates
The growth mindset is simply a belief that your abilities or your potential in some domains can change. A huge confusion is that people think it means if you try hard you can do anything. But that's not really the idea it is simply that UNDER THE RIGHT CONDITIONS WITH THE RIGHT SUPPORT, CHANGE IS POSSIBLE. And that ends up being a pretty powerful idea because the opposite is so stressful, the idea hat you are static. Nothing about you can change is a really kind of stressful idea.

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Nodirjon's IELTSmates
#plan #topics #band9 #LetsStudyTogether My '50-day' plan πŸ“ŒDays 1-24 Day 25: Alternative medicine and conventional healthcare Day 26: Cultural Diversity And Integration Day 27: Role of governments in addressing poverty Day 28: Benefits and drawbacks of…
#plan #day29 #useful #immersion
Day 29: Importance of Early Childhood Education

- Podcast: "Early Childhood Education: Shaping the Future."
- Note discussions on the importance of early childhood education.

- Article: "Investing in Our Future: The Significance of Early Childhood Education."
- Summarize key findings regarding the impact of early education.

- Essay: Discuss the importance of early childhood education in shaping future success.
- Incorporate insights from the podcast and article.

- Discuss with a partner: Share views on the significance of early childhood education. Another useful source
- Practice articulating ideas and discussing potential policy changes.

πŸ“ŒDays 1-24

πŸ“ŒDays 25-50

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Nodirjon's IELTSmates
#schedule #update #groups #levels 1. New Introduction - Niners πŸ“Œ Days: Mon/Wed/Fri πŸ•’Time: 9:30-11:30 πŸ“†Apr 22 3. New Pre IELTS - Successors πŸ“Œ Days: Tue/Thurs/Sat πŸ•’Time: 16:30-18:30 πŸ“†Apr 30 You can find the list of my existing groups and their time…
A quick reminder!
Those who want to join the new Introduction group or those who want to join my other Graduation and Introduction groups can take a free mock test(not Cam but authentic) tomorrow.

They can sit the test either at 8am or 11am. Although just showing up is enough, we should know how many more materials should be printed. That's why drop a '+' in the comments section if you want to come. I will make a personalized homework plan depending on your results.

πŸ“ Everest Amir Temur
πŸ“ž +99895 144 90 40
πŸ“ž +99895 144 40 90

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πŸ”₯"Ikki oyda natijamni 8.0 ga ko'tardim"

πŸ—£ Shahzoda Fayziyeva - Everest Amir Temur manzilimizda dars beruvchi tajribali Instruktor Nodirjon Egamberdiyevning shogirdi.

Listening: 9.0
Reading: 7.5
Writing: 7.0
Speaking: 8.0

Achiever bilan tasvirga olingan intervyu YouTube sahifamizga joylandi. Ajoyib suhbatni o'tkazib yubormangπŸ‘‡
Beauty is nothing without brains;)

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Sometimes, things don't go the way you think they will. We just have to accept it, keep our heads up, and move forward!

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Overall 7.0πŸ”₯
Exam date: Apr 22, CDI
Instructor: @NodirjonEgamberdiev

πŸ“Everest Amir Temur
πŸ“ž +99895 144 90 40
πŸ“ž +99895 144 40 90

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Nodirjon's IELTSmates
#result Overall 7.0πŸ”₯ Exam date: Apr 22, CDI Instructor: @NodirjonEgamberdiev πŸ“Everest Amir Temur πŸ“ž +99895 144 90 40 πŸ“ž +99895 144 40 90 Join and share πŸ”½ @IELTSmates_Uz
Unexpected, right? Yeah, most of you guys know Anvar. For now, we have no comments and are waiting for remarked results, and then we'll make a plan.
πŸŽ—Sizning ovozingiz va qo'llab-quvvatlashingiz biz uchun muhim!

1. @makon_brand_bot ga kiring;
2. "/start"ni bosing;
3. O'zingizga qulay tilni tanlang va "Oferta" bilan tanishganingiz haqida "Roziman" tugmasini bosing;
4. Kanalga obuna bo'ling va "Tekshirish"ni bosing;
5. Shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringizni kiriting;
6. "Mukofot nominatsiyalari" bo'limidan "Ta'lim" yo'nalishiga o'ting;
7. Nomzodlar orasidan "EVEREST" o'quv markazini tanlab, "Ovoz berish" tugmasini bosing;
8. Va so'ngida ovozingiz muvaffaqiyatli qabul qilinganligi haqida xabar keladi πŸ₯³

😊 Bizni tanlaganingiz va ishonch bildirganingiz uchun Minnatdormiz!
Multilevel(CEFR) - C1(IELTS 7.0)πŸ”₯

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« @Nodirjon Egamberdiev

πŸ“Everest Amir Temur
πŸ“ž +99895 144 90 40
πŸ“ž +99895 144 40 90

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