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我係Ricker Choi, 以前乜嘢政治都唔理, 離開香港三十幾年連香港親戚朋友都冇乜聯絡. 但係2019你哋團結一齊抗爭, 喚醒好多我哋呢啲住喺外國嘅港豬,最近我寫信比被囚禁的香港手足,非常感動地講咗句"香港永遠是我家". 雖然我咁多年淨係返過香港兩三次, 但係呢一年見到你哋嘅勇氣, 令我視自己為香港人而驕傲! 希望可以用啲藝術來表達我對你哋嘅敬佩.

Admin: @RickerChoi
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理大圍城 - Acrylic paintings by Ricker Choi

Escape from PolyU: based on photo by Anthony Wallace / AFP
Siege of PolyU: based on photo by Benjamin Yuen / United Social Press
Umbrella in Darkness: based on photo by 香港眾志

tg / @HKRevolutionArt

#理大圍城 #polyu #光復香港時代革命 #FreeHongKong #hongkong #standwithhongkong
Battling Water Cannon - 水炮戰, 18"x24" acrylic painting by Ricker Choi


#StandWithHongKong #光復香港時代革命
Erasing June Fourth - 改寫六四, acrylic painting 24"x30" by Ricker Choi

tg / @HKRevolutionArt

#國殤之柱 #PillarOfShame #FreeHongKong #StandWithHongKong #光復香港時代革命
#立場新聞 一夜間被消失, #StandNews exterminated by CCP in 1 night, acrylic painting by Ricker Choi


#光復香港時代革命 #standwithhongkong
Farewell To Citizen News - 告别眾新聞, acrylic painting by Ricker Choi

Tg / @HKRevolutionArt

#眾新聞 #光復香港時代革命 #StandWithHongKong #FreeHongKong
Summoning - 沙漠中的召喚, acrylic painting 18"x24" by Ricker Choi


#香港民主女神 #LadyLibertyHK #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong #光復香港時代革命
Xi-Busters - 死熊圍你! - digital painting by Ricker Choi for Taiwan Freedom - 台灣自由! 背景是臺北1O1

#天滅中共 #xinniethepooh #台灣 #Taiwan #TaiwanFreedom #twfreedom89 #光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #FreeHongKong #standwithhongkong

tg / @HKRevolutionArt
全宇宙 都 有效嘅國安法 (painting by Ricker Choi )

The green object is "King Nikochan" from Japanese Manga "Dr Slump". He represents someone without intelligence, love to brag. He thinks through his ass, where his brain is. He believes poo is the most beautiful flower. The 3 Chinese characters on the lower right means "Entire Universe"

#天滅中共 #屎賤平 #光復香港時代革命 #RevolutionOfOurTime #FreeHongKong #standwithhongkong