Lee Merritt MD: FreedomDoc1
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Forwarded from Azazel News (Aries)
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March 5th 2023
From Norway via my DM’s from a Norwegian, Marine Jæger Kommando, Marine Hunter Commando, aka MJK.

That close to the Arctic and Industrial Boats are running 🟣🟪🔦💡365nm Ultraviolet Lights.

You don’t find that odd?
Forwarded from Azazel News (Aries)
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It’s not that Humidity helps spread the laced fireworks. We need it dry!!! We need for the aluminum strips to go deep down deep down and give our men a Fighting Chance. If it rains we fail and have to try again on New Years Eve

It’s that we are facing an EXISTENTIAL THREAT to our lives and are on the Steps of an Extinction Level Event. We need their cloaking disrupted to prevent Movement Beyond Normal Spectrum

We need to wipe them out completely
We need to

Because if Blue/Green/Gold fail
You will be wiped out AGAIN
For the 7th Time
Forwarded from Tee⛳️
Laced fireworks contains tiny aluminum glitter which disrupt cloaking tech aka pheromones disrupter
Heat expands aluminum in the fireworks to maximize cloaking disrupting effects
Forwarded from Azazel News (Aries)
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Ancient civilizations believed gods sent these creatures to cleanse lands of sin and evil, but recent beliefs suggest they were genetically engineered not long after our creation to restore balance.

TRANSLATION: Keep Preparing The Harvest is coming!

Also the woke and unarmed liberals are super fucked ☠️
Forwarded from Azazel News (Aries)
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Ancient civilizations believed gods sent these creatures to cleanse lands of sin and evil, but recent beliefs suggest they were genetically engineered not long after our creation to restore balance.

TRANSLATION: Keep Preparing The Harvest is coming!

Also the woke and unarmed liberals are super fucked ☠️
We have a Maxim in medicine: if you miss the untreatable, that’s not going to change things. But never miss the treatable.

Along those lines, I’m just putting out this information and you can do what you want with this.

I recently finished William Cooper‘s book “Behold a Pale Horse”. I would highly recommend reading that. In the interest of time you might start at the chapter on the secret government. William Cooper was an active duty Navy communications guy assigned to the ONI— then known as the Office of Naval Intelligence. As such he was privy to a lot of information which he couldn’t reveal for years. He also came upon a lot of people who were willing to talk to him. If what he says is correct, and he admits that this could be a huge Psyop using him but unlikely— then we have been dealing with aliens since post World War II. He doesn’t speculate where they come from, but they are not us. Multiple crafts were recovered with bodies and with some live creatures. The United States made treaties with them during the time of Dwight David Eisenhower administration.. Peaceful coexistence was a scam, and at least one species started harvesting us for experimentation and food. Various committees and organizations were given top-secret funding to try to deal with this and we’ve heard some of these names —Majestic 12 and the Jason group to name a couple. But ultimately the elite of this world decided they couldn’t solve the problem and that it was best to decrease our population, and for the elites to escape off world. ( Elon Musk constantly is talking about Mars etc.) In other words we’ve been sold out.

One of the things Cooper does not mention is any asteroid or planet X or Niburu being part of this equation. Nor does he mention vampires or a disease plague. But Cooper’s book is the best explanation I’ve read for what we see in the world today—in my opinion. Sadly he is dead and was probably murdered, so he’s not here to see what’s going on now. I believe there is a takeback plan because I’m not in a FEMA camp, I continue to have firearms and the ability to get and pass on information.

Something big is happening on April 8. Maybe it’s just going to be another great eclipse viewing like they prepared us for a few years ago. But the tales told of past harvests suggest a cycle of attacks on humanity that occurs at times of prolonged darkness. This eclipse is unusual in that all the planets are lining up, including the sun and the moon. And this may give us several days of darkness. Notice Zuckerberg and other elites not off world are heading to their bunkers after selling their stock and buying gold.

For me, I’m just going to hunker down, and not try to look like food. If spaceships show up, I’m not going to run out and look at them. I have UV lights, and will keep them on. And I’m going to pray for our subterranean troops from all over the world that I believe are working on this problem. I’ve been recording manhole fires for several years now on this channel for a reason. For me, it’s been an indication that some kind of war has been waging under the ground. And, I think we’re winning. I hope this is all wrong and we are actually in a dream. But in the meantime, I’m going to put on the full armor of God, do what I can to prepare myself, my friends and my family, and pray for our military, and for those leaders around the world, including Putin and Donald Trump, Modi, and probably President Xi who haven’t abandoned humanity and are fighting the good fight.

You are welcome to consider me crazy but my prestige is the least of my concerns. Reread the first line about not missing the treatable. In other words don’t die over something silly that you could’ve prevented with a little bit of education and forethought. And maybe 8 April will just be a great visual moment watching and eclipse and afterwords we go on with our Tik Tok videos and watching Basketball.

Pray, Prepare, and Protect.
Forwarded from HIDDEN TRUTH
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10,000 DUMBS (tunnel systems) on Earth.
USA have 1,800.
It is not easy to solve this one.
Turn it off. Take control. A lot of variables.

People, children, weapons. WMDs.
Bio-plants, clone fabrications, evolved super-soldiers.
Emergency stop switches. Traps, etc.
Extraordinary belief.

7.7 billion people on Earth.
0.02% Super Elite = 1.54 million.
1% Elite = 77 million Elite.
10% = 770 million military / CIA on earth, 3-letter agencies.
In ALL countries.

Corrupt police. Intelligence agencies.
Managers, Militias organizations. Underground Blackwater soldiers.
Corrupt doctors, lawyers, scientists, officials.

Pharmaceutical companies, big tech companies.
In total 190 countries on earth.
Over 800 million forces and distributed military in many countries within the dark network of global elite control.

The White hats, military - they do everything they can to keep death rates as low as possible.

join now. it’s not too late.
Forwarded from HIDDEN TRUTH
George Soros' headquarters are in Ukraine.

join now. it’s not too late.
Forwarded from HIDDEN TRUTH
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The death jab is loaded with over 47 pathogens including; HIV proteins, graphene oxide, mRNA, Luciferise, human DNA, fetal tissues, animal DNA, monkey cells, liquid metals such as mercury the list goes on and on.

This is why I’d rather die than get the jab and live a life of hell. Y’all better wake up and realise what’s good for your spiritual awakening. Take the jab and it’s lights out.

You will be spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically cut off from nature, the universe and the creator of all living things.

You Will lose all your human rights as being trans-human means being non-human. You will be owned by the state. A new age slave of a cybernetic system - THOUGHTS?

join now. it’s not too late.
Forwarded from HIDDEN TRUTH
This is how they start forest fires using directed energy weapons which are attached to the aircrafts, and then they blame it on the heat.

Always keep in mind that whatever the public knows about military technology is many decades behind what they really have.

The Hidden Truth🕵️ 👉 @HiddenTruthHt
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Black Rock aka Cube of Saturn.

Cube is the representation of Saturn = Saturn Lord of the underworld.

The Hidden Truth🕵️ 👉 @HiddenTruthHt
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We have been lied to, suppressed and conned by rich globalist money hungry elites.

Water Powered Car in 1974:

- Goes 70 MPH
- Travels over 1000 miles on one tank
- Releases zero pollution

We could be driving water-powered cars but the forces that manipulate humanity would never allow it.

As human consciousness rises, and the control system dissipates, we will see the re-emergence of great technologies like this.

The Hidden Truth🕵️ 👉 @HidenTruthHT
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The global fiat currencies are about to fail!

If this collapse is imminent, it just means one thing from my perspective.
The RV is right around the corner. RV stands for the Re-Valuation of the current currencies. This is the birthing of a new financial system on the horizon.  The new currency will be backed by gold. No more inflations and no more making money from thin air.

I can’t wait for this to happen. What an exciting time to be living in.

The Hidden Truth🕵️ 👉 @HidenTruthHT
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VAERS data on all vaccine deaths from 1988 to 2021.

Covid vaccine deaths in 1 year are equivalent to deaths of all other vaccines in 33 years.

The Hidden Truth🕵️ 👉 @HidenTruthh