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English channel of the International Crimes Investigative Committee

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Tucker Carlson Trailer zur nächsten Episode

Ein Mann, der behauptet, er habe 1999 Sex mit Barack Obama gehabt, erzählt seine Geschichte.
Danke an Karin H., Pharm. für die Zusendung:
" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmZzZIcqIrI (24min)

Gute Darlegung der fehlenden Evidenz für erneute Booster-Empfehlungen. Auch über die mangelhafte Datenlage zu den jährlichen Grippeimpfungen spricht Vinay Prasad, MD MPH (Physician & Professor; Hematologist/ Oncologist; Professor of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Medicine).

"... They (Pfizer) can run multiple randomized control trials. They have a hundred billion dollars, the only thing you need to get them to run this study, is an FDA that's not working directly for the best interests of Pfizer. An impartial FDA would be able to compel the manufacturer to generate these data. ... I have never before witnessed as great a failure of the FDA as I have during the covid-19 vaccine programs. ..." "
🚨 New FOIA Documents Obtained by ICAN Show the CDC & FDA Ignored a U.S. Military Investigation Showing the Vaccines Were Failing as Early as Jan 2021

“Humetrix Cloud Services was contracted by the U.S. military to analyze vaccine data…Humetrix researchers found that the proportion of total COVID-19 cases among the seniors was increasingly comprised of vaccinated people.

The breakthrough cases started in January 2021, according to the data.

For the week ending on July 31, 2021, post-vaccination COVID-19 cases represented 73 percent of the cases among people 65 and older…In the week ending on July 31, 2021, 63 percent of the COVID-19 hospitalizations in seniors were among the fully vaccinated.

The CDC, FDA, and National Institutes of Health did not share the data with the public as they considered whether to clear and recommend COVID-19 vaccine boosters.”

Full Story: https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/fda-cdc-hid-data-on-spike-in-covid-cases-among-the-vaccinated-documents-5483439

Join 👉 https://t.me/RogerHodkinson
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Douglas Macgregor on Tucker: "60,000 children from Ukraine have disappeared and vanished since the war has began. Women have been kidnapped and thrown into prostitution. This war is a catastrophe, the people bathing in blood are in Kiev and Washington."

Where are the 60,000 missing children in Ukraine?
Zelensky & Biden WAR in Ukraine operates the largest child sex trafficking/organ/adrenochrome harvesting operation all thru Europe.
Where are the 1000 missing Maui children?
Biden openly trafficks children at US Border.

FOLLOW: @GeneralPatton17
Forwarded from Dr. Martin Kulldorff
GREAT NEWS: In our 1st Amendment lawsuit, the 5th Circuit Court just issued an injunction preventing the White House, CDC, Surgeon General and FBI to coerce or encourage social-media companies to remove or suppress posted content containing protected free speech.

Join ➡️ @MartinKulldorf
The UK Government Tracks Journalists That Make Freedom of Information Requests

Concerting new revelations.

t is by now no surprise to learn that some facts about government, and associated agency decisions, especially controversial ones, do get revealed to citizens thanks to various, varying from country to country, Freedom of Information, known mostly as FOIA, acts.

Related: The Freedom of Information Act and How To Use It

But would it surprise you to learn that while allowing this no doubt to them annoying at least possibility to go on – governments are also in essence “nullifying” this freedom and free-speech-loving legislative “loophole” by trying to undermine it, whichever way they can?

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Robert Kennedy Jr. fragte Anthony Fauci: „Können Sie einen Impfstoff finden, der einem Sicherheitstest unterzogen wurde?“

Anthony Fauci weigerte sich, Beweise vorzulegen, also verklagte RFK Jr ihn…

Nach einem Jahr der Abschottung legte ihm Fauci schließlich ein Schreiben vor, in dem es hieß: „Wir haben keine Beweise für Sicherheitstests vor der Zulassung eines Impfstoffs.“