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Health Advisory & Recovery Team. UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and academics. Sharing concerns and widening the debate on COVID-19 policy.
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Our COVID-19 newsletter is out.

- Sajid Javid’s creative calculator
- Chris Whitty ignores JCVI advice
- Vaccine mandates for healthcare workers

Are mandatory vaccinations already a feature of NHS life, as is claimed?

Read more: hartgroup.org/vaccine-mandates-for-healthcare-workers
The ONS are claiming that 33,500 secondary school children currently have a SARS-CoV-2 infection but have not tested positive despite all the school testing.

Read more: hartgroup.org/scottish-school-children-infected
"From a public health standpoint, it makes poor sense to impose vaccine side-effects on people at minimal risk of severe COVID-19."

Read more in this: bmj.com/content/374/bmj.n2180/rr-4
When different data points are telling opposite stories it is worth taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture.

Read more: hartgroup.org/pick-your-denominator
Our COVID-19 newsletter is out.

- Children, coercive consent & COVID-19 vaccines
- Delta wave much smaller than claimed
- Meet the unvaccinated

Read more: hartgroup.org/news
There are a broad range of reasons why people might decide not to get vaccinated or not to take the COVID-19 vaccine just yet.

Read more: hartgroup.org/meet-the-unvaccinated
The claimants have asked the High Court to grant an injunction pausing the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccinations to children pending determination of their earlier application for Judicial Review.

Read more: hartgroup.org/injunction-to-halt-child-vaccine
The consent form produced by officials for the vaccine roll out to children is littered with contradictions, untruths and coercive language.

Read more: www.hartgroup.org/children-coercive-consent
Our COVID-19 newsletter is out.

- The demise of informed consent
- No effect of school closures on COVID-19 in children
- Mandatory COVID certification in a Plan B scenario

Read more: hartgroup.org/news
In spite of the biased nature of the survey, it is important that as many members of the public as possible submit their responses.

Read more: hartgroup.org/plan-b-covid-certification
There should never again be any suggestion of closing schools in order to mitigate the spread of a respiratory virus. It clearly does not work.

Read more: hartgroup.org/no-effect-covid-school-closures
It is vital for children that masks are removed immediately from childcare settings and preschool groups.

Read more: hartgroup.org/the-ongoing-impact-of-the-pandemic-on-children
Evidence of a reduction in hospitalizations and deaths in the vaccinated is apparent in real world data. However, the arguments for vaccine passports and vaccinating children fall apart if these vaccines do not reduce infections.

Read more: hartgroup.org/is-the-vaccine-working