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Боты с ресурсами для поиска:
🇬🇧 @HowToFindRobot
🇷🇺 @HowToFind_RussianBot

Download Telegram
YaSeeker — Finds Yandex profiles from a email address

It shows accounts on Zen, Music, Znatoki, Reviews, Bug Bounty, Collections and Market
@mailExistsBot — finds where the email address is bound

Based on holehe, completely free
@SovaAppBot — VK account friends statistics, showing a sample by city, country, age and sex — Finds all deleted posts and comments on Reddit. Can search by account name, only one subreddit, or the entire site archive
A site that finds where the photo was taken — upload a photo from the street and neural networks will find where the photo was supposedly taken. The result is quite accurate.
For example, the site was sent a picture of the underpass in London, and it showed the supposed location of the photo marked in red on the map, including highlighting London.
How to quickly find a spoken word in a YouTube video

1. Open the video on PC.
2. At the bottom of the player click on • • • and select View video transcript
3. Open the page search (Ctrl+F) and enter the word you are looking for.
@facematch_bot — finds a photo with the same face taken from photo-reports sites of nightclubs, sports and cultural events in Astana and Almaty. These sites are and
How to find more data

Use as many duplicate resources as possible. Each site may produce a different answer for the same data.

For example @SovaAppBot, @mailExistsBot and Epieos all run on Holehe, but they have different results. — shows all Bitcoin wallet transactions in a convenient view. You can compare multiple wallets to find common addresses.
FuckFacebook — search in the Facebook leak of almost all countries, 435M strings

Search by
Facebook ID, phone number, name and last name, work, address and relation

Facebook ID, phone number, name and last name, work, country, status and address
How to find a phone number by Yandex Email address

1. Send email address to @UniversalSearchRobot and copy Public ID
2. Send Public ID to @yandexidbot and it will probably give you the phone number.

You can search not only by email, but also by profile in Yandex, enough to know the Public ID, and it can be found by looking at the URL of the page.
@The_New_Get_Contact_Bot — Finds names by phone number, and finds phones by name or word. Works for free. — The whois history of the domain. Shows who owned the domain.

There is a search for any parameters in the history of whois. View contacts is available after free registration.
How to find out everything a company buys on the global market

1. Open and register
2. Enter a company name in the search bar and open its profile
3. Copy number after buyer/ in URL, this is company ID.
4. Replace OrgID with this company ID

You can only open 15 pages of shipping data on the website, but the link will give you free access to all of them without any restrictions
How to find all the URLs of a site in a Web Archive*/* — replace with the domain or URL to find out what the Wayback Machine has saved. If you have a lot of links there may be lags.

An example of an invitation link*/*
How to find the hidden name of a Telegram channel

1. Download Telegram X on Android
2. In it, open the channel and navigate to the first message on the channel manually or use the link:

where CHANNEL should be replaced with the channel address.

This will show the name put in when channel is created. The only client capable of showing this information is Telegram X
How to find Google Plus account using Gmail address or Google ID

Google Plus — a former social network that preserves photos, posts, social media links, descriptions, usernames
Google. Wayback Machive (Internet Archive) has preserved hundreds of millions of profiles that can be accessed by Gmail address or Google ID.

1. Open and send email

The bot will give you a link to a copy of the Plus page and photo albums in the Web Archive. Some profiles are not displayed, but if you open the source code or go to Applications section in developer tools, it will save images, bios, comments, and other account data.
How to find Twitter account change history — history of changes in name, bio and other profile data, replace USERNAME with Twitter username.

If there is nothing, you can start following your account after you sign up at
How To Find phone number by the number of plastic card of any bank

Does not work with Qiwi card, Sberbank, Alpha-Bank, Rosselkhozbank, UMoney

1. Open
2. Where "Sender" enter the card number and random CVC & expiration date
3. Where "Recipient" enter any real card number, for example 4893 4704 7283 6532
4. Enter amount and click on transfer

The 3DS site will open with a part of phone number and in some cases login or email.
How to find the E-mail of the creator of an shortened link on

1. Open and write the following text in your private messages:

Hello. I can't recover access to my account.
I tried password recovery but i don't get mail.
My email is
I remember created link, it is bit[.]ly/example

where should be replaced by any email address and bit[.]ly/example by the desired link.

Support will say that the email is not linked and ask for another email address.

2. Tell them that you know only this email and link.

Sorry, I remember only one email address and
one created link by this account.
I created http://bit[.]ly/example. Please send recovery mail.

The reply will show that a recovery link was sent to some email address. This email address is linked to the account which created this short link
How to find a dossier on a citizen of any country — search by phone number, email and full name. Gives out social networks, logins, passwords, addresses, companies and much more. Registration is required.

Site gives free 1 full report per account, sometimes you need a VPN to access the site. You can search endlessly if you don't open full report.