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Forwarded from Dr Mike Yeadon

"The word pandemic used to have a very specific meaning. It was used to describe a scenario where there was extensive incapacitation of key workers and large numbers of deaths, including young people.

Using this long-established definition of the word, we conclude that there was in fact no global pandemic in 2020. The word was deliberately misapplied and weaponised against an unsuspecting public."

Querying the existence of a covid ‘pandemic’  – HART

Yes, there were some alert people who said there was no pandemic very early.
I realised quite early that whatever was going on was being exaggerated. It took me quite a while to realise there literally was no pandemic, only lies, a deliberately manipulated & untrustworthy PCR-based “diagnostic” & 24/7 propaganda.
People get ill from time to time. Illness tends to be amplified when people are chronically stressed and frightened.
The “medical & policy responses” to the mendacious WHO pandemic declaration were what caused the excess deaths in hospitals, care homes and community.

Meanwhile, small to medium sized businesses were forced to close & many didn’t survive. The people were paid using their own stolen money to remain not working. These effects greatly weakened the economy and the currency. This occurred more or less everywhere.

I think the economic, financial and currency injuries are of a magnitude that they can be used as cover to totally change the meaning of money and asset ownership.

The gene-based injections were designed to injure, maim and kill. As this has never been done before on scale, they probably picked doses that they didn’t expect would lead to mass slaughter because everyone would get wind of what was going on. But variations in toxicity between batches might have provided sufficient information as to enable calibration of killing power for the future.

Best wishes

👉 https://t.me/DrMikeYeadon
"Anesthesiologists should be aware of the potential for pericarditis & myocarditis in patients who have received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine & take appropriate precautions to monitor and manage any potential complications during anesthesia."

@stkirsch also testified this interesting bit of information about the Amish to the Pennsylvania State Senate.

The Amish Died of COVID at a Rate 90 Times LOWER Than the Rest of America

“I did the calculation,” @stkirsch announced. Given five Amish people died in Lancaster Country, PA, “the Amish died at a rate 90 times lower than the infection fatality rate of the United States of America.”

“Now, how is that possible?” @stkirsch asked. “It’s possible because the Amish aren’t vaccinated. And because the Amish didn’t follow a single guideline of the CDC,” he answered.

“They did not lock down. They did not mask. They did not social distance, They did not vaccinate, and there were no mandates in the Amish community to get vaccinated. They basically ignored every single guideline that the CDC gave us. Ignoring those guidelines meant a death rate 90 times lower than the rest of America.”
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Steve Kirsch: "Wir können kein autistisches Kind finden, das nicht geimpft wurde" [18397]

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"Wissenschaftler erklärten Aspartam in den späten 1970er und frühen 1980er Jahren aufgrund früher Tests als krebserregend, aber Donald Rumsfeld, der CEO des Unternehmens, dem Aspartam gehörte, wurde Teil des Reagan-Übergangsteams und durfte den neuen Leiter der FDA ernennen, der dann die entscheidende Stimme für die Zulassung von Aspartam in der amerikanischen Lebensmittelversorgung abgab. Als Monsanto kurz darauf das Unternehmen aufkaufte, dem Aspartam gehörte, erhielt Rumsfeld von Monsanto 12 Millionen Dollar als goldenen Handschlag, mit ziemlicher Sicherheit für sein direktes Eingreifen, um Aspartam an der Sicherheitsbehörde vorbeizubringen.

Dies ist keine isolierte Geschichte von Korruption, von Unternehmensgewinnen, die über die Gesundheit der Nation gestellt werden. So funktioniert das System. Das ist der Grund, warum die amerikanischen Lebensmittel mit extrem schädlichen Inhaltsstoffen belastet sind.

Nehmen Sie zum Beispiel Propionsäure (PPA). Dieses weit verbreitete Antimykotikum, das zur Verlängerung der Haltbarkeit von verarbeiteten Lebensmitteln verwendet wird, findet sich in stark erhöhten Konzentrationen im Stuhl von autistischen Kindern. Viele Fälle von Autismus scheinen mit Funktionsstörungen des Darms und einer mikrobiellen Überwucherung zusammenzuhängen, die durch PPA wahrscheinlich gefördert wird, indem es die guten Mikroben im Darm "auslöscht" und es aggressiven Stämmen ermöglicht, einzudringen und sich festzusetzen.

Das ganze System muss sich ändern. Wir brauchen ein unabhängiges System, das nicht zulässt, dass der Einfluss von Unternehmen die Grundrechte der Menschen auf wirklich sichere Lebensmittel außer Kraft setzt."


Das ganze System MUSS SICH ÄNDERN!!!

Nicht nur in den USA!!!


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