Golden Study
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🚩" Golden Study " O'quv Markazi

Learn English with experienced teachers🧑‍🏫

💫 English Grammar
🔆 Pre-IELTS & CEFR Courses
🌟 IELTS Courses

Murojaat uchun: @Teacher_Ergash
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C1 darajada chet tillarini bilgan yoshlarimiz yuqori daromadli ishga ega bo’lishlari aniq, Xalqaro imtihon xarajatlari davlat tomonidan qoplab berilishi yo’lga qo’yilgan bo’lsada, lekin sertifikat olayotgan yoshlarimiz soni yetarli emas. Bu xizmat haqida eshitganmisiz? da Xalqaro imtihon tizimlari bo‘yicha yuqori ball (daraja) to‘plagan yoshlarga imtihon xarajatlari to‘liq qoplab berilishiga doir davlat xizmati ishga tushirilgan:

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📹 Sardor Rahimxon.

Videoni oxirigacha ko'ringlar. Boshqa kanal va guruhlarga tarqatinglar savob uchun.

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Golden study o'quv markazida ajoyib yangilik har bir ingliz tili o'rganuchilarga nasib qilsin🤲🤲🤲

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📌Bizda Navroʻz bayramidan keyin ochiladigan kurslar🤩

• IELTS/Cefr
• Grammar
• Turk tili
• Kids english
• Speaking club
• Shaxmat/shashka

"Golden Study" sizga quyidagilarni taqdim etadi:

💯 Sifatli taʼlim;
🔥Haftada 6 kun darslarga qatnashish;
👩🏻‍🏫 Support xizmatidan istalgancha foydalanish;
🎬 Yakshanba kunlari bepul "Movie time"
📚 Bilimga chanqoq oʻquvchilar muhiti.

📥 Shoshiling joylar soni cheklangan

📲 Murojaat uchun : +998996005797

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Alhamdulilloh yana bir hayrli natija😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊....

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Time: every Sunday, 10 a.m.

Location: Opposite UrDU, in the new building of the Golden Study educational center

You will get:

📚 new reliable materials

✍️ real exam atmosphere

🗣 personal feedback on your speaking from experienced instructors

+998 99-600-57-97

Book your seat and get your results within 24 hours

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Mock testlari 24 soat ichida bahoyingizni aniqlab beriladi
Turk tili 🇹🇷
Ingiliz tili🇬🇧
Murojaat uchun
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Do you like this music?👇🏻
Fozil Teacher bilan yangicha uslub
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Golden Study bilan Turk tilini tez va oson o’rganing🇹🇷❗️
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Grammar course with Teacher Ergash🇬🇧❗️
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IDP IELTS ga Golden Study LC bilan Registratsiya qilishning afzalliklari:

Speaking Sectionidan 7.0+ olish uchun videolar jamlanmasi.

Writing Sectionidan 7.0+ olish uchun videolar jamlanmasi.

50 ming soʻm Paynet yoki Plastik kartangizga o'tkaziladi.

Imtihondan 1 kun oldin va Imtihon kuni bajarishingiz kerak bo'lgan tavsiyalar.

IELTS 8.0 lik Instructordan bepul Speaking Mock va Feedback ( Random tanlovda )

Murojaat uchun:
Forwarded from Golden Study

Time: every Sunday, 10 a.m.

Location: Opposite UrDU, in the new building of the Golden Study educational center

You will get:

📚 new reliable materials

✍️ real exam atmosphere

🗣 personal feedback on your speaking from experienced instructors

+998 99-600-57-97

Book your seat and get your results within 24 hours

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🇺🇸 AQSh elchixonasi Urganch shahridagi ayollar va qizlar uchun o‘z-o‘zini himoya qilish mashg'ulotlarining ikkinchi raundini mamnuniyat bilan e’lon qiladi.

💪 Agar siz o‘zingizni jismoniy tahdidlardan himoya qilish usullarini, shuningdek, ruhiy salomatlik va umumiy farovonligingizni oshirishni xohlasangiz, loyihamizning yangi raundiga yoziling!

Mashg’ulotlar bepul o‘tkaziladi. Batafsil ma’lumot 👈

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🇺🇸 Посольство США объявляет набор на второй раунд курсов самообороны для женщин и девочек в городе Ургенч.

💪 Если вы хотите освоить комплекс приемов для самозащиты и улучшить свою физическую подготовку, а также позаботиться о своем психологическом здоровье, записывайтесь на новый раунд.

Занятия будут проводиться бесплатно. Подробная информация по ссылке 👈
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🇺🇸 The U.S. Embassy is pleased to announce a second round of the Self-Defense Camp for Women and Girls in Urgench! 

💪 If you are a female, interested in mastering techniques to defend yourself against physical threats, as well as maintaining good mental health and overall well-being, sign up for the new round!

Classes are free of charge for all selected participants. Here’s more info 👈
to show, to prove with evidence (ko'rsatmoq, dalil bilan isbotlamoq)

📌 The research has demonstrated unique results


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“I have no money on me”
Yana ko’proq ingilizcha frzalarni o’rganish hohlasangiz kommentariyda o’z izohlaringizni qoldiring✍🏻