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‼️Press release of the defense on the voluntary renunciation of admission‼️

Dr. Reiner Füllmich has NOT "lost" his admission as a lawyer, as has been falsely reported in various media, but has renounced it.

Dr. Reiner Füllmich voluntarily waived his admission to the bar in December 2023, as he is currently unable to work continuously as a lawyer for more than three months.

In such a case, a waiver of admission must be issued regardless of the reason for the interruption in legal practice. Admission can be reapplied for at the bar association at any time according to the current status.
Forwarded from Gesund ohne Medikament
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🌳🌲🍀Flüssige Bäume nehmen CO2 aus der Luft auf, wie Bäume!

Aber sie werden aus Stahl, Plastik und Chemikalien hergestellt und landen auf der Mülldeponie.


👉 Zum neuen & unzensierten Kanal💥
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A short statement from Reiner's lawyer Katja Wörmer regarding the 3rd day of the trial on February 7, 2024.

We will keep you informed.


Forwarded from Robert F. Kennedy Jr
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RFK Jr: "I’ll leave you with three thoughts..."

1. Any power that Government takes from the people, it will never return voluntarily.

2. Every power that Government takes, it will ultimately be abused to the maximum extent possible.

3. Nobody ever complied their way out of totalitarianism. The only thing we can do is resist.

Forwarded from LION Media
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🇦🇺 Das australische Parlament hat einen offiziellen Antrag an die Regierungen der Vereinigten Staaten und des Vereinigten Königreichs gestellt, mit dem die Freilassung und Rückkehr ihres Staatsbürgers Julian Assange erwirkt werden soll.

Forwarded from Dr Mike Yeadon
I received this as an email earlier today.
It’s distressing. I can’t say I’m surprised though.
Best wishes

Subject: OLG decision: Dr. Fuellmich remains in high security prison - OLG-Entscheidung: Dr. Fuellmich bleibt im Hochsicherheitsgefängnis

So far = 22.02.2024  Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is considered innocent !
So far = 22.02.2024  Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has not been convicted !

Bis jetzt = 22.02.2024 gilt Dr. Reiner Fuellmich als unschuldig !
Bis jetzt = 22.02.2024 wurde Dr. Reiner Fuellmich nicht gerichtlich verurteilt !

OLG decision: Dr. Fuellmich remains in high security prison
Status: 20.02.2024 17:31 h
Flight risk: Göttingen lawyer Fuellmich must remain in custody
The accused lawyer Reiner Fuellmich arrives at the regional court with files for the start of the trial. © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Swen Pförtner
The prosecution accuses lawyer Reiner Fuellmich of embezzlement. (archive picture)

The Göttingen lawyer and former federal chairman of the small party "Die Basis", Reiner Fuellmich, must remain in custody. His appeal against this was unsuccessful, the Braunschweig Higher Regional Court announced on Tuesday. The court based its rejection on the risk of absconding. The prosecution accuses lawyer Fuellmich of embezzlement. Among other things, he had received loan agreements amounting to 700,000 euros from the so-called Corona Committee and is alleged to have embezzled these funds. Fuellmich denies the allegations. The main trial against him at Göttingen district court began at the end of January.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has been a prisoner for 134 days and nights = on 11.10.2023 abduction from Tijuana/Mexico to Germany !
Arrested, transported to Rosdorf Prison to the maximum security prison on 13.10.2023 immediately after the plane arrived in Frankfurt/Germany.



Dates of the trial against Dr. Reiner Fuellmich:
The two court dates this week (Tuesday, 20.02. and Friday, 23.02.2024) will NOT take place!
👉The next hearing day is Tuesday, 27.02.2024, 9:15 a.m.

Die Anklage wirft dem Rechtsanwalt Reiner Fuellmich Untreue vor. (Archivbild)
OLG-Entscheidung: Dr. Fuellmich bleibt im Hochsicherheitsgefängnis

Der Göttinger Rechtsanwalt und ehemalige Bundesvorsitzende der Kleinpartei "Die Basis", Reiner Fuellmich, muss in Untersuchungshaft bleiben. Seine Beschwerde dagegen hatte keinen Erfolg, teilte das Oberlandesgericht Braunschweig am Dienstag mit. Die Ablehnung begründete das Gericht mit Fluchtgefahr. Die Anklage wirft Rechtsanwalt Fuellmich Untreue vor. Er hatte unter anderem Darlehensverträge in Höhe von 700.000 Euro vom sogenannten Corona-Ausschuss erhalten und soll diese Gelder veruntreut haben. Fuellmich bestreitet die Vorwürfe. Die Hauptverhandlung gegen ihn vor dem Landgericht Göttingen hat Ende Januar begonnen.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich ist seit 134 Tagen und Nächten Gefangener = am 11.10.2023 Verschleppung aus Tijuana/Mexiko nach Deutschland !
Verhaftung, Transport in die JVA Rosdorf ins Hochsicherheitsgefängnis am 13.10.2023 sofort nach Ankunft des Flugzeuges in Frankfurt/Deutschland.

Termine Prozess gegen Dr. Reiner Fuellmich:
Die beiden Gerichtstermine in dieser Woche (Dienstag, 20.02. und Freitag, 23.02.2024) finden NICHT statt!
👉Der nächste Verhandlungstag ist Dienstag, 27.02.2024, 9:15 Uhr.

👉 https://t.me/DrMikeYeadon
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A quick update from Reiner Fuellmich regarding the current situation. 💡📬‼️📣

Forwarded from Marina
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Stella Assange, die Ehefrau und Anwältin von Julian FreeAssange, fasst die Anhörung zusammen (mit deutschen Untertiteln) [35534] Kalender Umfragen Inhalt Themen Tiere

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LG hearing 4 trial against Reiner Füllmich
"Water level report" 1.55 pm
Due to the fact that another lawyer,
Dr. Miseré, was appointed to the defense team around Dr. Reiner Füllmich, the examination of the witness Dr. Justus Hoffmann was postponed by one hour, as the defense team Dr. Miseré and Katja Wörmer were still given consultation time with their client Dr. Reiner Füllmich.
The 4th day of the trial continued with the questioning of Hoffmann as follows.
Hoffmann was questioned "hard" in turn by the defense team, Reiner Füllmich and the presiding judge, as well as the second judge. It soon became clear that Dr. Justus Hoffmann was becoming entangled in contradictions.
He appeared very distracted and nervous to the trial observer. This led the defense counsel to ask the witness whether he was under medication, which he left open.
After the lunch break, the witness questioning of Viviane Fischer continued, who, according to the trial observer, has so far made a calm and composed impression.
Alkmini Laucke Metallinou [27.02.2024 17:49] "Water level report" part 2
After the lunch break, the questioning of Hoffmann's witnesses continued, with Reiner Füllmich also seeking to clarify his need for clarification by asking Hoffmann questions. It did not take long for both witnesses to become emotional and to verbally exchange blows. The presiding judge had to point out the rules for questioning witnesses. Attorney Wörmer shone with her very objective questioning.
It is explosive that when Füllmich asked Justus Hoffmann about the emails with which Hoffmann & A. Fischer pretended to want to reach an agreement, Füllmich asked him directly whether the settlement offers shortly before the arrest had been meant seriously or whether they had only been made by Hoffmann as a pretense to expose him, Füllmich, to arrest.
Dr. Justus Hoffmann is said to have replied:
"Yes of course, what do you think? Of course that's why I did it!"
Alkmini Laucke Metallinou, [27.02.2024 17:52] Water level report part 3
Antonia Fischer stood out on today's trial day rather by caring for Dr. Hoffmann by supplying him with her own water bottle in the meantime.
After Hoffmann's questioning was completed and he was asked by the presiding judge to take his seat again, he replied: "Nope, I'm leaving now."
Antonia Fischer joined him.
This could mean that these two were either not interested or no longer had the nerve to hear what Viviane Fischer had to say.
Hoffmann, who was so glorious, self-righteous and callous on Facebook a few months ago, seems to be a pile of misery now. (The latter is a comment by the author)
Water level report" part 4
Füllmich's defense, however, insisted on questioning Antonia Fischer again in detail.
Today was only a brief opportunity, but it became clear that there was still a need for clarification regarding the interaction between Hoffmann, Fischer and (!) the prosecutor.
Viviane Fischer was asked about the course of events of the Corona Committee, which she described without contradicting Füllmich's account. She emphasized how well she had always worked together with Reiner Füllmich. She had taken minutes of the first 15 meetings of the committee at the time so that the audience could also read something. She did this free of charge, also as a thank you for the high level of donations.
Even then, Hoffmann is said to have made financial demands for everything in which his name appeared, i.e. in those minutes written by Viviane Fischer.
It is touching, gives confidence and gives hope to see that so many people around the world stand behind Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and set an example with all kinds of creative actions to draw attention to Reiner's situation. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all our loud and silent supporters. ❤️


This is the message to the original video: 👇👇👇

Forwarded from Mikkel Meinike Nielsen
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Popup-Event zugunsten von
Deutscher Anwalt Reiner Fuellmich

Vor der deutschen Botschaft in Kopenhagen, Dänemark

Aufgeführt vom Community Dance Project "The Hocus Pocus Danser" und SpaceGirl Music

Direkt gegenüber dem
Hauptquartier der Vereinten Nationen in Kopenhagen, Dänemark

Am Sonntag, dem 25. Februar 2024