Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會 Channel 🇬🇧
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We are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to aid and empower Hongkongers in Britain.

It is the first Hongkongers expat/diaspora and community-building group set up in the UK after 2019.

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🎲 諾定咸圍爐 Board Game 夜 🌜
Board Game Gathering Night in Nottingham 

萬眾期待嘅 Board Game 活動又返嚟喇!無論你係經驗豐富嘅玩家定係想試下新嘢,無論你鍾意鬥智鬥力定想輕鬆下,Board Game 夜都啱你!我哋有《大富翁》同《拼字遊戲》等嘅經典遊戲,亦有《卡坦島》同《Ticket to Ride》等熱門遊戲。我哋仲將有大量新版本同獨立遊戲等你去發掘。千祈唔好錯過喇!

日期 / Date : 25/8/2023 (星期五 / Friday)
時間 / Time : 5:00pm - 9:00pm (英國時間 / UK Time)
地點 / Venue : 68-70 Mansfield Rd, Nottingham NG1 3GY
語言 / Language : 廣東話 / Cantonese
報名方法 / Registration : https://forms.gle/mdHjwgv7jD5JCr4d8
名額 / Capacity : 25
查詢 / Enquiries : Tung Wong 地區外展主任 ( 英格蘭中部東區 ) Regional Outreach Coordinator (East Midlands) Tung.wong@hongkongers.org.uk
協辦 / Co-organiser : HongkongNotts CIC / Nottingham HKPass

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#英國港僑協會 #移英港人 #MissionPerm #移英港人家園計劃 #移民英國 #BNO #實體活動
#BoardGame #桌上遊戲 #扑驚  #狼人殺 #太平島保衛戰 #啤牌  
#卡坦島 #Catan #大富翁 #Monopoly  #拼字遊戲 #Scrabble
#Nottingham #諾定咸 #Nottinghamshire
Nottingham 圍爐 Board Game 夜順利舉行。唔知你哋中唔中意今次新嘅 borad game 呢?喺樓下 comment 同我哋講啦~ 希望忙咗一日嘅大家都玩得開心。我哋繼續會有 Board Game 夜㗎,希望下次可以見到你!

It was another evening of board games and laughter in Nottingham. Thank you to all who has come along. Let us know in the comments below if you like our boards games or what other board games you would like to play next. Hope everyone had a wonderful time winding down after a busy day. Rest assured that we will continue to have board game nights and hope to see you next time!

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#英國港僑協會 #移英港人 #MissionPerm #移英港人家園計劃 #移民英國 #BNO #實體活動
#BoardGame #桌上遊戲 #扑驚  #狼人殺 #太平島保衛戰 #啤牌  
#卡坦島 #Catan #大富翁 #Monopoly  #拼字遊戲 #Scrabble
#Nottingham #諾定咸 #Nottinghamshire
諾定咸圍爐 Board Game 夜 😍
Board Game Gathering Night in Nottingham

大家期待已久嘅 Board Game 活動返嚟喇!今次我哋有三個鐘一齊探索各類桌遊。除咗 Sheriff Of Nottingham 同卡坦島等熱門遊戲,我哋仲有其他唔同嘅遊戲等你玩。千祈唔好錯過喇!

日期 / Date : 8/12/2023 (星期五 / Friday)
時間 / Time : 6:00pm - 9:00pm (英國時間 / UK Time)

地點 / Venue : 68-70 Mansfield Rd, Nottingham NG1 3GY
語言 / Language : 廣東話 / Cantonese
報名方法 / Registration : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScnxcMv3G56TPt4WPgX46XLB6JJ_X9IASRKogseSJRt0DopXA/viewform?usp=pp_url

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#英國港僑協會 #移英港人 #MissionPerm #移英港人家園計劃 #移民英國 #BNO #實體活動
#BoardGame #桌上遊戲 #扑驚 #狼人殺 #太平島保衛戰 #啤牌
#卡坦島 #Catan #大富翁 #Monopoly #拼字遊戲 #Scrabble
#Nottingham #諾定咸 #Nottinghamshire