155 subscribers
280 photos
44 videos
32 files
450 links
GreenMarked is more than an environmental blog. We publish homemade articles, comics, podcasts, and organize green educational events and tree planting campaigns.

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Feedbacks: @econtrovertia
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Life on Land

“Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.”

This is what the United Nations defined as the 15th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG): Life on Land.
Media is too big
Is your life and lifestyle green-marked?
The members of the GreenMarked Team explain why they are marked in green.
Detox in Lockdown - 2° incontro

Produttività Detox: Spunti per collaborare distraction-free
Benessere Detox: Distrazioni esteriori e interiori

Giovedì 10 dicembre 2020, ore 20:00 - 21:30 (fuso orario: Roma)

Luogo: ZOOM

Meeting ID: 989 966 5451
Passcode: viene inviato in privato a tutti gli iscritti.

In più, vi mando l'articolo per liberare la vostra To-Do list utilizzando il metodo Konmari, di cui abbiamo discusso nello scorso incontro. Buona lettura!

PS: chi non è riuscito a partecipare al primo incontro ma ha voglia di partecipare ai prossimi, mi scriva in privato.
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Is your life and lifestyle green-marked?
The members of the GreenMarked Team explain why they are marked in green.
Forwarded from Mark
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Sebastiano Seghesio - Why is my lifestyle marked in green: minimalism and simplicity.
Are you late with Christmas presents? Do you hate depending on Amazon and its pro-consumerism strategy for your Christmas gifts?
Then, buy your 2021 GreenMarked membership card!

With 30€ per year you get:

▶️ Free access to our webinars on environmental matters and digital detox strategies such as the "Detox in Lockdown" seminar

▶️ Great discounts on the Social Media Detox camp and the other ecotourism events

▶️ A native Bolivian carbon tree (avocado, apple custard or American pepper) with your name on.

Click on the button below and pay quickly on PayPal. Write "2021 GreenMarked Membership card" in the message box. If you're buying it for a friend don't forget to type his/her name in!

Text us at @greenmarked_info if you don't have a PayPal account, you want to pay through IBAN or need more info.
Media is too big
Etienne Hoekstra - Why my lifestyle is GreenMarked 🌱 awareness creating & impact 🌞
At times, we can't wait for Fridays to post our environmental news.

The number of our activities has been increasing steadily and we now use all of our Friday blogging space for them. Keeping a balanced posting frequency is crucial to us: our communication must remain authentic and of good quality without clogging up our subscribers Telegram newsfeed.
Nevertheless, we've been struggling to keep our blogging activity on a weekly basis. We needed and wanted a second space where to add the latest environmental news, the environmental innovations of other organizations/businesses, and some minor achievements of our projects.
That is why, we opened up the @greenmarked_discussion public group. The group serves both for us to share more environmental posts and for you to discuss about them, share your own green news and drop comments on our activities.

You may have noticed than you can comment our channel posts much easier now. This new Telegram feature heps us promoting a greater subscriber participation. With the discussion group, participation can become even better.

You don't have to join the discussion group to leave a comment to our channel post but if you do, you will see all the channel posts as pinned messages (at the top of the chat), and all of the comments of the current and previous posts. Indeed, the @greenmarked_discussion group is directly linked to the @greenmarked channel, and is consequently the perfect space for comments, replies and threads.

If you are an environmental geek and you want more than the weekly post, click on this @greenmarked_discussion link and join the group.

As spoiler, our last message in the discussion is group is an application call to become an active GreenMarked staff member as communication manager volunteer. Go check it out!
"La transizione energetica: l'idrogeno"
Revisione della puntata di Report andata in onda il 18 gennaio 2021.

Sebastiano Seghesio

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Lo scorso lunedì sera è andata in onda su Rai3 una delle più interessanti puntate di Report, dal mio punto di vista, con un servizio sull’idrogeno e gli effetti che può avere per contrastare la crisi climatica. Al pubblico televisivo sono stati presentati diversi progetti italiani che puntano sull’utilizzo efficiente dell’idrogeno, quale valida alternativa all’elettrico per generare energia a impatto 0.

L’ #Italia, grazie alla sua posizione geografica in mezzo al Mar Mediterraneo, ricopre un ruolo geopolitico significativo per lo sviluppo di tali progetti. Essendo esposta al sole molto di più rispetto a molti altri Paesi europei, l’Italia può sfruttare maggiori quantità di luce, quindi di idrogeno, e può dunque abbassare notevolmente i costi di produzione energetica rendendo le fonti di #energia a base d’idrogeno accessibili a tutti i propri cittadini.

Questo vantaggio di base è strategico perché consentirebbe all’Italia di essere non solo uno dei maggiori produttori europei di energia all’idrogeno ma anche un’importante esportatore di energia pulita all’interno del mercato europeo. Così facendo il Belpaese acquisterebbe un ruolo fondamentale nello scacchiere geopolitico occidentale.

Il servizio di Report ha messo in luce le enormi potenzialità dell’Italia di diventare uno dei leader principali per la generazione di energia pulita e la lotta contro la crisi climatica. Il problema maggiore rimane la visione miope della #politica, che attua provvedimenti a breve termine e dimentica tatticamente di essere lungimirante.

La politica siamo noi. Quando avremo il coraggio di guardare più in là del nostro naso e del nostro orizzonte personale?

Oggi si celebra la 68° Giornata Mondiale della Lebbra (GML) e come ogni anno dedichiamo un po' del nostro spazio all'associazione di volontariato AIFO (Amici Italiani di Raoul Follereau).

Da più di 60 anni AIFO aiuta, cura, sostiene e facilita la reintegrazione di migliaia di malati di lebbra e di altre malattie socio-disabilitanti. Solitamente, nel weekend in cui ricade la GML i volontari di AIFO vendono vasetti di miele della solidarietà in centinaia di piazze italiane. Per anni noi di GreenMarked e Alla Ribalta abbiamo venduto il miele della solidarietà nelle piazze di Mezzocorona, Nave S. Rocco e San Michele all'Adige (Trentino), devolvendo l'intero ricavato ad AIFO e ai suoi progetti.

I vasetti di miele sono biologici e prodotti da un'associazione equo-solidale di apicoltori italiani. Ricordando la nostra presentazione sull'effetto dell'agricoltura biologica nel contrastare il declino degli apicoltori e insetti, siamo felici di poter convergere la nostra lotta per l'ambiente con la solidarietà della cooperazione internazionale.

Collaborando con AIFO in Brasile
, ovvero BRASA, e alla sua controparte brasiliana, l'associazione COMSAUDE, abbiamo messo i piedi per la prima volta nel mondo dell'agroecologia, cooperato con la scuola di agricoltura famigliare di Porto Nacional (Tocantins) e redatto un articolo scientifico sulla sostenibilità di tre sistemi agrari nel Cerrado, la savana brasiliana.

Oggi le piazze italiane non sono state popolate dai banchetti di vendita del miele della solidarietà per contrastare l'avanzamento della pandemia. E' un brutto colpo per il portafoglio di AIFO e i destinatari dei suoi progetti. Possiamo però dare una mano anche quest'anno, difficile sia per noi che per le persone più fragili del mondo, oggi ancor più colpite nella salute dal COVID-19.

Ecco come puoi sostenere AIFO anche tu:

1️⃣ Compra un prodotto solidale dallo shop-online AIFO

2️⃣ Organizza un Gruppo di Acquisto Solidale, scegliendo assieme ai tuoi contatti i prodotti solidali AIFO per farveli recapitare in un AIFO point o direttamente a casa

3️⃣ Diventa sostenitore effettuando una donazione a supporto della cura e riabilitazione dei malati di lebbra.
​​Have you seen our new "Carbon Tree Project" web-page?
Read all the details of our project dedicated to carbon offsetting and support to local Bolivian agroecological production.
You can buy your personalized cherimoya or avocado tree directly from our web store and get technical consulting about carbon sequestration and agroecology.
If you prefer donating or getting your 2021 membership card directly with PayPal, use the button below.
Our Telegram channel has just reached 💯 subscribers. We would like to say thank you to those who have been following us for a long time as well as to those who have recently joined our channel. It's a pleasure to share our environmental thoughts, words and actions with a growing community of environmental enthusiasts and friends. We know that our consistency in providing innovative environmental news has rewarded us and it will keep on rewarding us while we roll out our new activities and services this year.

At the beginning, our choice to set Telegram as main communication platform was seen as counterproductive by most of our peers. We decided to stick to the Telegram rather than other social platforms for its effort at defending user privacy and its wide range of media formats that can be shared. Through our Telegram channel we published creative photos and videos, audio notes and formatted text messages, polls and educational quizzes, official documents and links of external sources, instant-view articles, and stickers. The content variety has been incredibly high and exceeded any other social platform.

After Facebook's (retracted) announcement to link WhatsApp with Facebook data, millions of people have started moving away from Facebook-related apps into more private friendly apps like Telegram and Signal. Undoubtedly, our channel has benefited from the transition. Also, the great work of Greta Thunberg at raising public awareness on environmental matters has brought other kind of people into environmental-related initiatives like ours. If you fall into one of these two categories of people and decided to check our channel and our work, feel welcomed in our environmental community.

To honor this first achievement, we will donate a cherimoya tree to our 💯th subscriber. It will be added to the 26 seedlings that we have already planted in the two farming communities of Cercado and Carcaje in the metropolitan region of Cochabamba. If you are not subscriber no. 100, but you still want a personalized agroecological Bolivian tree, go to our Carbon Tree Project webpage.

100 times thank you for being with us. Stick with us, enjoy the journey and be ready for our upcoming adventures.
What will happen to mountain tourism now?

Our Italian subscribers should know what happened on the evening of February 14. No, I am not talking about Valentine's dinner but the new stop order to Alpine skiing. The decree was adopted in the late evening of the very day before skiing lifts should have started carrying tourist up and down the slopes. Obviously, the stop order raised an immense number of criticisms about the future of mountain communities and specifically of those that count on the earnings generated by winter tourism [1].
So, here are some tips for “new” ways of sustainable mountain tourism that comply with the Italian COVID-19 restrictions currently in force and support the communities of your favorite winter holidays venue.

1. Snowshoeing. It gives you the opportunity to live mountain landscapes and enjoy amazing scenarios. With the impossibility to go skiing, many resorts have set up snowshoes rental place and designed new snowshoeing paths. Give it a try!

2. Cross-country skiing. A more strenuous kind of skiing than Alpine skiing. Following the cross-country trails can reveal many breathtaking views that are often hidden to downhillers. It also teaches you the pleasure of low-impact tourism and makes you fitter.

3. Sledging. If you have an old sledge in your basement, this is the right time to pull it out and have fun sledging down some properly snow-covered hilltops. Do not worry if you do not have one. Rental places will provide you with all the equipment you need to enjoy this sport with your friends and family.

4. Ski-touring. The boldest way to live mountains sustainably. Going up and down unknown mountain slopes and reaching the peaks is surely the most thrilling sport of the four mentioned here. However, do not forget about the risks involved and bring the adequate safety equipment with you. A safe ski-touring day will give you a memorable adrenaline rush.

If you are still a little depressed about the ski season that you missed out, pick and try one of these four alternative ways of mountain tourism. Remember to wear a protective mask and bring your waste back home when you are done. Enjoy it!