和你Gig人材配對平台 GigHub
2.59K subscribers
186 photos
135 links
GigHub 「和你Gig 」係一個初創嘅人材配對平台,目的係支援大小活動,幫主辦單位招攬義工。


Social Media
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gighubg/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GigHub-和你Gig人材配對平台-112624226877958/
Email: gighubhk@protonmail.com
Download Telegram
(ref.: gig20201218001)

#產品設計 #招人 #gig

工作:一般產品設計和其宣傳廣告設計工作 (產品:食品)
備註:薄酬。申請人請提供design portfolio作參考

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(ref.: gig20210218002)

#設計 #平面設計 #logo #球衣 #gig

崗位:平面設計師 (freelance)
備註:薄酬。視乎經驗,酬勞約$1000 (詳情面議)。Work from home

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#新聞工作 #招人 #gig #義工

(ref.: gig20210414001)

工作:設計報道、區議會及社區議題的相關文宣 (如海報、宣傳單張)
(ref.: gig20210414002)

~ 《馬聞》團隊由一眾馬鞍山街坊及喜愛這個社區的朋友組成,為街坊報導區內大小事。除了在FB和獨立媒體設有專頁之外,還會每兩個月出實體報
~ 非牟利組織。以上工作亦是屬於義務工作性質

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#YouTube #主持 #VideoEditor #招人 #gig

工作:配合公司與製作團隊要求,主持產品介紹頻道節目 (以科技產品為主)
備注:時薪$200 - $300
(ref.: gig20210513001)

崗位:YouTube Video Editor
要求:須熟悉Adobe Premiere Pro 及對Adobe Illustrator和Adobe After Effect有基本認知
備注:兼職工作 (3 days a week); $8,000.00 p.m.
(ref.: gig20210618001)

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(ref.: gig20210526001)

#會計 #accounting #招人 #gig


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#文員 #IT #零售 #招人 #gig

崗位:琴行店務員 (2名)
工作:負責課堂安排 (包括琴行老師用房及學生上課安排);簡單樂器與配件銷售
備注:無須相關經驗或樂器知識 (僱主會提供培訓)。土瓜灣上班
(ref.: gig20210529001)

崗位:文員 (1名)
(ref.: gig20210529002)

崗位:軟件工程師/前端工程師 (3名)
備注:17k to 30k (入職薪酬視乎學歷和工作經驗而定)。應屆畢業生或有經驗工程師皆歡迎申請。 荔枝角/科學園上班
(ref.: gig20210529003)

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GigHub [和你Gig] 人材配對

1⃣️武漢肺炎民間資訊 Geographical Genius / Specialist / UI Designer / Vector Graphics Designer (義務工作)🆙
2️⃣ 全職會計
3️⃣ 核數會計文員
4⃣ Accounting Officer🆕
5️⃣ 中式餐廳樓面/廚房🆕
6️⃣ 琴行店務員
7️⃣ 文員
8️⃣ Software Engineer/Frontend Developer
9️⃣ YouTube產品介紹頻道主持人
🔟 室內設計公司Freelance繪圖

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[和你Gig] @GigHubHK
(ref.: gig20210602002)

#會計 #accounting #招人 #gig


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(ref.: gig20210614003)

#會計 #accounting #招人 #gig

Accounting Officer

Key Responsibilities
• General accounting work including data entry, documents filing, cheque preparation etc.;
• Handle full set account;
• Assist in month-end and year-end financial reports;
• Provide general administrative and clerical support; and
• Perform ad hoc tasks as assigned.

Qualifications, Education and Certification
• Finance/Accounting Diploma or above, LCCI LEVEL I or other related subjects;
• At least 1 year of accounting experience;
• Able to work independently, punctual, detail-minded, reliable, and self-motivated;
• Proficiency in MS Word and Excel;
• Familiar with MYOB accounting system would be advantaged; and
• Fluent in English and Chinese.
Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 9 am to 6 pm, 5 working days per week.

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#飲食業 #餐飲業 #服務業 #招人 #gig

崗位:樓面/服務員 (2名)
備注:無需經驗。灣仔/銅鑼灣/中環上班 (12:00至22:30)。月薪HK$16,000.00
(ref.: gig20210614001)

崗位:廚房/幫工 (2名)
備注:無需經驗。灣仔/銅鑼灣/中環上班 (12:00至22:30)。月薪HK$16,000.00
(ref.: gig20210614002)

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GigHub [和你Gig] 人材配對

🆙 武漢肺炎民間資訊 Geographical Genius / UI Designer etc (義務工作)
🆙 女聲 (翻唱歌曲) (吳政亨 “李伯盧” 關注組)
1️⃣ Accounting Trainee / Executive (CPA firm)🆕
2️⃣ 全職會計
3️⃣ 會計及行政助理🆕
4️⃣ 核數會計文員
6️⃣ 中式餐廳樓面/廚房🆕
7️⃣ Software Engineer
6️⃣ 琴行店務員
7️⃣ 文員
8️⃣ YouTube產品介紹頻道主持
9️⃣ YouTube 影片編輯🆕
🔟 室內設計Freelance繪圖

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[和你Gig] @GigHubHK
(ref.: gig20210617001)

#會計 #accounting #招人 #gig

Accounting Trainee / Executive (CPA firm)

Job duties:
Play a key role in supporting Audit Manager to provide auditing and assurance service for clients
Draft and prepare audit reports for Audit Manager's review 
Assist to plan and conduct internal control reviews for clients from different industries
Maintain proper documentation for audit compliance
Perform other ad hoc tasks as required by supervisors

Job requirement: 
Higher diploma or above in Accounting & Finance or equivalent 
Fresh graduates will be considered
Able to work under pressure to meet deadlines 
Able to work independently 
Good command of English and Mandarin

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(ref.: gig20210617002)

#會計 #文職 #招人 #gig

要求:須對處理及學習帳目有關工作有興趣;中學畢業或以上;有工作經驗者優先 (會計經驗更佳)

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(ref.: gig20210621001)

#女聲 #主音 #歌手 #招人 #gig #義工

~ 吳政亨 (李伯盧) 關注組
~ 李伯盧 (吳政亨) 是 47人之1。他的朋友為他開設了這個關注組,讓市民能夠持續關注初選案被拘捕的吳先生

工作:翻唱三首由吳先生改編的歌曲 —— “薩拉熱窩的羅密歐與茱麗葉” (原唱鄭秀文);”陰天” (原唱莫文蔚);”北極光” (原唱莫文蔚)
備注:歌手可選擇在家自行用簡單方法 (例如iOS App) 進行錄音;完成錄製的歌曲在剪輯咗之後會放在關注組專頁;歡迎落credit

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(ref.: gig20210715001)

#IT #Programming #招人 #gig

Title: Software Engineer
Package: HKD 18,000 - 40,000
Skills required:
- Python, React, JavaScript, Docker
- Basic Linux environment knowledge
- Basic Networking concept
Nice to have:
- Robotics experience
- ROS development experience
- jQuery, HTML, CSS

As a Software Engineer, you will be working closely on our JetPack system (i.e: robot control and management system). You will develop software to handle the processing and analysis of data from various sensors. You will develop functions and features for a real-time, interactive robot management platform.

Company Info:
R2C2 is a Hong Kong robotic company that focuses on outdoor robot remote control and automation management. R2C2 creates a series of hardware and software platforms to support various robots and task-specific software packages

R2C2 is the first and only Boston Dynamics developer in Hong Kong. We are the first to deploy Boston Dynamics robotic dog in geo-engineering inspection in Hong Kong. We are also the third company in the world to create the robot remote and management system of our kind. We are a fast growing company and we have 3 times growth compare to last year.

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(ref.: gig20210715002)

#IT #AI #招人 #gig


Title: Computer Vision / AI Engineer
Package: HKD 18,000 - 40,000
Skills required:
- Python, OpenCV, Tensorflow, Pytorch, Docker, Javascript
- Basic Linuix Environment knowledge
- Basic Networking concept
Nice to have:
- Robotics experience
- ROS development experience
- jQuery, HTML, CSS, React

Company Info:
R2C2 is a Hong Kong robotic company that focuses on outdoor robot remote control and automation management. R2C2 creates a series of hardware and software platforms to support various robots and task-specific software packages

R2C2 is the first and only Boston Dynamics developer in Hong Kong. We are the first to deploy Boston Dynamics robotic dog in geo-engineering inspection in Hong Kong. We are also the third company in the world to create the robot remote and management system of our kind. We are a fast growing company and we have 3 times growth compare to last year.

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(ref.: gig20210715003)

#IT #招人 #gig

Title: Web Developer
Package: HKD 18,000 - 40,000
Skills required:
- React, Javascript, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Node, Restful API
- Basic knowledge in Linux environment
- Basic Networking concept

Company Info:
R2C2 is a Hong Kong robotic company that focuses on outdoor robot remote control and automation management. R2C2 creates a series of hardware and software platforms to support various robots and task-specific software packages

R2C2 is the first and only Boston Dynamics developer in Hong Kong. We are the first to deploy Boston Dynamics robotic dog in geo-engineering inspection in Hong Kong. We are also the third company in the world to create the robot remote and management system of our kind. We are a fast growing company and we have 3 times growth compare to last year.

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(ref.: gig20210715004)

#IT #Programming #招人 #gig

Title: Backend developer
Package: HKD 18,000 - 40,000
Skills required:
- Python, React, Javascript, Docker, Kubernetes, Openshift,
- Experience in Linux environment
- NodeJS (Javascript)
- MongoDB
- Cloud (AWS/Azure/Google Cloud)
- Network concept
Nice to have:
- Robotics experience
- ROS development experience
- jQuery, HTML, CSS, Restful API

Company Info:
R2C2 is a Hong Kong robotic company that focuses on outdoor robot remote control and automation management. R2C2 creates a series of hardware and software platforms to support various robots and task-specific software packages

R2C2 is the first and only Boston Dynamics developer in Hong Kong. We are the first to deploy Boston Dynamics robotic dog in geo-engineering inspection in Hong Kong. We are also the third company in the world to create the robot remote and management system of our kind. We are a fast growing company and we have 3 times growth compare to last year.

請透過 @GigHubHK_bot 申請。
GigHub [和你Gig] 人材配對

◽️ 武漢肺炎民間資訊 Geographical Genius / UI Designer etc (義務工作)
◽️反極權” 歌曲創作(義務工作)🆕
◽️ Accounting Trainee / Executive (CPA firm)
◽️ 會計
◽️ 核數員🆕
◽️ 公司秘書🆕
◽️ Software Engineer / Computer Vision AI Engineer / Backend Developer / Web Developer🆕
◽️ Junior Data Engineer🆕
◽️ TG Bot Developer🆕
◽️ 中式餐廳樓面/廚房
◽️ 餐廳店務員 (全職或兼職)🆕
◽️ 兼職店務助理 (運動服裝)🆕
◽️ 琴行店務員
◽️ 文員
◽️ 室內設計Freelance繪圖
◽️ 裝修施工團隊 (日薪)🆕

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[和你Gig] @GigHubHK