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Hiring female updaters,
No experience needed,for more info PM 📌📌📌
Logistikada ishlamoqchi bo'lgan opa singillarimiz yozib ko'rishlari mumkin. Bundan keyin logistikaga oid yangilik va vakansiyalarni ham manashu kanalimda e'lon qilib bormoqchiman. Biz sababli kimdir ish qidirayotgan bo'lsa va ish topolsa biz bundan xursandmiz😊
P.S. O'g'il bollar, sizlar bizga yo'qmi deyishga shoshilmang. Kelgusida shunga o'xshash e'lonlar asosiysi sizlar uchun bo'ladi.
Hiring female updaters,
No experience needed,for more info PM 📌📌📌
Logistikada ishlamoqchi bo'lgan opa singillarimiz yozib ko'rishlari mumkin. Bundan keyin logistikaga oid yangilik va vakansiyalarni ham manashu kanalimda e'lon qilib bormoqchiman. Biz sababli kimdir ish qidirayotgan bo'lsa va ish topolsa biz bundan xursandmiz😊
P.S. O'g'il bollar, sizlar bizga yo'qmi deyishga shoshilmang. Kelgusida shunga o'xshash e'lonlar asosiysi sizlar uchun bo'ladi.
Nothing personal, just business!
Most IELTS candidates are baffled as to using idiomatic language when it says, "uses less common and idiomatic vocabulary" in Speaking Band Descriptors. However, it doesn't actually refer to idioms alone.
Let's find out what it is like to use idiomatic language below:
It's not always the case to ask the government for monetary aid in bankruptcy. In some cases, however, the government should support small businesses when necessary.
(the highlighted parts are a nice chunk of less common and idiomatic language)
On the flip side, what really pisses me off is that some use idioms like "when pigs fly", "an early bird" & "rain cats and dogs" only, and aim for a high score in Lexical Resource🤦♂
DON'T memorize a list of idioms, but expose yourselves to English listening to native speakers and observing their usage of idiomatic language naturally🤓
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Let's find out what it is like to use idiomatic language below:
It's not always the case to ask the government for monetary aid in bankruptcy. In some cases, however, the government should support small businesses when necessary.
(the highlighted parts are a nice chunk of less common and idiomatic language)
On the flip side, what really pisses me off is that some use idioms like "when pigs fly", "an early bird" & "rain cats and dogs" only, and aim for a high score in Lexical Resource🤦♂
DON'T memorize a list of idioms, but expose yourselves to English listening to native speakers and observing their usage of idiomatic language naturally🤓
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#ielts #speaking #check #assessment
Checklist for Speaking Assessment
✅ Use grammatical constructions such as “Used to” and “going to”
You know I’ve been living in Tashkent for 6 years but before I used to live in Samarkand
✅ Use variety of tenses and aspects (past, present, future, simple, continuous and perfect)
I have known him for a long period of time
When I came she was preparing dinner
✅ Start every single response with lead-in cohesive devices.
You know, Well, So, Actually, Naturally, Telling you the truth, Being Honest, Speaking Frankly, Traditionally, Basically, Fortunately, Luckily and etc
✅ Use Phrasal verbs ( look after, to make sm1’s mind up, look like, take after, and etc)
✅ Use Idiomatic language ( to be on the top of the world, to be browned off, to be out of spirit, to be full in spirit, to be on cloud nine and etc)
✅ Use modals and modal verb like verbs ( can, could, should, have to, ought to, to be supposed to, manage to, to be able to)
✅ Use Conditional Sentences
If I were him, I wouldn’t do in this way
If I had millions of dollars, I would buy an island
If I had known that, I wouldn’t have done it for sure
If only I could fly
✅ Use complex sentences
Instead of saying I like it because X, say for example
The reason why I like playing chess is I guess due to the fact that my dad used to be a professional chess player
Or The part that I like most about this story is…..
©Barno Mukimova
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Checklist for Speaking Assessment
✅ Use grammatical constructions such as “Used to” and “going to”
You know I’ve been living in Tashkent for 6 years but before I used to live in Samarkand
✅ Use variety of tenses and aspects (past, present, future, simple, continuous and perfect)
I have known him for a long period of time
When I came she was preparing dinner
✅ Start every single response with lead-in cohesive devices.
You know, Well, So, Actually, Naturally, Telling you the truth, Being Honest, Speaking Frankly, Traditionally, Basically, Fortunately, Luckily and etc
✅ Use Phrasal verbs ( look after, to make sm1’s mind up, look like, take after, and etc)
✅ Use Idiomatic language ( to be on the top of the world, to be browned off, to be out of spirit, to be full in spirit, to be on cloud nine and etc)
✅ Use modals and modal verb like verbs ( can, could, should, have to, ought to, to be supposed to, manage to, to be able to)
✅ Use Conditional Sentences
If I were him, I wouldn’t do in this way
If I had millions of dollars, I would buy an island
If I had known that, I wouldn’t have done it for sure
If only I could fly
✅ Use complex sentences
Instead of saying I like it because X, say for example
The reason why I like playing chess is I guess due to the fact that my dad used to be a professional chess player
Or The part that I like most about this story is…..
©Barno Mukimova
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Stop saying "I'm sorry"!
Let's look at really meaningful phrases in English to make your English sound more sophisticated and meaningful.
1️⃣My mistake
(may mistake), maɪ mɪsˈteɪk
By doing so, you report your mistake, you can say “Oh .. My mistake” instead of “Sorry”.
2️⃣My apologies
(may apologis), maɪ əˈpɑləʤiz
You can also say, "My apologies, I made a mistake." - "My apologies, I was wrong."
3️⃣My bad!
(may bad), maɪ bæd
In colloquial speech, where unnecessary formalities are not required, you can say: "My bad!" - "I'm sorry!"
- You're late for the meeting! It started an hour ago!
- Really? Oh, my bad! I didn't have it in my calendar.
Don't use my bad if you need to apologize in a big way, for example, if you forgot to invite your grandmother to your wedding. Such an apology would not be appropriate here;)
4️⃣I owe you an apology. - Formal
5️⃣I want to apologize (for something) Formal
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Let's look at really meaningful phrases in English to make your English sound more sophisticated and meaningful.
1️⃣My mistake
(may mistake), maɪ mɪsˈteɪk
By doing so, you report your mistake, you can say “Oh .. My mistake” instead of “Sorry”.
2️⃣My apologies
(may apologis), maɪ əˈpɑləʤiz
You can also say, "My apologies, I made a mistake." - "My apologies, I was wrong."
3️⃣My bad!
(may bad), maɪ bæd
In colloquial speech, where unnecessary formalities are not required, you can say: "My bad!" - "I'm sorry!"
- You're late for the meeting! It started an hour ago!
- Really? Oh, my bad! I didn't have it in my calendar.
Don't use my bad if you need to apologize in a big way, for example, if you forgot to invite your grandmother to your wedding. Such an apology would not be appropriate here;)
4️⃣I owe you an apology. - Formal
5️⃣I want to apologize (for something) Formal
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Motivation sòzi uchun o'tgan yili bitta O'zbek tilida alternative topgandik. O'ylab ko'rizlarchi qanday so'z bo'lishi mumkin O'zbek tilida Ingliz tilidagi motivationga "teng" ma'noli so'z. Comments bòlimida javoblarizni qoldirishlariz mumkin.
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Oldindan aytaman bu yerda motivatorlar va ularning motivatsiyalariga qarshi fikrlar yoq barcha fikrlar motivatsiyalarni eshitib unga oxirigacha amal qilmaganlar uchun.
Tasovvur qiling sizni ota-onangiz yoki ustozingiz deylik sizga biror ishni qanday yakunlashni tushuntirdi. Har bir jihatlarini aytib, unga olib boradigan yòllarni kòrsatib tushuntirishdi. Keyin siz òsha ishni yoki vazifani yakunlash uchun harakat qilishni boshladiz va 2 yoki 3 kundan keyin bu ishni qilishga malollanib qolishni boshladiz va oxir oqibat bu ishni tugatishdan, oxirigacha borishdan voz kechdingiz.
Xòsh, manashu holatda har qancha tòģri yòl kòrsatishsayam, har qancha sizni biror ish qilishga undashsayam ularning òsha eng avval boshda aytgan motivatsiyalari shunchaki vaysash bòlib qolmadimi?! Tanish holatmi?
Siz aytilgan ishni aytilgan tartibda qilishdan voz kechgan vaqtdan boshlab u "motivatsiya" motivaysash yoki motivaysaqi bòlib qoldi. Bu yerda ayb bizni bu ishni qilishga undaganlarda emas aynan bizda.
Nega bizda deyabman chunki meni o'zimda ham o'zim bilmagan hollarda motivatsiya olib boshlagan ishlarni oxirigacha yetkazmaslik holatlari bòlib turadi. Shu sababli motivatsion videolar deyarli kòrmayman. Odam òzini ichidagi, uni kam uxlashga, kòproq harakat qilishga undaydigan asosiy maqsadi va u asosiy maqsadga olib boradigan kichik maqsadlari bòlsa tashqi motivatsiya kerak emas.
Motivatsion videolar, audiolar yokida kitoblar òqish damn good but it is nothing but wasting of you time if you dont follow or complete all the steps. I think you got what I mean here.
Shunday ekan bugun bir motivatsiyani ko'rib men dasturchi bo'laman deb turib keyin boshqa bir motivationni kòrganda/eshitganda/o'qiganda men endi Interior Designer bo'lmoqchiman deb fikrlarini va asosiy maqsadlarini tez tez òzgartirish barcha motivationlarni motivaysashga ularni motivatorlarini esa motivaysaqilarga aylantiradi.
Bu albatta mening shaxsiy fikrlarim bunga qòshilish yoki qòshilmasligingiz menga qiziq emas. Kimlar uchun ham bu motivatsiya kimlar uchundir shunchaki vaysash bòlib qolaveradi.
P.S. Bugungi javoblarda judayam òz sòz boyligimni oshirdim. Hamma javob berganlarning javoblari tòģri aslida faqat men savolda ilmoq qòygan edim "teng" ma'noli deya😊
Oldindan aytaman bu yerda motivatorlar va ularning motivatsiyalariga qarshi fikrlar yoq barcha fikrlar motivatsiyalarni eshitib unga oxirigacha amal qilmaganlar uchun.
Tasovvur qiling sizni ota-onangiz yoki ustozingiz deylik sizga biror ishni qanday yakunlashni tushuntirdi. Har bir jihatlarini aytib, unga olib boradigan yòllarni kòrsatib tushuntirishdi. Keyin siz òsha ishni yoki vazifani yakunlash uchun harakat qilishni boshladiz va 2 yoki 3 kundan keyin bu ishni qilishga malollanib qolishni boshladiz va oxir oqibat bu ishni tugatishdan, oxirigacha borishdan voz kechdingiz.
Xòsh, manashu holatda har qancha tòģri yòl kòrsatishsayam, har qancha sizni biror ish qilishga undashsayam ularning òsha eng avval boshda aytgan motivatsiyalari shunchaki vaysash bòlib qolmadimi?! Tanish holatmi?
Siz aytilgan ishni aytilgan tartibda qilishdan voz kechgan vaqtdan boshlab u "motivatsiya" motivaysash yoki motivaysaqi bòlib qoldi. Bu yerda ayb bizni bu ishni qilishga undaganlarda emas aynan bizda.
Nega bizda deyabman chunki meni o'zimda ham o'zim bilmagan hollarda motivatsiya olib boshlagan ishlarni oxirigacha yetkazmaslik holatlari bòlib turadi. Shu sababli motivatsion videolar deyarli kòrmayman. Odam òzini ichidagi, uni kam uxlashga, kòproq harakat qilishga undaydigan asosiy maqsadi va u asosiy maqsadga olib boradigan kichik maqsadlari bòlsa tashqi motivatsiya kerak emas.
Motivatsion videolar, audiolar yokida kitoblar òqish damn good but it is nothing but wasting of you time if you dont follow or complete all the steps. I think you got what I mean here.
Shunday ekan bugun bir motivatsiyani ko'rib men dasturchi bo'laman deb turib keyin boshqa bir motivationni kòrganda/eshitganda/o'qiganda men endi Interior Designer bo'lmoqchiman deb fikrlarini va asosiy maqsadlarini tez tez òzgartirish barcha motivationlarni motivaysashga ularni motivatorlarini esa motivaysaqilarga aylantiradi.
Bu albatta mening shaxsiy fikrlarim bunga qòshilish yoki qòshilmasligingiz menga qiziq emas. Kimlar uchun ham bu motivatsiya kimlar uchundir shunchaki vaysash bòlib qolaveradi.
P.S. Bugungi javoblarda judayam òz sòz boyligimni oshirdim. Hamma javob berganlarning javoblari tòģri aslida faqat men savolda ilmoq qòygan edim "teng" ma'noli deya😊
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The Ron Clark Story (2006) [English Films World].srt
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