Создайте 3D-эффект параллакса за 5 минут - Учебное пособие по Tilt.js https://redstapler.co/tilt-js-parallax-tutorial/
Red Stapler
Create 3D Parallax Effect in 5 Minutes – Tilt.js Tutorial
In this post we'll talk about a small but super useful JavaScript library call tilt.js which let you create a 3D tilt effect easily with literally just 1 line of code. Also learn how to…
Front-end разработчики и дизайнеры: преодолевая пустоту https://hackernoon.com/front-end-developers-and-designers-bridging-the-void-311w34c7
Front-End Developers And Designers: Bridging The Void | HackerNoon
I’ve come quite a long way as a web developer and happened to work in different teams and with different designers. Regardless of the number of people and type
Тестирование JavaScript: 9 лучших практик, которые стоит изучить https://blog.logrocket.com/javascript-testing-best-practices/
LogRocket Blog
JavaScript testing: 9 best practices to learn - LogRocket Blog
We zoom in on nine best practices for JavaScript testing that can help you write better tests and help your team to better understand them.
Знаете ли вы, что почти все инструменты JavaScript, которые вы используете, имеют открытый исходный код? https://javascript.plainenglish.io/open-source-needs-you-56015c4a07ac
Open Source Needs You
Why you should contribute towards Open Source and how you can get started today
Анимация CSS с использованием cubic-bezier () https://css-tricks.com/advanced-css-animation-using-cubic-bezier/
Advanced CSS Animation Using Cubic-bezier() | CSS-Tricks
When dealing with complex CSS animations, there is a tendency to create expansive @keyframes with lots of declarations. There are a couple of tricks though
Как получить IP-адрес клиента с помощью JavaScript? https://codingnuts.hashnode.dev/how-to-get-a-client-ip-address-using-javascript
Полное руководство по Regex и его использованию в JavaScript https://devdojo.com/rahulism/an-ultimate-guide-to-regex-and-how-to-use-it-in-javascript
Dev Community - DevDojo
Learn web development and design with our on-demand video platform. Learn development through our developer courses and developer videos.
Полезные JavaScript-библиотеки
Eng https://dev.to/commentme/some-vanilla-js-libraries-you-must-try-17a3
Rus https://habr.com/ru/company/ruvds/blog/554286/
Eng https://dev.to/commentme/some-vanilla-js-libraries-you-must-try-17a3
Rus https://habr.com/ru/company/ruvds/blog/554286/
Оттачивайте свои навыки работы с javascript с помощью этих тем https://wickedaf.medium.com/sharpen-your-javascript-skills-with-these-topics-63284a0ca813
Sharpen your javascript skills with these topics
If you are a novice you will hate errors, but if you are an expert you will enjoy errors because error leads you to make your program…
Почему разработчики любят писать код ночью? https://mr-unity-buddy.hashnode.dev/why-developers-love-to-code-at-night
Mr. Unity Buddy
Why Developers Love To Code At Night?
How can it help them?
10 самых популярных вопросов на собеседовании по JavaScript https://javascript.plainenglish.io/top-10-javascript-interview-questions-9343421fe4e2
Top 10 JavaScript Interview Questions
1. What are the Truthy and Falsy values?
Краткое руководство по методам вызова, применения и привязки в JavaScript https://javascript.plainenglish.io/quick-guide-to-call-apply-and-bind-methods-in-javascript-5c00cd856cfa
A Quick Guide to Call, Apply and Bind Methods in JavaScript
The call, apply and bind methods-An explanation with practical applications and polyfill for the bind method.
Как создать неоновый текст с помощью CSS https://css-tricks.com/how-to-create-neon-text-with-css/
How To Create Neon Text With CSS | CSS-Tricks
Neon text can add a nice, futuristic touch to any website. I’ve always loved the magic of neon signs, and wanted to recreate them using CSS. I thought I’d
TypeScript - JavaScript без сюрпризов https://javascript.plainenglish.io/typescript-javascript-with-no-surprises-bbc4cf5c23a6
TypeScript — JavaScript with No Surprises
TypeScript is like JavaScript but with no surprises. It brings productivity, reliability, and predictability to a chaotic JavaScript world.
Создайте свой собственный биткойн-кошелек за 5 минут Формирование P2PKH-адреса с помощью Node.js. https://javascript.plainenglish.io/generate-your-own-bitcoin-wallet-within-5-minutes-3c36176b47ee
Generate Your Own Bitcoin Wallet within 5 Minutes
P2PKH address generation using Node.js.
Как использовать селекторы CSS для стилизации вашей веб-страницы https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/use-css-selectors-to-style-webpage/
How to Use CSS Selectors to Style Your Web Page
CSS selectors are one of the most important parts of CSS. They give you the ability to target HTML elements on your web page that you want to style. Without CSS selectors, you wouldn't be able to style your page to look how you want. Thankfully CSS selectors…
10 уловок, которые должен знать каждый разработчик JavaScript !! https://hardeep-jethwani.com/10-incredible-hacks-that-every-javascript-developer-should-know
Hardeep Jethwani's Blog
10 Incredible hacks that every JavaScript developer should know !!
JavaScript can help perform complex operations on web pages. There are tones of JavaScript developers around the globe but, only few of them have a practice of writing down an optimized JavaScript code.
An optimized code is a combination of smartly p...
An optimized code is a combination of smartly p...