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To certain degree it needs to be a gradually increasing difficulty, especially whenever players get more gear (and stats therefore).


* **I love Magic, and Magic inspired games like Guild Wars. What Games did you play that you stole from for Path of Exile 2?**
* In most current PoE 1 leagues, we look at many Non-ARPG games and their mechanics and put them into the game as a league, so we ‘steal’ a lot anyways. When we i.e started with Delve, we looked into ‘How can we do Minecraft and morph it into the game?’. A random feature in PoE 2 that we clearly stole is Damage Numbers. We never really liked it, but someone brought it up as like can we bring up damage numbers like in Elden Ring? And I didnt even notice that, so I will shamelessly steal that! PoE 2 will have damage numbers!


* **Elden Ring.. hmm, so the Dodge Roll came from these games aswell like in Dark Souls?**
* Every good action game has Dodge Rolls, so we should aswell! Similar to Active Blocking. We want to be an Action Game, the A in ARPGs so we should have these baseline features. It took a while to convince people that we should develop something like that, but now its there! In one of our recent NDA tests, someone played a Boss and died, he instead of trying to fight the Boss again, he ended up grinding more mobs to get more powerful gear before trying again. I didnt even thought about someone doing that. Is it a Skill Game or a Loot Game that players want? I think players should have a certain amount of skill to beat a boss, but I didnt thought about someone wanting to loot more to beat a boss. So we might need to reconsider. I might also wonder if there is a different sentiment of players here vs. in China for example.


* **What have you wanted to talk about, but no one has asked yet the right question?**
* Thats a difficult question, giving me no thought to latch on. Why do we have classes at all? Dungeon Siege 1 was an impression for Path of Exile 1, and we considered not having classes at all back in the days. Our philosophy is giving freedom to do what you want, like Gems and Passive Tree, and we try to be really open. Classes in the beginning of the game do not have much difference. Classes end up having a certain stereotype to them, and thats what players can latch on to.


* **Whats the reason to Identify Items? In Dungeon & Dragons, it had a purpose to identify because of Cursed Items. Is there an idea for a different system?**
* I need to defend identifying Items here. Its about to double-dip your dopamine. You get an item and are excited, and then you have to identify to see if its even better. In PoE 2, you will have an NPC in Town to identify, so we already mitigate the amount of rather useless Wisdom Scrolls as in PoE 1. With already identified Items, players would just lootfilter it out if its bad. I dont think Lootfilters are bad, but it still gives a certain experience if you pick the item up and identify it, even if it doesnt suit your expectation.


* **Whats your favorite video game (from a mechanic standpoint) and why?**
* The emotional reaction is different nowerdays than games i played as a kid like Half-Life. I am nowerdays drawn to polished experiences in games. Two games I really enjoy is God of War – not the recent one but the one before. They did a lot with little! The other game is Ori and the Will of the Wisps. This game was ‘very tight’, it had little to no bugs, and it felt really great to play. These games have been very polished. You dont see many Triple-A game titles anymore that do not have a lot of jank (extremely poor or unreliable quality). We certainly have more content in the game in PoE 2 then other games, its actually crazy. Its scary to see how long its been in development, and we have an ridiculous amount of stuff put into the game. Assets for Affliction were used in PoE 2 in like 6 years ago, and were now too old to use in PoE 2, so we just did put it into PoE 1 as the Affliction League.


* **WASD Movement is confirmed?**
* Yes.


* **What
Systems have you removed in PoE 2 that you brought over and scraped it again, or developed and it didnt feel good?**
* Thats really hard to answer, because there is no tight package to name. Like.. the way that Leech works, with an ungodly way how it works in PoE 1 works. Its now much more simple. Its not like we ‘removed’ something, but in comparison to how it worked in PoE 1, it feels like there is a lot of unnecessary complexity removed from it.


* **Anything major that changed from PoE 2’s initial design ideas to now?**
* So overall, the goals have not changed – making a polished ARPG. We wanted to make everything good from PoE 1 and elevate it. This philosophy did not change. I personally thought that i.e WASD-movement would be really bad, and at the time I thought its dumb to have something like that in an ARPG. But once we did it, it suddenly felt really good. That might be a good example of something that surprised me over the course of the last years. Especially because of the WASD-Movement, many things had to be changed once again to support that and required a huge amount of work.


* **Melees in PoE 1 seem to be hated, why is this?**
* I got five answers to the question: the rigs, as we talked previously about. the old rigs that PoE 1 has makes all new animations to be designed really difficult. In PoE 2, animations are transferable and easier to work with. Just look at the Templar, he is left-handed… why even? Most melee skills can be used by most weapon classes, so you have to make the skill for all weapon classes – once again animation design being so unnecessarily difficult and old-fashioned. Multiplying factors that you have to know what to do in order to skill damage. Like Totems.. you have to pick it, and its straight up a noob-trap. Or Fortify, another thing that melees need to have otherwise they feel bad. Moving while Melee’ing. PoE 1 could just not really support, a lot of technical internal stuff. Very complicated. In PoE 2, we have something like Stab-Attack, different animations depending on how far you are to the enemy. Thats another reason why we think that WASD movement will work in PoE 2, but not in PoE 1. Targeting your attacks. In PoE 1 all attacks must be ultra short, otherwise your character feels locked in place for too long.


* **What is the strangest design lesson that you learned as a Game Designer?**
* ‘Everything is Game Design’ – Even communicating with players is Game Design. The expectation and reputation of the game is also Game Design. If you die in Elden Ring early on, you think “yeah, of course i died its Elden Ring“.


* **I am not using the Letter and Number combination that Chat wants me to say. What Games have you played that are bad, and might have inspired you to do better?**
* I know chat wants me to talk about D4. I dont feel good if(when) Blizzard messes up. I do not celebrate when other game companies fuck up. I feel the pain of the developers if they mess up. I am thinking more about games like Starfield. Yep.. that game. Right from the beginning, the plot in Starfield was a problem to me, it didnt make sense.


* **Can you confirm if there will be, or not be boat-building in the future?**
* We thought about it maybe, like a boat-building league. We will see.

Loot from 40 Uber Mavens


Loot from 40 Uber Mavens, all kills on April 14th and 15th, 2024


Seeing the Progenesis price, and how expensive each Uber Maven attempt was (10div), I figured i would give it a go. I had heard anecdotally from multiple people that the Progenesis drop rate was around a 1/6 or close to it after the new Uber drop changes. Additionally, the price of a set in bulk is probably closer to 10.5div now.

I don't know if I got extremely unlucky, or the drop rate has changed since league start. I'm leaning towards the latter, especially when I saw this post, Loot from 80 Uber Sirus, where the OP notes that they were getting Oriath's End with a 20% or 1/5 drop rate on April 5th, and then the subsequent 80 kills on April 6th and 7th they got only 2 flasks, which is a 2.5% or 1/40 drop rate. I would really hope that it is just an unbelievably unlucky streak for both of us, and they didn't stealth nerf the drop rate of those items so drastically without saying anything, but the data recently makes me believe the rates have likely changed.

TLDR: Lost \~226.7 Divines over 40 runs. Drop rates for Ubers possibly changed (probably need more data). Unless you have like 250+ divines to potentially throw into the bin, I wouldn't even attempt Uber Maven imo.

I got a 1 day temp ban for commenting "lol" and that is rule breaking

According to the new rules, after 3 strikes you get a 1 day ban escalating to perma ban after many more. I was on board with this change 100% but the way it's handled is poor in my opinion.


* [I got a strike for typing "lol"](https://prnt.sc/rXvlMS0TEAT8) to a person saying GGG is greedy and they will never play their games again. According to the mod team, from the photo only my *"lol"* comment was breaking the rules and nothing else. This is a bit extreme. **EDIT:** they went ahead and removed [most of the other replies as well](https://prnt.sc/x5QFluywzmFY)
* [I got another strike](https://prnt.sc/dHAMcmUyf_pm) for saying "The sweats are actually downvoting this lol", for [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1c41e1n/comment/kzlgg45/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) which was displaying a bug-exploit and people were abusing the report-downvote functions to not have this be shown at large in the hopes of the bug-exploit not getting fixed.
* [My first strike](https://prnt.sc/8huwe4OK501p) was a month ago for being toxic. I just include that here for visibility, I don't disagree with that removal.

I messaged the mod team, trying to understand what happened and how they apply their rules. According to them, saying *"Yep although I think the game is great GGG is obnoxiously greedy so I doubt I'll ever play their games again."* is *"not too inflamatory"* but replying "*lol*" is. For me, this is up to personal interpretation, either both comments break the rule or none.

I have said other toxic shit and I'm not bumed out by the ban, it's karma or whatever, that's not the point. The problem is when just typing "lol" could eventually lead to a perma, while comments that bash GGG with false logic are allowed to stay up. Personal opinions expressed aggressively can't be inflamatory but replying to them can?

The first two points are eggregious. Like look at the first bullet, the 2 photos. The original downvoted comment is still up while replies that said *"Dawg just keep playing at whatever platform you are at, at this point you are just making problems up for the sake of it"* and *"lol"* are deemed rule breaking and removed. In which scenario is this fair and doesn't just stiffle discussion? The person just replied honestly, no name calling, personal attacks or insults.

There's a wide margin between calling for violence / death threats and replying with a sarcastic undertone. I'm still in favor of the new rules, but they should be applied correctly. There's no logic where a single "lol" comment constitutes a permanent strike against your account.

Am I being unreasonable or were the rules applied way too subjectively and a little more nuance is needed?

Loot from 100x Imbued harvest maps (1.1mil lifeforce made)

Video here, TLDR here in post if you just want to cut straight to the results

100x fully juiced imbued harvests, 8 modded maps + eater of worlds, all quant/explicit map modifier effect on atlas tree taken - horned scarab of awakening, harvest scarab of doubling, monstrous lineage scarab and the last one is sort of a flex pick. I went with 8 mod map scarab
65 divines investment
5 minutes to run per map on a build that died a lot and had shit single target, around 8hr20 to run. You can probably get this time down a decent amount if you have the right build
Just under 1.1 million lifeforce gained in 100 maps, 520k yellow, 390k blue, 170k purple. Some maps will give next to none and some will shit out 30k lifeforce - if you run this strat you should do it with a large sample size to minimise bad luck
136 divines made from lifeforce alone, 163 divines made overall. Didnt count 15 divs worth of allflames/corpses
Around 19 divine an hour, or 12 divine profit an hour
Everything is VERY liquid to sell, lifeforce/t17/8modmaps are straight up 155 divines of the money made, and will sell in no time
I actually underpriced the lifeforce because id rather underprice than overprice, after selling the lifeforce i made a good dozen divines more than listed

Conclusion, Harvest = good


I was checking an interaction in BA ..



Just minding my own business in SSF checking some defensive interaction to improve on my build somewhat, monster hit me and golem took it out and I drop this,

What a day lol

I made ~600 divines in 6 days with this simple T16 strat

Hello fellow farmers,

So in the past few days I have been playing for \~50 hours and made roughly 600 divines.
In these 50 hours, trading for map materials (scarabs) and selling items is included.


Here is a video I made, by showcasing my most notable drops of the last 3 days of the strategy:
\- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1fjpjOa4Go


\- RF from Pohx, modified for giga AoE :D, go ask him questions about the build on his stream <3
\- PoB: https://pobb.in/nakTSLd8-xmZ \-> I have been running this for 4 days
\- PoB MF (30% Quantity): https://pobb.in/tghMZoZ8ic2j -> Then I swapped to this for last 2 days

Atlas Skill Tree (131/132):
\- https://poeplanner.com/a/egj

The strategy is pretty simple:
\- Run Defiled Cathedral map
\- 2 Divination Scarabs
\- 2 Ambush Scarabs
\- Ambush map device craft
\- Run the map
\- When you get %chance to drop chaos/unmaking from lantern:
\- Put it on the top
\- Add "Allflame Ember of Frogs/Rats"
\- Drops \~60 chaos
\- When you get %chance to drop divine from lantern:
\- Do the same as with chaos/unmaking %chance
\- Drops \~25 divines per map (I did not get this mod even once)
\- When you get Conversion to Chaos/Unmaking from lantern:
\- Put it on the top
\- Add "Allflame Ember of Anarchy"
\- Drops \~ 200 chaos
\- When you get Conversion to Divine from lantern:
\- Do the same as with chaos/unmaking conversion
\- Drops \~60 divines (I did not get this mod even once)


Map rolling:
\- 4 chisels
\- Alch
\- Check for good maps >88% quant
\- Move these away
\- Corrupt others
\- Check again >88% quant
\- Move these to where you moved the good ones before
\- Play them
\- Optional: You can also play other shittier maps, if you think they are worthy of your time :), or just do what you want, who am I to tell you what to do :(


Things I sell in bulk after I play \~400 maps:
\- You can pick up other allflames/corpses, but I dont think they are worth it
\- Allflames worth more than 15c when sold in bulk
\- Shaper (2 divines)
\- Meatsack (0.7-0.8 divines)
\- Scarabs (0.25 divines)
\- Rats/Frogs (25 chaos)
\- Anarchy (we cant use them all -> 15 chaos)
\- Ramako (35-50 chaos, depends on a day)
\- Untainted (20 chaos)
\- Corpses worth more than 10c when sold in bulk
\- Corpse list:
\- Increased:
\- Chaos (10 chaos)
\- Critical (15 chaos)
\- Speed (12 chaos)
\- Gem (15 chaos)
\- Scarcer:
\- Attribute (15 chaos)
\- Mana (15 chaos)
\- Gem (25 chaos)
\- Misc:
\- 20% additional item (2.5 divines -> can sell for even more now)
\- Fracture (20 chaos)
\- Effect in ROW (20 chaos)
\- Divination cards:
\- Enlightened -> turn them in when u have 6, enlighten lvl 3 sells for more than cards separately :)
\- Mirror shard cards -> You can also wait till u have for a whole set, its a bit better to turn them in
\- Apothecaries -> Just sell straight away, or not, i dont care
\- Alteration/Unmaking orbs
\- Lesser/Greater/Grand eldritch embers
\- Grands go \~14 for 1 divine at the moment, super worth
\- Eldritch exalt/annul/chaos
\- Any scarabs that you think are worth selling

I dropped a total of:
\- 52 mirror shard cards
\- 43 enlightened
\- 9 apothecaries
\- >30 divine orbs (didnt count, but definitely more than 30)

Final currency result after selling and converting everything:
\- 1 mirror (485 divines)
\- 4 mirror shards (95 divines)
\- 12000 chaos orbs (85 divines) -> got them mostly from selling corpses/allflames, sometimes people pay u in div, sometimes in pure chaos
\- Total profit: 665 divines

Good luck everyone!

Loot from 100x 8 modded Trialmasters (also combined results from Ultimatum strategies, Ultimatum can be a 20+ div an hour strategy with full investment)

Video here \- TLDR here in the post so you can just get the info quickly and dip

I ran 100x 8 modded trialmasters, the reason for 8 modded is because it affects the tainted catalysts drops. It does not affect other catalyst drops from the trial master. I am ONLY including drops dropped by the trialmaster, nothing from the ultimatum leading up to it and nothing from the map

1176 Tainted Catalysts. I remember seeing a post of someone doing 100x trialmasters early in the league and they got less than half this, so that shows how important 8 modded is
70 Prismatics, 80 fertiles. Didnt count any other catalyst
0 hate forges, ive heard the drop rate is less than 1% so its expected i guess
12 mahuxotls machination, its around an 8% drop rate i heard so i got lucky here
10 yaomacs accord, 41 icxhels temptation, 37 glimpse of chaos - i didnt count the helm/ring in profits
Total div made from the trialmaster alone was 93.7 div, or 75.2 profit, minus investment its 11.2 divines an hour at 5 mins per map of 9 divines an hour profit. Again from the trialmaster ALONE

Now, i only used 1 scarab slot here and the other day i did 100x ultimatums without the trialmaster(2x bribing, 1x inscription 1x catalysing) - i decided to update the money made from that with current divine prices and combine the results from both into one single strategy. Obviously i had to minus 1x bribing and replace it with the dueling scarab for trialmaster, and then minus a good chunk of money made to adjust for the loss of that bribing scarab but i think i was more than fair and if anything overadjusted

So fully juiced Ultimatums, with 1x dueling, bribing inscription and catalysting - ran on 8 mod maps with quant altars, and taking into the account the amount of time to run the inscribed ultimatums works out to be around 270 divines in 100 maps. Minus an 80 divine investment is 192 divines profit, 22 divines an hour, 15 divines profit an hour

Ultimatum is doodoo without investment, but if your build can do it then Ultimatum is one of the best non t17 money makers in the game - Catalysts/uniques sell easily too, and then the money you make from inscribed is just pure liquid when you complete them. Its kind of crazy


Loot from 100x Uber Cortex and 100x normal Cortex

Video here \- TLDR here in post

It was 7000c for the 100 regular cortex and 6500c for the 100 uber ones - pretty much the same buy in
The loot from the non uber was... not good. I dropped 8 garbs and three bottled faiths, i lost 2000 chaos
The loot from the uber one was a lot better, i dropped 7 of the new apostates which totalled to 41 divines - 1 reliquary key although 0 sublime visions. If i didnt drop a good nebulis and good mask i would have lost money though
Dropped a double damage nebulis (sold for 65d) and curse effect of non auras mask (sold for 30d)
Money gained from Uber cortex was 10300c profit. Worked out to be around 13 divines an hour. Minus the nebulis/mask i would have lost 1100c
Also friendly reminder uber cortex does not drop rare synth bases anymore

All in all Uber Cortex is honestly pretty badly nerfed with the loot table change and regular cortex is not great either, even if i doubled the amount of bottled faiths id still be making pretty poor money for "uber boss farming". I wouldnt do either outside of feared farming

Id rather go back and farm another 100x trialmasters, feels like the best bosses this leagues are ones with guaranteed drops (frags, catalysts, uber shards etc) and Cortex isnt one of those.

From everything ive heard and experienced bossing as a whole got shafted this league, theres some that are good but it really feels like if you want to boss just run invitations. Ill end up testing out 100x of every uber anyway for myself


