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Reading Quiz | @Live_IELTS🔋

The only way to remove the bark from cork oak trees is by hand.
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💡#IELTSReading #Quiz

Text: Cork - the thick bark of the cork oak tree (Quercus suber) - is a remarkable material. It is tough, elastic, buoyant, and fire-resistant, and suitable for a wide range of purposes.

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Reading Quiz | @LIVE_IELTS🔰

The cork oak has the thickest bark of any living tree.
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🔖Reading Quiz | @LIVE_IELTS

Numerous creatures, humans included, are largely diurnal - that is, they like to come out during the hours of sunlight.

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Reading Quiz📝 | @LIVE_IELTS🔰

Most animals are active during the daytime.
Anonymous Quiz
Listening strategies for IELTS
with audio💽
Да, да hayoting o’zgarishi kerak bo’lgan o’sha kun keldi!

«Eslaysanmi qalbida iymoni bor do’sting namoz o’qi deganda, keyingi yili o’qiyman deganding.»

«Eslaysanmi ilm ahillari pulingni barakasi ehsonda, ota-onaga daromaddan qism ajratishda deganda, avval ozgina pul to’plab olay keyingi yildan boshlayman deganding.»

«Eslaysanmi o’qituvching kitob o’qi, ilm ol deganda, keyingi yildan albatta o’qiyman deganding.»

«Eslaysanmi o’zingga-o’zing bo’ldi keyingi yildan albatta o’zgaraman deb va’da berganding.»

«Mana o’sha sen orzu qilib kutgan “Keyingi yil” ham keldi. O’zgarishni boshla» desam bittasiga “Bo’ldi o’rto albatta dushanbadan boshlab o’zgaraman” - desa bo’ladimi 😂

P.s Postni silaga ham shunaqa deb javob beradigan do’stilaga yuborila 😄

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English Through Reading.pdf
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Essential Tests for IELTS
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🔻Real exam based tasks for IELTS preparation. Included all the main tips and question types.

PS : Kitobda Reading va Writing parts IELTS talabiga mos ravishda tuzilgan, 6,5-7,5 band uchun

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Resource @BooK_Z0NE ⚡️
#DailyCollocation | @Live_IELTS🔋

❇️Badly hurt [Adverb + Verb] (seriously injured or in pain)
My grandmother’s back has been badly hurting her recently.
Strong light badly hurts her eyes.

❇️Break up [Phrase] (to end a marriage or a romantic relationship with someone.)
Bill and his girlfriend broke up after an argument.
Jane’s just broken up with her boyfriend.
Peter broke up with carol and started dating Susan.

❇️Balance a budget [Verb + Noun] (to spend no more money than you receive; to make income and expenditure equal in a budget.)
Bob try to balance his budget, but he still gets into debt.
The government is supposed to balance the budget by raising taxes.

❇️Balanced diet [Adjective + Noun] (a diet that contains adequate amounts of the nutrients necessary for good health.)
Eating a balanced diet is one of the most important things everyone should try.
If you need to live healthily, you should eat a balanced diet.

❇️Bare essentials [Adjective + Noun] (the most basic and necessary things)
There wasn’t much time, so he just packed the bare essentials.
A majority of people lack the bare essentials in India.
Barely able to do something [Phrase] (used for saying that it is possible for
someone to do something but only with difficulty.)
She was barely able to see the bridge in the fog.
His mother was barely able to read and write.
After drinking too much, he was barely able to walk.

❇️Basic right [Adjective + Noun] (a fundamental right that a person or an
animal has.)
Liberty, equality, and freedom of thought and expression are basic rights in
most societies.

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