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Forwarded from Watchman on the Wall (Kendra Stetler)
Forwarded from Watchman on the Wall (Kendra Stetler)
The Biden Deep State wants war to cover up Hunter/Joe Biden dealings in the Ukraine.
• A war would insure that Russia takes Ukraine, the current president Volodymyr Zelensky would be removed and the investigations would cease.
• A war in the Ukraine would cover up exposure of the Pandemic and vaccines.
• The war would be plastered through all Media, Google, Facebook, YouTube, Mainstream Media, Radio Social Media and create panic. Deep State Mockingbird Project.
• The saturation of the MSM would try to cover up the Durham Investigation into the Clintons and Obama that would lead to Fauci and Obama.
• The war would cover up the suppression of the Freedom Convoys.
• The war would cover up all missing laundered money across the world (Deep State money).
• The war would try to create cover for many corrupt European countries, presidents, elites and Banks.
• Unfortunately the war will bring down the New World Order. The 32 Nation Alliance White Hats have Military Generals in every major country getting ready to rebuff the UN, NATO and their own Deep State Military forces that were connected to their corrupt government owned by the Central Banking System and Cabal Deep State.
• If all that was planned went well a world lockdown would ensure after World Nuclear and Military standoff.
• In this time will be great unrest, confusion and riots which would lead to Marshall Law.
• Marshall Law was where the White Hat Military in every nation will arrest their own Deep State officials in government, media, elites, Deep State Military – all who colluded in the Pandemic, bioweapons and those who betrayed their country by working with the Cabal Deep State (Davos, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Gates, World Banks, Vatican, Chinese Communist Party).
• In the next months expect the world’s largest earthquakes to happen.
• Don’t be surprised if the Deep State sticks to their Alien Invasion Plan – Project Blue Beam – and create a large earthquake. They will pretend to uncover massive new archaeological findings and ancient technology connected to Aliens.
• This has been their plan all along. That’s why the Pentagon, Deep State MSM, world governments and the Vatican have been pushing the Alien Agenda.
• Pay attention to all the weather weapons/ tectonic weapons being used through the world: Volcanos, explosions, droughts, more floods, fires, cyclones, tsunamis, etc.
Forwarded from Watchman on the Wall (Kendra Stetler)
L. Operation Snow White (in 30 Q drops):
• The CIA had seven huge, super-secret, global intelligence computer databases deep inside Central Intelligence Agency headquarters that was named after the seven dwarfs: Operation Snow White.
• The CIA in Hollywood also funded Walt Disney, Hugh Hefner and among many other paid/controlled operations like Mockingbird and Honey traps.
• Marilyn Monroe had Military clearance to California CIA Military base. Courtney Love also was a placed low level CIA agent who ran drugs through England punk scene and trafficked girls between elites.
• These CIA super computers were hacked by US Military Intelligence battalions.
• These files and Snow White computers were the connection to worldwide Child Trafficking rings and elites like Epstein, Hollywood, Britney Spears, HRC, Obama, Facebook, Twitter and Google.
Forwarded from Watchman on the Wall (Kendra Stetler)
executive Officer Christopher Cole for the "Medical Countermeasures Initiative" at the FDA says on hidden cam the Biden admin plans an annual jab. "So, you'll have to get an annual shot. I mean it hasn't been formally announced yet, cause they don't want to rile everyone up."
Forwarded from 17_3 PROUD
have you been paying attention to the silver/gold markets? What about the Stock Market? Have we seen Any Exchange Rates announced for ANY COUNTRY? Lets not forget, the U.S will have a new rate as well, which no one talks about? If that rate is tied into precious Metals..then how will we know the true rate if its backed by precious metals? Again, there are many many pieces to this puzzle. Iraq is using their oil for dinar program to remove the Larger notes and offer oil discounts? How can the U.S offer a 1;1 rate for the old fiat if the silver/gold markets are still being suppressed. These questions alone should tell you»>the process is larger than many realize.
Forwarded from Red Trump Q17FAKE
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Agenda 21 also known as Agenda 2030 and Plan Howard 2030. Communism already at your door steps. Check to see if your county, state, or country has signed up.

Upcoming events with Gordana Schifanelli for Lt. Governor of MD. Endorsed by President Trump.

MZ: I can tell you that I was told there will be a lot of disclosure occurring on the 22nd. Including footage of tunnels under major cities to be released on the 22nd. New York and DC specifically and possibly in The Getty Library in California…..We are expecting a mass disclosure on the 22nd. This is coming from folks actually involved in this disclosure….so I am looking for a crazy day on the 22nd.
Forwarded from 🌞FLA🌞 Patriot🇺🇸❤🔔
Q History

In the 1960’s, JFK was killed trying to dissolve the Federal Reserve, and the Deep State assassinated him for it. The money control is their main weapon. There are notebooks, thick ones, the Alliance has the exact scenario to take down the Cabal. But it has been in high-gear since the 9/11 false flag. The plans have been developed over that time. The Alliance goes back to Howard Hughes and Nicola Tesla, in the 1920’s.

The Q team was original formed by JFK in the 1960’s!

Fifty Eight years ago on Christmas Eve 1963 (after the assassination of President Kennedy) 77 U.S. Generals came together and The Plan to Save the World was born (the Q movement). Three months later 133 Generals became part of Operation Freedom Eagle 35. That Q movement has now spread to 22 Nations and 1600 Generals who were now part of the Alliance, or White Hats.

The Alliance or "White Hats" is composed of President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, White Hats in the Department of Defense headed by Secty of Defense Chris Miller, Undersecty of Defense Intel Ezra Cohen Watnick and Gen. Michael T Flynn; Q force (composed of around 800 special ops who advise President Trump including Pentagon Generals Vice Chief John Hyten, US Marine Gen. David Berger, Chief of the Army Gen. James C. McConville, Chief of the Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Chief of Naval Operations Gen. Michael M. Gilday, Gen. James McConville, Gen. Paul Nakasone and Gen. Jay Raymond), QAnons (volunteer Patriots headed by Ezra Cohen-Watnick, General Flynn and JF Kennedy Jr, who is Q. The National Security Agency headed by Richard Grenell who, with the US under Martial Law, is running military operations in Washington DC and various militaries across the globe, including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol.
Forwarded from shaun johnson
"If we do not develop within ourselves this deeply rooted feeling that there is something higher than ourselves, we shall never find the strength to evolve to something higher. The initiate has only acquired the strength to lift his head to the heights of knowledge by guiding his heart to the depths of veneration and devotion. The heights of the spirit can only be climbed by passing through the portals of humility. You can only acquire right knowledge when you have learnt to esteem it. Man has certainly the right to turn his eyes to the light, but he must first acquire this right.
There are laws in the spiritual life, as in the physical life. Rub a glass rod with an appropriate material and it will become electric, that is, it will receive the power of attracting small bodies. This is in keeping with a law of nature. It is known to all who have learnt a little physics. Similarly, acquaintance with the first principles of spiritual science shows that every feeling of true devotion harbored in the soul develops a power which may, sooner or later, lead further on the path of knowledge.
The student who is gifted with this feeling, or who is fortunate enough to have had it inculcated in a suitable education, brings a great deal along with him when, later in life, he seeks admittance to higher knowledge. Failing such preparation, he will encounter difficulties at the very first step, unless he undertakes, by rigorous self-education, to create within himself this inner life of devotion. In our time it is especially important that full attention be paid to this point. Our civilization tends more toward critical judgment and condemnation than toward devotion and selfless veneration. Our children already criticize far more than they worship. But every criticism, every adverse judgment passed, disperses the powers of the soul for the attainment of higher knowledge in the same measure that all veneration and reverence develops them.
In this we do not wish to say anything against our civilization. There is no question here of leveling criticism against it. To this critical faculty, this self-conscious human judgment, this “test all things and hold fast what is best,” we owe the greatness of our civilization. Man could never have attained to the science, the industry, the commerce, the rights relationships of our time, had he not applied to all things the standard of his critical judgment. But what we have thereby gained in external culture we have had to pay for with a corresponding loss of higher knowledge of spiritual life. It must be emphasized that higher knowledge is not concerned with the veneration of persons but the veneration of truth and knowledge."
Rudolf Steiner
Forwarded from PrincessAmazinGrace
Forwarded from Watchman on the Wall (Kendra Stetler)
• The Storm Cover Story: On Tues. 15 Feb. just before midnight UTC our Sun got angry. A prominence eruption combined with a powerful flare to launch a massive CME into space. (Q Drops V2: Sunlight Kills).
• Wed. 17 Feb. “The Russian invasion should start in 30 minutes” according to British newspapers (They should know. They were the ones who announced that planes had crashed into the World Trade Center Twin Towers on 9/11 – just a few hours before it happened). World War III ain’t gonna happen either. Putin and the Ukraine didn’t bow to the Cabal demands for war and troops have been ordered back from the border.
• The United States is very concerned about Russian troops near the border with Ukraine and still believes that an "invasion" is possible at any moment, US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said in an interview with Ukrayinska Pravda.
• China: Miles Guo claims that an underground military base of the People's Liberation Army/CCP was flooded in Zhengzou, Henan province.
• BOOOM!!! MORE OF THIS!!! California Parents boot school board members:
• Tues. evening 15 Feb. Truth Social Launched: Social Media users claim that the beta version of Truth Social launched for certain users, including the former president. 'Get ready! Your favorite president will see you soon.' Formal launch at end of March. Join Truth Social:
• Robert F Kennedy Jr finally joined Telegram after he was banned on Instagram and Facebook! He will reveal with all of us the truth about Covid 19 vaccine! How it’s linked to autism, neurological disorders and sterility! Join:
Forwarded from Watchman on the Wall (Kendra Stetler)
Durham targeted Obama in the Spygate Investigation that found the Clinton Campaign spied on a sitting US President in the White House – a horrific story that the Mainstream Media refuses to cover.