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我係Ricker Choi, 以前乜嘢政治都唔理, 離開香港三十幾年連香港親戚朋友都冇乜聯絡. 但係2019你哋團結一齊抗爭, 喚醒好多我哋呢啲住喺外國嘅港豬,最近我寫信比被囚禁的香港手足,非常感動地講咗句"香港永遠是我家". 雖然我咁多年淨係返過香港兩三次, 但係呢一年見到你哋嘅勇氣, 令我視自己為香港人而驕傲! 希望可以用啲藝術來表達我對你哋嘅敬佩.

Admin: @RickerChoi
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主辦人 和光書店 店主Ivan表示,希望自己行前一步,以文化活動凝聚香港人,期望更多香港人響應,日後一同舉辦不同類型集會,創造機會讓新來的年輕港人了解本地人的需求。他指,自己首次籌辦市集,期間遇上不少困難:「好大壓力,因不想予人嘉年華感覺,希望加入更多因素,讓參與者不是只行完市集便完結,思前想後兩三個月,壓力大得不敢面對。」他坦言活動人流出乎意料:「想更多人參與,在外地承傳香港文化,為下一代保留香港歷史,好像種子發芽一樣。」

加拿大港人畫家 Ricker Choi 在現場展出多幅描繪反送中運動的畫作,包括描繪遊行人士如潮水般為救護車讓路的《紅海》,希望讓港人回憶2019年發生的事。他認為,市集既有傳統食品、書展,亦有寫信師,可提醒他自己香港人的身份:「我住在多倫多三十多年,與香港一度斷了聯繫,是2019年的抗爭運動重新喚起我香港人的身份,這類市集可令身在多倫多的人不致各散東西,記住初心及香港人身份。」
Thank you Lion Rock Café for this amazing exhibition! (2nd photo my 2 paintings). Please visit in New York!!!
photo credit: Daniel Wong
[Art Exhibition: Wandering • Hong Kong]
Wandering • Hong Kong from June 11-June 19.
This time, we will feature Hongkongers from all over the world to share with us their emotions, thoughts, and struggles being a Hongkonger and, perhaps, resettling in a new place.
Through this exhibition, we endeavor to explore and carry on with the identity of Hongkongers.
We sincerely hope you will join us in this journey, and together, we will find a way.
Exhibition Details:
Dates: June 11-19, 2022
Venue: Sohotel, 341 Broome Street, New York, NY 10013
Please save the dates and follow us for updates!
#wanderinghongkong #流浪香港
#lionrockcafe #hongkonger
#nyc #artexhibition
Thank you 攬炒巴・劉祖廸 Finn Lau! with my paintings!
Chatting with new HKger friends on 612 event. See you all next time! paintings by RickerChoi
Marching with Marco Leung - 與梁凌杰同行 (based on film still from 因為愛所以革命 Love in the Time of Revolution). Digital art, 20"x34"by Ricker Choi

三年前 - 6/15

#梁凌杰 #梁凌杰 #MarcoLeung #YellowRaincoatMan #freehongkong #光復香港時代革命

TG = @HKRevolutionArt