#Task_1 The bar graph compares two genders in terms of the proportion of driving tests passed in an Asian country at a ten-year interval from 1980 to 2010. Overall, both men and women who got a driving license experienced an upward trend during the period…
Feedback of anyone is appreciated. Share your ideas for this essay behijalat;)
#Task1_and_Task2 Stay tuned and wait for my version! By this, you can share yours in the comments section and get feedback from me (W7) Towards success with @Ielts_upgraded!
Task 2 has already been written but there are some improvements for it!
❗️Passage: In fact, climate science needs professional help to rebuild its reputation.
❓Question: Climate scientists should take professional advice on regaining public confidence.
❗️Passage: In fact, climate science needs professional help to rebuild its reputation.
❓Question: Climate scientists should take professional advice on regaining public confidence.
❗️Passage: Albert Einstein and Bill Gates are two more examples of people whose talents have blossomed by virtue of the times they were living in.
❓️Question: Einstein and Gates would have achieved success in any era.
❗️Passage: Albert Einstein and Bill Gates are two more examples of people whose talents have blossomed by virtue of the times they were living in.
❓️Question: Einstein and Gates would have achieved success in any era.
Anonymous Quiz
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Forwarded from EVEREST OFFICIAL 🏔🚀
EVEREST o’quv markazida IELTS imtihonidan O’zbekistondagi eng kuchli overall 9.0 natijasi qayd etildi! 🗻 🚀
Natija EVEREST bitiruvchisi va ustozi Dilmurod Nazarmatovga (@dilmurod_notes) tegishli va undagi eshitish, o’qish va gapirish qismidagi 9.0, hamda yozish qismidagi 8.5 natija shu kunga qadar O’zbekistondagi hech bir imtihon topshiruvchi tomonidan bir vaqtning o’zida qayd etilmagan!
EVEREST esa xalqimizga yuqori IELTS natijalari bilan tanilgan o’quv markazi hisoblanadi! O’tgan 2022-yil mobaynida EVEREST bitiruvchilarining 754 nafari IELTS overall 7.0, 7.5, 8.0 va 8.5 natija qayd etishgan! 2021-yilda 393 nafar, joriy 2023-yil hisobidan esa yuksak natijalar soni 1000 nafardan oshgan!
EVEREST 2012-yilda tashkil qilingan bo’lib, hozirda Toshkent shahrida 15 manzilda faoliyat yuritmoqda. Darslar malakali, yuqori natijali, iste’dodli va eng muhimi asosan EVEREST bitiruvchilaridan iborat ahil jamoa tomonidan olib boriladi!
Joriy o’quv yili boshida EVEREST 1-9-sinflar oralig’ida tahsil oluvchi maktab o’quvchilari uchun mo’ljallangan yangi loyiha – EVEREST KIDS o’quv markazlari tarmog’iga asos soldi! Hozirda poytaxtimizdagi Paxtakor hamda Chilonzor metro bekatlari yaqinidagi ikki manzilda EVEREST KIDS faoliyat yuritmoqda!
EVERESTER yoshlar ya’ni ushbu o’quv markazi tahsil oluvchilari esa maqsadni aniq qo'ygan, tirishqoq va to'layotgan pulini oqlash uchun kelayotgan, kamtarin ammo kelajakda O'zbekistonimizni ko'taradigan, uni ustunlari bo'ladigan o'g'il-qizlardan iborat! EVEREST asosiy maqsadi esa, ushbu o'zbek o'g'il-qizlariga kuchli ilm berib, ularga muvaffaqiyat eshiklarini ochishdan iboratdir!
P.S. Siz ham EVEREST bilan haqiqiy muvaffaqiyat egasiga aylaning! Hoziroq, EVERESTER bo'ling! 🏔🚀
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Natija EVEREST bitiruvchisi va ustozi Dilmurod Nazarmatovga (@dilmurod_notes) tegishli va undagi eshitish, o’qish va gapirish qismidagi 9.0, hamda yozish qismidagi 8.5 natija shu kunga qadar O’zbekistondagi hech bir imtihon topshiruvchi tomonidan bir vaqtning o’zida qayd etilmagan!
EVEREST esa xalqimizga yuqori IELTS natijalari bilan tanilgan o’quv markazi hisoblanadi! O’tgan 2022-yil mobaynida EVEREST bitiruvchilarining 754 nafari IELTS overall 7.0, 7.5, 8.0 va 8.5 natija qayd etishgan! 2021-yilda 393 nafar, joriy 2023-yil hisobidan esa yuksak natijalar soni 1000 nafardan oshgan!
EVEREST 2012-yilda tashkil qilingan bo’lib, hozirda Toshkent shahrida 15 manzilda faoliyat yuritmoqda. Darslar malakali, yuqori natijali, iste’dodli va eng muhimi asosan EVEREST bitiruvchilaridan iborat ahil jamoa tomonidan olib boriladi!
Joriy o’quv yili boshida EVEREST 1-9-sinflar oralig’ida tahsil oluvchi maktab o’quvchilari uchun mo’ljallangan yangi loyiha – EVEREST KIDS o’quv markazlari tarmog’iga asos soldi! Hozirda poytaxtimizdagi Paxtakor hamda Chilonzor metro bekatlari yaqinidagi ikki manzilda EVEREST KIDS faoliyat yuritmoqda!
EVERESTER yoshlar ya’ni ushbu o’quv markazi tahsil oluvchilari esa maqsadni aniq qo'ygan, tirishqoq va to'layotgan pulini oqlash uchun kelayotgan, kamtarin ammo kelajakda O'zbekistonimizni ko'taradigan, uni ustunlari bo'ladigan o'g'il-qizlardan iborat! EVEREST asosiy maqsadi esa, ushbu o'zbek o'g'il-qizlariga kuchli ilm berib, ularga muvaffaqiyat eshiklarini ochishdan iboratdir!
P.S. Siz ham EVEREST bilan haqiqiy muvaffaqiyat egasiga aylaning! Hoziroq, EVERESTER bo'ling! 🏔🚀
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The technology has changed our life significantly so far. In this regard, the tendency for distance-work and remote learning is increasing day by day because of the affordability and accessibility of the technology. In this essay, I will show positives and negatives of this development and explain why this is beneficial.
To begin with, there are some drawbacks of this trend. Firstly, those who are working and learning remotely are likely to get used to a sedentary lifestyle, leading to various health issues like obesity. This is because distance workers and learners tend not to make a movement a lot sitting around one place. However, this can be prevented by regular exercises. Furthermore, another negative side of this is that people may get distracted while working and studying online due to the social media or video games, resulting in a loss of concentration. This is likely to affect the discipline which is crucial for the effectiveness of the work and study adversely.
Nevertheless, the technology has more benefits for online employers and students. One of them is that people can save their time and money by employing and studying online because they do not need to commute to their work or education place. Instead, they can spend their time and money on physical exercises to improve their overall health. Another positive side of the technology is its accessibility. Most people can gain enough and reliable knowledge by getting experienced and skilled people’s online courses which are available at different platforms like YouTube and Udemy even though those professionals live in another country. This can reduce the ignorance rate in the world in the future.
In conclusion, despite some drawbacks such as health problems and distraction, affecting working and learning efficiency, there are more advantages of the technology because it helps us to save our precious time and money and gives access to the foreign world.
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The technology has changed our life significantly so far. In this regard, the tendency for distance-work and remote learning is increasing day by day because of the affordability and accessibility of the technology. In this essay, I will show positives and negatives of this development and explain why this is beneficial.
To begin with, there are some drawbacks of this trend. Firstly, those who are working and learning remotely are likely to get used to a sedentary lifestyle, leading to various health issues like obesity. This is because distance workers and learners tend not to make a movement a lot sitting around one place. However, this can be prevented by regular exercises. Furthermore, another negative side of this is that people may get distracted while working and studying online due to the social media or video games, resulting in a loss of concentration. This is likely to affect the discipline which is crucial for the effectiveness of the work and study adversely.
Nevertheless, the technology has more benefits for online employers and students. One of them is that people can save their time and money by employing and studying online because they do not need to commute to their work or education place. Instead, they can spend their time and money on physical exercises to improve their overall health. Another positive side of the technology is its accessibility. Most people can gain enough and reliable knowledge by getting experienced and skilled people’s online courses which are available at different platforms like YouTube and Udemy even though those professionals live in another country. This can reduce the ignorance rate in the world in the future.
In conclusion, despite some drawbacks such as health problems and distraction, affecting working and learning efficiency, there are more advantages of the technology because it helps us to save our precious time and money and gives access to the foreign world.
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❗️Passage: Albert Einstein and Bill Gates are two more examples of people whose talents have blossomed by virtue of the times they were living in.
❓️Question: Einstein and Gates would have achieved success in any era.
❗️Passage: Albert Einstein and Bill Gates are two more examples of people whose talents have blossomed by virtue of the times they were living in.
❓️Question: Einstein and Gates would have achieved success in any era.
❗️Passage: It's highly likely that you'll see one of the major soft drink companies represented.
❓️Question: Certain brands of soft drinks can be seen in many movies.
❗️Passage: It's highly likely that you'll see one of the major soft drink companies represented.
❓️Question: Certain brands of soft drinks can be seen in many movies.
Anonymous Quiz
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Forwarded from Road Podcast | BBC 6 minute English
2023- yil Toshkentdagi eng yaxshi o’quv markaz qaysi ?
Yutgan o’quv markazlarga Road_Podcast kanali tomonidan Umumiy jamg’armasi 3 million dan ziyod sovg’alar mavjud✅ Siz ham yilning eng yaxshi o’quvmarkaziga ovoz bering📝
Yutgan o’quv markazlarga Road_Podcast kanali tomonidan Umumiy jamg’armasi 3 million dan ziyod sovg’alar mavjud✅ Siz ham yilning eng yaxshi o’quvmarkaziga ovoz bering📝
Final Results
Everest Lc
Registan Lc
Master IELTS
Cambridge Learning Center
Thompson School
My School
Kings Academy
Riks Education
❗️Passage: It's highly likely that you'll see one of the major soft drink companies represented.
❓️Question: Certain brands of soft drinks can be seen in many movies.
❗️Passage: It's highly likely that you'll see one of the major soft drink companies represented.
❓️Question: Certain brands of soft drinks can be seen in many movies.
❗️It's been scientifically proven that three people will be better than one at solving problems, even if that one person is the smartest person in the field.
❓️Teams work best when their members are of equally matched intelligence.
❗️It's been scientifically proven that three people will be better than one at solving problems, even if that one person is the smartest person in the field.
❓️Teams work best when their members are of equally matched intelligence.
Anonymous Quiz
Not given
❗️It's been scientifically proven that three people will be better than one at solving problems, even if that one person is the smartest person in the field.
❓️Teams work best when their members are of equally matched intelligence.
❗️It's been scientifically proven that three people will be better than one at solving problems, even if that one person is the smartest person in the field.
❓️Teams work best when their members are of equally matched intelligence.
❗️Passage: If the bark is stripped on a day when it's too cold - or when the air is damp - the tree will be damaged.
❓️Question: Cork bark should be stripped in dry atmospheric conditions.
❗️Passage: If the bark is stripped on a day when it's too cold - or when the air is damp - the tree will be damaged.
❓️Question: Cork bark should be stripped in dry atmospheric conditions.
Anonymous Quiz
Not given
Speaking part 1 - Being bored.docx.pdf
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#useful #speaking #part1 #being_bored
January - August Speaking Samples
Part 1 - Being bored
Video explanation
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January - August Speaking Samples
Part 1 - Being bored
Video explanation
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Speaking part 1 - Being bored.docx.pdf
Hi guys! How are you doing?!
It's been ages since I posted on this channel because of some reasons which some of you are aware of!
However, it's high time to come back again!✊
From today on, I will share some useful information as before in this channel!
Stay tuned! and feel free to use it. Later, I will make a video explanation for this!
It's been ages since I posted on this channel because of some reasons which some of you are aware of!
However, it's high time to come back again!✊
From today on, I will share some useful information as before in this channel!
Stay tuned! and feel free to use it. Later, I will make a video explanation for this!
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Please open Telegram to view this post
Speaking part 1 - Being bored.docx.pdf
Bu uchun soat 20:00da video explanation qilamiz hozir!
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BBC World Service – Who will be next to walk on the moon?
It seems to be an interesting podcast!
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You can improve your listening skills by listening to these useful podcasts!
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Btw, this channel is also ours! Use it in a behijalat way.
You can improve your listening skills by listening to these useful podcasts!
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