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Forwarded from END TIMES
Another one bites the dust. Another relieved of command. Top officer fired at Marine infantry battalion in California. Lt. Col. Christopher O’Melia was fired from his role as commander of 1st Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, by Maj. Gen. Benjamin Watson back on 26 March, the commanding general of 1st Marine Division, Marine spokesman Lt. Col. Lucas Burke said in a statement to Marine Corps Times on Monday (Today). Watson relieved O’Melia of his duties “due to a loss of trust and confidence in his ability to continue to serve in that position,” Burke said, without providing more specifics. You can't mount an offensive against the deep state when your rear guard has been compromised. The Tale of Two Militaries in your face! https://www.yahoo.com/news/top-officer-fired-marine-infantry-220449772.html
Forwarded from V.13
I wish Putin would have addressed this with Tucker, because his stance on the importance of traditional family values resonates with the majority of Americans.

He has zero tolerance for this woke insanity, because he knows it’s poison.

The rest of the world are laughing at us.


( V.13 )
We need to wake up to exactly this point in the USA Inc.
NO Basis on LAW

End the Belligerent Occupation 🔥

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Forwarded from Fireworks Daily Team (Ramblin)
Something is off about the Belden, California quakes. It looks like CBS reported them 3 hours before they hit
Forwarded from Fireworks Daily Team (RoosveltTerriers)
Japanese CEO with links to Vladimir Putin's inner circle found dead in 5-star Moscow hotel - Mirror UK
Forwarded from Fireworks Daily Team (RoosveltTerriers)
Pretty sure that "Bibi" has already been removed.
This is bogus. Avian flu diagnosed by same PCR tests as COVID. Don’t be fooled. As for an isolate of bird flu virus. Not going to cows or humans. They are making up an excuse for people dying from vaccines given for the last fake pandemic. We can’t be gullible enough to believe this again. Can we?
How about the EMF damage and poisoning the environment everywhere? Virus in Latin means toxin/ poison.
They create poisons. They spread them around and call it a virus for which they say we need vaccines. Don’t play disease whack-a-mole. Wake up to the lies. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
CDC uses fake PCR test to bring down your food supply. Support/ guard your local farmer from inspectors and enforcers.
Bingo. What is biggest threat when 1 million controllers face 8.5 Billion of us? They have to kill our protein source— chicken and beef. Notice—there is no carrot flu panic.