If your dream seems unreachable, don't lower your dream, raise your effort.
#Dizzyhead !!
#Dizzyhead !!
Honestly, i always feel jealous whenever you give someone the kind of attention that i want from you.
One day the people that didn't believe in you will tell everyome how they met you.
#Happy_girl βͺ-βͺ
#Happy_girl βͺ-βͺ
I don't know why people would be sad if we treat them like themselves.
#Dizzyhead !!
#Dizzyhead !!
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. learn as if you were to live forever.
#sadman π₯
#sadman π₯
Loving somone is dangerous cause people who you love can hurt you easily !
#Dizzyhead !!
#Dizzyhead !!