Hiddenent. OPEN
337 subscribers
45 photos
1 video
10 links
Profile guards : @hiddepof
Order's purpose : @hiddenorderbot
Mutual's purpose : @hiddenmutualbot
Complain's purpose : @hiddencomp_bot
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Channel created
Blue and black create a dark color gradation but looks majestic with white lines that decorate. Fascinates visitors to the castle walking by the royal lake, color gradation which means an order from the royal light.

Regulations for castle servants
Profile of royal guards
Pricelist of entering the

Format for renting a guard

If you need something or want to ask, please contact our bot

Work Hour : 08.00 — 22.00 WIB
Mutual's bot :
Order bot :
Complain bot :
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✧ Terms and Conditions

I. it is attempted for customers to first subscribe our agency channel @Hiddenent so can easily see the latest info.

II. We accept all types of accounts as our customers, including Business, Cyber, Fan, Personal, and Roleplayer type account.

III. please fill up the format properly and correctly so that our talents can match the criteria you want.

IV. Payment will be made in advance to avoid hit and run or any unwanted things. we only provide payment via E-wallet and Qris.

V. Our talents work hours 10.00-22.00 WIB. Talents are not required to reply your messages outside these hours if they do not take additional stay up late requests.

VI. Clients are expected not to disturb the privacy of our talents and respect each other's privacy between talents and clients

VII.Our agency is not responsible if the client has more feelings for our talents.

VIII. Clients who order the nsfw thingy are required to have reached the age of 17+ or at least be of legal age. if minor clients continue to order, we are not responsible if something happens later. we do not accept orders for nsfw thingy containing rl thingy.
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✧ You can see our talents on the talent profile channel @Hiddepof
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✧ Hidden — PRICELIST

     ✧ Regular Rent
          Rentals in general, you can
          also add some additional
          requests available according to
          the price

IDR 5.000 each days.
IDR 10.000 for two days.
IDR 14.000 for three days.
IDR 25.000 for five days. 

     ✧ VIP Rent
          Rentals type prioritiez customers,
          our talent only serves one
          customer on one platform.
          we're also give 2 free request
          spotify session/put bio/PDA (Min. 3 days).

IDR 10.000 each days.
IDR 30.000 three days.
IDR 50.000 five days.
IDR 70.000 seven days.

      ✧ VVIP Rent
           Rental type prioritiez customers,
           our talent only serves one
           customer on all platform. we're
           also give free add request PDA,
           stay up late, spotify session or
           imagine sfw.

IDR 18.000 each days.
IDR 54.000 three days
IDR 90.000 five days.
IDR 126.000 seven days.

     ✧ NSFW
     5000 IDR Dirty Talk each day
     6000 IDR Imagine NSFW / session
     7000 IDR Literature NSFW / session

     ✧ SFW
     4000 IDR Imagine SFW each day
     5000 IDR Literature SFW each day

     ✧ RL THINGY
     15000 IDR Unmute / 60 minute
    5000 IDR Mute / 30 minute
     3000 IDR Pap Activity / 3 pict
     4000 IDR Voice Note / minutes
     13000 IDR Sleepcall

for other pleace open it.
     3000 IDR Move Platform / session
3000 IDR Spotify Session / hour
5000 IDR Stay Up Late / until 00.00 diatas itu 3000 / Jam
     4000 IDR Movie Date / hour
5000 IDR With App Prem

Package I
Package II
Package III
Package IV
Package V
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✧–About Customers

Name & Username :
Account type : (CA/BA/FA/PA/RP)
Your personality :
Pet name :
Ava customer :
Unlike things :
Love Language :
Legal or minor :
Your position : Dominant/Submissibe

✧–About Talent

Talent's name :
Relationship type : BxG/BxB/GxB/Fams as/ Fwb
Talent's position : Dominant/Switch/Submissive
Criteria :
Should do :
Should don't :
Typing : Aku-Kamu/Saya-Kamu/Lo-Gue/etc
Language : INA / ENG / BILL

Rent type : REG / ONS / VIP / VVIP
Duration rent :
Additional Req : (berapa day / kali)
Benefit : (For vip/vvip)
Start rent date & time :
Payment :

Send your format to @Hiddenorderbot
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