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GreenMarked is more than an environmental blog. We publish homemade articles, comics, podcasts, and organize green educational events and tree planting campaigns.

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Feedbacks: @econtrovertia
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Telegram is so powerful that you can also schedule messages. Love it.
Our blog activity will have a little break. Let's call it November hibernation. We'll be back again in December with new, fresh and snowy ideas.
Greetings from the Digital Detox on Mount Bondone!
This is called "sustainability polygon". It's only half complete. In your opinion, what's the most sustainable farming system between agroforestry farming, family farming and soy farming in the Brazilian cerrado?
You get a free coffee at the Unibar if you guess it right.
If you're too lazy to guess, come to my thesis defense on December 17 at the Free University of Bolzano. It will most likely be in the morning.
If you don't like coffee or you are allergic to it, you can have either a cocktail of Brazilian feijão-de-porco or an apple-carrot-ginger smoothie.
Thesis party on Friday the 20th or Saturday the 21th in Trento if you can't make it on the 17th 😉🏔 More info coming up soon.
"Buona lotta domani".
"E ricorda: è sempre un buon giorno per farsi arrestare

First Global FFF that I skip.
Today my support is only virtual.
Even though the strikes are nothing new any longer, teenagers and young adults are still out on the streets. It's great to see that.
Today's Green Friday or Block Friday strike is dedicated to Black Friday, a day that promotes cheap and unsustainable consumerism. Here in North Italy today's strike is also dedicated to the opening of the Christmas markets and ski season. Frenetically shopping Christmas gifts and skiing on artificially snow covered ski slopes must start becoming unfashionable. It's about time. Especially since the UN's World Meteorological Organization registered a new peak of GHG concentrations. There's no improvement since the Paris Agreement. Actually, there's a slight worsening. That's sad and frustrating. Now that US has officially rolled out from the Agreement, the other countries must definitely be more ambitious. These FFF strikes combined with non-violent disobedience are a good way to start. I was impressed by an exchange between some FFF protesters of Vicenza last night.

"Enjoy the fight tomorrow".
"And remember: It's always a good day to be arrested".

Love that spirit. And I support it. Our prayers and support to our green friends in Russia 🇷🇺
Ha fatto bene Italia Viva a opporsi alla plastic tax del governo per evitare di danneggiare il settore del packaging dell'Emilia Romagna?
Anonymous Poll
1.4 MB
Sorry about that gigantic “IN PRESS” text in the middle of the page…the thesis will be submitted for publication in January. There are a couple of things to change. If you see something that you think it should be changed, drop a comment. I’ll be super happy to read it.
For me, there are plenty take home messages from this research. I’m not going to repeat all what I said in the conclusion and ending of my MSc thesis defense (have a look at the video for that 😉), but I’ll list a couple of practical things a European could do to help out the Cerrado. Pick the one you think is the most effective, bearing in mind that it’s hard to know where the ingredients of a product actually come from.
Interested in project management jobs in the #Alps?
Kannst du Italienish?
Sei in grado di comunicare efficacemente le iniziative ambientali della tua squadra di lavoro?

Check out this valid #job offer for land administration in #Tyrol.

Working hours: 20 hours/week
Gross wage: 1765.60 €/month

Send your application to by tomorrow.

Immediately after watching this YouTube video two questions popped into my head.

Is our communication about environmental issues good enough?
How can we influence people more effectively?

Australia has been burning for months now. Those dramatic bushfires are an indirect cause of our #climatecrisis. If we are environmentalists but still feel apathic towards Australia, it means that communication was not great.
Is it really enough to tell people and politicians: “Hey! Move your butt, change your lifestyle, save Australia and the world?”

If you feel empathic towards Australia and its koalas, check out how you can help at:

Let’s keep Australia’s wildlife and landscapes beautiful.

Don't care about those who tell you that you're wasting time and money. You're doing the right thing.

(Sebastiano Seghesio & Mark L. Miller)
🇮🇹 67° Giornata Mondiale della Lebbra

Questo weekend in centinaia di piazze italiane verranno venduti i vasetti di miele della solidarietà. Il ricavato  alle varie missioni di Aifo in giro per il mondo per la cura e il sostegno dei malati di lebbra e di altre malattie socio-disabilitanti.

Per comprare un vasetto di 🍯 della solidarietà, passa a Mezzocorona sabato 25 gennaio ore 17:30 - 19:00; domenica 26 gennaio ore 07:30 - 09:00, 09:30 - 11:15 e (se sono avanzati vasetti) 19:00 - 20:30

Un vasetto viene 5€. Se vuoi prenderne uno ma non riesci a passare nelle piazza, mandami un messaggio privato e te ne tengo uno 🙂

Quest'anno dedico un piccolo spazio ad AIFO in Brasile, ovvero a BRASA e al suo referente Stefano Simoni, con cui ho collaborato in passato e con cui sto collaborando attualmente. Grazie a Stefano, BRASA e l'associazione partner COMSAUDE ho potuto disporre i primi e gli ultimi tasselli della mia tesi. Ovvero, la creazione di un network di supporto alla ricerca in Brasile e la traduzione in portoghese del futuro articolo scientifico.

La cooperazione internazionale è bella quando è in grado di intrecciare relazioni e sviluppare progetti tra due mondi molto diversi tra loro. Pur non essendo il mio mondo, AIFO e il mondo sanitario-assistenziale hanno aperto porte del mio mondo, quello ambientale, e mi hanno aiutato a portare a casa risultati concreti.
Which language style do you think is the most effective and we should thus use?
Anonymous Poll
Trump's style
Greta's style
von der Leyen's style