Galactocosmic Ontological Disorder
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"We will arrive at a moment of sufficient self alienation where we can contemplate our own destruction as in a static spectacle..."

-Walter Benjamin
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There is nothing in heaven or nature or spirit or anywhere else that does not contain just as much immediacy as mediation

Science of Logic by G.W.F. Hegel
"Hope is to confuse the desire that something should occur with the probability that it will. Perhaps no man is free from this folly of the heart, which deranges the intellect's correct estimation of probability to such a degree as to make him think the event quite possible, even if the chances are only a thousand to one. And still, an unexpected misfortune is like a speedy death-stroke; while a hope that is always frustrated, and yet springs into life again, is like death by slow torture.

He who has given up hope has also given up fear; this is the meaning of the expression desperate. It is natural for a man to have faith in what he wishes, and to have faith in it because he wishes it. If this peculiarity of his nature, which is both beneficial and comforting, is eradicated by repeated hard blows of fate, and he is brought to a converse condition, when he believes that something must happen because he does not wish it, and what he wishes can never happen just because he wishes it; this is, in reality, the state which has been called desperation."

Collected Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer
The truth is neither being nor nothing, but rather that being has passed over into nothing and nothing into being "has passed over," not passes over. But the truth is just as much that they are not without distinction; it is rather that they are not the same, that they are absolutely distinct yet equally unseparated and inseparable, and that each immediately vanishes in its opposite.

Science of Logic by G.W.F. Hegel
"Despair is typical of those who do not understand the causes of evil, see no way out, and are incapable of struggle."

Vladimir Lenin
"It is written: ‘They have become rich in all virtues’ (1 Cor. 1:5). Truly, this cannot happen unless they first become poor in all things. Whoever desires to be given everything, must first give everything away. This is a fair trade and an equal exchange, as I said some time ago. God wishes to give us himself and all things for our own free possession, and therefore he wishes to strip us completely of all that is ours. Indeed, God wills that we should possess no more than could lodge as a speck in the eye. For all the gifts which he ever gave us, those both of nature and of grace, were given with the sole intention that we should possess nothing of our own, and he has made no gift to his mother, or to any person or creature in any other way. In order to educate us and to warn us he often takes from us both physical and spiritual belongings, for the possession of honour should be his and not ours. Furthermore, we should keep all things only as if they had been merely lent and not given to us, without any sense of possessiveness, whether it be our body or soul, our senses, faculties, worldly goods or honour, friends, relations, house or home or anything whatsoever."

Meister Eckhart: Selected Writings tr. By Oliver Davies
Forwarded from Post-Foucault
DAVID LYNCH's "Man With Thought", 2009
Yakov Chernikhov. Architectural Fantasies № 95.
Begotten 1989