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The late Iranian FM Hossein Amr Abdollahian with his two kids..
⭕️ Imam Khamenei offers condolences on the martyrdom of Iran’s President Sayyed Ibarhim Raisi, the Foreign Minister and the accompanying delegation.

⭕️ Iranian government spokesman: Ali Bagheri Kani will take handle the duties of the Iranian Foreign Ministry.

⭕️ Imam Khamenei: Vice President Mohammad Mokhber assumes the duties of the president in accordance with Article 131 of the law.


Also martyred in the helicopter crash were:

◾️ Malik Rahmati, Governor of the Iranian Province of East Azerbaijan;

◾️ Mohammad Ali al-Hashem, Imam of the city of Tabriz.

Mehr news agency
Vanessa Guazzelli pinned «⭕️ Imam Khamenei offers condolences on the martyrdom of Iran’s President Sayyed Ibarhim Raisi, the Foreign Minister and the accompanying delegation. ⭕️ Iranian government spokesman: Ali Bagheri Kani will take handle the duties of the Iranian Foreign Ministry.…»
Forwarded from Sputnik International
Iranian President Raisi: What is his legacy?

Raisi's political course of action was friendship with neighbors and regional allied powers, but not Europe and the West.

Under Ebrahim Raisi:

🔺Iran became a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO);

🔺Iran became a member of BRICS;

🔺Iran has become a major stakeholder in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU);

🔺Iran has managed to resume and strengthen diplomatic relations with a number of Arab neighbors and African countries: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Djibouti, Maldives;

🔺Iran made the British pay their debt: £400 million for the contract to supply Chieftain tanks, which was canceled in 1979;

🔺Iran has maximized oil production, even exceeding the sanctions level: 3.4 million barrels per day;

🔺It was under President Raisi that Iran for the first time conducted a large-scale operation against Israel - firing rockets from its territory;

🔺Russian-Iranian relations have reached a new level both in military-political cooperation and trade: trade turnover between Moscow and Tehran has grown to $4 billion; a visa-free regime for tourists has also begun to operate between the countries.

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Mohammad Mokhber, the first vice president of Iran, takes over the presidency temporarily - elections for the new president to be held within maximum of 50 days.
The Iranian Cabinet appointed the Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani as acting Foreign Minister.
🇮🇷/🇱🇧 Late president Ibrahim Raisi during one of his visits to south Lebanon to a secret position by Hezbullah.

He came to here before his presidency on a friendly visit to Hezbullah, and met its leadership.
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (inna)
The London court allowed Assange to challenge the decision to extradite him to the United States

Next, a new round of proceedings will begin in British courts. However, the 52-year-old journalist himself will continue to remain in Belmarsh prison.

Из ответов на вопросы агентства ТАСС

…Для России окончательная утрата легитимности псевдопрезидентом бывшей Украины ничего не изменит.  Он и так возглавляет враждебный России политический режим, который ведет с нами войну. А руководители стран, ведущих войну, всегда рассматриваются как правомерная военная цель. Для нас он и так военный преступник и утрата им официального статуса ничего не меняет. Хотя он, как и любой его преемник (хотя о юридическом преемстве говорить тут не приходится), может выступить стороной, которая подпишет акт о безоговорочной капитуляции. Как, например, это сделали Альфред Йодль или Вильгельм Кейтель от имени фашистской Германии и её вооруженных сил.
Дальнейшая судьба Зеленского нам не безразлична. Он должен быть пойман и предан суду за преступления против граждан России и украинцев. При невозможности доставки такого преступника должны применяться правила, практикуемые для террористов. Именно такая судьба постигла духовного учителя Зеленского – Степана Бандеру…

Кого сейчас Россия считает главой Украины?

У преступного режима нет и не может быть правомочного правителя. Он всегда тоже преступник. Что же касается номинального или фактического лидера (главаря) такого режима, им может быть кто угодно. Любая «свинья в ермолке», вспоминая меткое выражение Гоголя. Для международного права и для распавшегося государства «Украина» его личность, исходя из нормальных правовых позиций, безразлична. Такое лицо останется для нас лишь правонарушителем. Однако оно может быть субъектом переговоров и участником подписания акта о капитуляции, о чем я уже ранее сказал.
Forwarded from Geopolitics Live
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Forwarded from Press TV
Russia's Putin holds telephone call with Iran's interim president Mokhber

Russian President Vladimir Putin has held a telephone conversation with the interim Iranian president, Mohammad Mokhber, who was appointed to the post following the martyrdom of President Ebrahim Raeisi in a helicopter crash in northwestern Iran.

#Iran #Russia

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Iran's presidential election slated for June 28 - media reports

After examining the timing of the election process, the heads of branches of power decided June 28 as the time for the election to determine the new president and announced: the registration of candidates will be done on the May 30-June 3, and the election campaign period will be from June 12-27.

🟩 @RTnews_unc3
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Description of the crash accident of the Iranian president's helicopter from the words of his chief of staff who was present in the 3rd helicopter behind them:

I transcribed what he said:

After our noon prayers, we departed towards the direction of Tabriz. The weather was clear, there was no weather condition to be worried about. After half an hour being in the air, prior to reaching the Sungun copper mine, there was a small patch of clouds; interviewer asks: “So there was no fog?” He replied, not at all. There was fog on the ground, but not in up the air where we were advancing with the helicopters. However in one small compacted area, there was a small patch of clouds above a cliff. In terms of height, this cloud was on the same height as our flight’s height.

It was there when the now-martyred helicopter pilot, who was also the commander of the fleet, that told the rest of the pilots to ascend above the clouds. We were the 3rd pilot, behind the president’s helicopter. We came above the clouds, we advanced for approximately 30 seconds. Our pilot suddenly realised that the main helicopter carrying the president is missing.

Interviewer asks: “You didn’t see the helicopter anymore after ascending?”
He replied, yes exactly, after ascending above the clouds, we didn’t see the main helicopter. The ascension itself didn’t feel difficult or hard. Sometimes, when we use the plane we feel turbulence but we didn’t feel anything at all inside the helicopter this time, when ascending. And after we ascended there were no other clouds.

Interviewer asks: “So beyond this, there were no weather forecasts mentioning any disturbances in the weather to make it unsafe?” He replied, no there wasn’t any.

Shortly after, we were able to see beneath us and there were no clouds anymore and we had reached the area of the copper mine. We realised however that our pilot is making an U-turn suddenly so I asked him why? He said that one of our helicopters is missing. We estimate that they made an emergency landing, because we also have no radio contact with it anymore. So I asked him when was the last time contact was made? The pilot answered: “A minute and 30 seconds ago, when the pilot told us to ascend above the clouds.”

Our pilot circled around the area a couple of times, but the area with the cloud patch was also invisible to us and it was too risky to enter that area. We failed several times to make any radio contact. We were forced to make a landing after 30 seconds at the Sungun copper mine to investigate.

During the flight, we had continuous cell phone calls with the passengers, including the bodyguard, Mr. Abdollahian, the governor of East-Azerbaijan and the Friday imam of Tabriz. However we tried calling all of them without luck.

After some tries, calling the cellphone of the captain accompanying the president, someone picked the phone. It was Ayatollah Hashem, the friday imam of Tabriz. He told us that I’m not feeling well. He didn’t tell us anything special. I asked him what exactly has happened? He told us that he didn’t know what has happened, when asked on his whereabouts, he said that he didn’t know. He only described what he could see, described to us what he saw, e.g. surrounded by trees. I asked him about the condition of the others, the Ayatollah replied that he’s alone and couldn’t see anyone else and he’s alone.

The copper mine had good facilities such as ambulances and the necessary vehicles. We formed a team to go and search for them. We requested for immediate emergency help as well.
Forwarded from The Cradle
Washington has ‘no objections’ to Israel’s brutal assault on Rafah

Nearly a million people have been forcibly displaced from the city, which is under intense Israeli bombardment
Forwarded from The Cradle
For Iran, what comes next?

The Islamic Republic’s loss of its eighth president and top diplomat has raised concerns about its political future. Still, dramatic changes should not be expected so long as the replacements come from the same circle as the late officials.

By Fereshteh Sadeghi
Thugs will be thugs:

EU Approves Use of Income from Frozen Russian Central Bank Assets to Aid Ukraine

The European Union has approved the use of income from frozen assets of the Central Bank of Russia to assist Ukraine, with 90% of these funds allocated to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

According to the EU Council, depositories in the European Union will transfer the profits from Russian assets to the purchase of military aid for Ukraine every two years.

The first extraction of income from Russian assets held in European banks is scheduled to take place in July, as reported by the European Commission.

Multipolar Market
Forwarded from Eurasia & Multipolarity
Media is too big
President Putin at a meeting with Volodin: You leave for Tehran tomorrow morning.
[On your instructions,
I will fly to Tehran early in the morning to take part in the farewell ceremony with Raisi]. The death of President Raisi is a great loss, first of all, of course, for Iran and the Iranian people. Please convey my sincere condolences in connection with this tragedy. Indeed, he was a very reliable partner. A straightforward, self-confident man, first of all a man who was guided by national interests. He was a man of his word, and it was a pleasure to work with him. I mean, if we agreed on something, we could always be sure that the agreements would be fulfilled. For our part, we will do everything to ensure that Russian-Iranian relations continue in this way. Please convey these words to the Iranian leadership. And if colleagues have a need, we are ready to do everything to provide them with expert support and help in identifying the true cause of this disaster.
Iranians flood the streets mourning Ebrahim Raisi.
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Forwarded from The Cradle
Raisi's chief of staff describes downed helicopter's final moments

Gholam Hossein Esmaili, who was on the third helicopter in the president's convoy, details the moments before Ebrahim Raisi's chopper disappeared from view.