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Forwarded from Q?AreYouAwake? Chanel (@F4all_2c_2020)
Here's a question that's never been answered. How did FEMA know to arrive in NYC on Monday night, when it was Tuesday morning when the event happened? Listen to the FEMA guy say "We arrived Monday night" in this live interview.

Forwarded from Rob @EKoMTV
"I pull the strings, and the elite dance"
 Somerset Belenoff, Countess of Banbury and Arran

Fast Facts

Somerset Belenoff, Countess of Banbury and Arran, chairs the World Governing Council and is the Chief Executive Officer of the World Security Office, which is the prosecutorial and enforcement arm of the House of Wettin's Upper Chamber. This is the powerful cabal which controls all of the elite Illuminati groups familiar to researchers.

She is the registered owner of the Bohemian Grove domain name and is likely the owner of the actual property where Bohemian Grove is located

She attended Benenden School, of which Princess Anne is also an alumnus.

Vladimir Putin has said that The Countess of Banbury and Arran is both the most beautiful woman and the most terrifying person he has ever met

She rules the House of Wettin's Upper Chamber with an iron fist and is likely responsible for the execution of dozens of Illuminati (see the section titled "Purge of the Princes" on the There will be Blood tab). The most recent executions are those of 3 elite international bankers, murdered in California in May, 2018.

Through statements and actions over the years, Belenoff has made it very clear that she considers groups such as the Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, etc. to hold a lower position in the cabal than those born into nobility. She refers to these lesser Illuminati members as "grubby, downstairs staff, inferior in rank, intellect, common sense and breeding."

Has suggested that these "newly-moneyed" lesser Illuminati should be accustomed to living in mud huts with dirt floors, as befitting their actual rank.

Has been closely associated with the occult from a very early age - claims to have met the Devil at Glamis Castle when she was a child, and "frankly was not impressed"

Is the great grand daughter of Gregory Rasputin and the great great great grand daughter of Queen Victoria

Travels regularly to the Kremlin, the White House and of course Buckingham Palace - she arrives unannounced and without an invitation and she is probably the only person in the world who does this (uninvited yet completely welcome in all of those locations)

She was the driving force behind the rise of Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union and the ultimate fall of the Soviet Communist Party

Refers to international communism as "a filthy cabal, full of incompetent, lazy dogs who should be thrown from the castle walls at our earliest convenience."

She ordered Barrack Obama to bring down the government of Muamar Gaddafi and told him to be sure that the dictator would be shot in the street like a dog
Forwarded from END HUMAN TRAFFICKING (Shadowfax)
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Do you remember this video? The average person does not have a clue about any of these things...

Red Cross
"The Seven Fundamental principles of the Red Cross. Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary service, Unity, Universality" HAHAHAHAHA

This looks very impartial and sure looks very independent , you cannot get more Universal than Money Laundering on a massive scale or human trafficking cash?
The Clintons, The Red Cross & BOXES OF BILLIONS IN CASH

The ICRC, obviously, claims the logos on the boxes are fake and they have nothing to do with the tens of millions of dollars seen in this video. Given the history of the American Red Cross victimizing the people of Haiti AND Texas, and given the Clinton Foundation’s activities in Haiti, Nigeria and Hillary’s role specifically in toppling Gaddafi in Libya, we wonder if there’s more to the story… EXPOSE & DISMANTLE THE CABAL

Forwarded from Q?AreYouAwake? Chanel (@F4all_2c_2020)
The Perfect Storm is colliding, Patriots.

The UN has turned off flight trackers and is moving in artillery and munitions to Uganda. Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, South SudanMilitary and rebels forces are flanking Uganda borders.

31,000,000 million tons of GOLD has been found struck in a deposit in Uganda. That’s worth over 12,000,000,000,000.000 Trillions $.

The Deep State Cabal is already setting up assets and False Flag Events to remove the President and take over the country.

(Gaddafi was killed for gold and wanting to start his own banking system through gold. Putin was labeled a War Monger for wanting to return to a gold-backed system).

In the past several hundred years several countries have been infiltrated by the Deep State Central Banking System. If they did not join the system and give control of large portions of their wealth to the Elites (stolen through false trading Markets and corrupt installed regimens in those countries) then wars were created in those countries using False Flag Operations.

Colour Revolutions created civil unrest in their countries that lead to wars and an overthrow of the government, which then installed the Deep State Banking System.

Now Uganda has became one of the richest counties in the world overnight and the UN, which was controlled by Davos, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Dupont and Bushes want the money.

We all know how the Mainstream Media will vilify the current president and start to overthrow the country into the hands of UN Deep State Operations.

The Ugandan President has reached out to other African countries, Putin and Xi which were against the UN Regime and policies.It’s going to heat up.
Forwarded from Q?AreYouAwake? Chanel (@F4all_2c_2020)

1. There was no electricity bill in Libya, electricity was free for all its citizens during Gaddafi's reign.

2. There was no interest on loans, banks in Libya were state-owned and loans were given to all its citizens at 0% interest by law.

3. Home considered a human right in Libya – Gaddafi vowed that his parents would not get a house until everyone in Libya had a
home. Gaddafi’s father had died while him, his wife and his mother were still living in a tent during his reign.

4. All newlyweds in Libya received $60,000 Dinar (US$ 50,000 ) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up
the family.

5. Education and medical treatments was free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25% of Libyans are literate. During his reign the figure was 83%.

6. If Libyans want to take up farming career, they received farm land, a farming house, equipment, seeds and livestock to kick- start their farms – all for free.

7. If Libyans couldn't find the education or medical facilities they need in Libya, the government used funds them to go abroad for it – not only free but they got US $2, 300/mth accommodation and car allowance.

8. In Libyan during Gaddafi reign, if a Libyan buys a car, the government subsidized 50% of the price.

9. The price of petrol in Libya is $0. 14 per liter in Gaddafi time.

10. Libya had no external debt and its reserves amounted to $150 billion – now frozen globally.

11. If a Libyan was unable to get employment after graduation the state would pay the average salary of the profession as if he or she is employed until
employment is found.

12. A portion of Libyan oil sale was, credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens.

13. A mother who gave birth to a child received US $5 ,000

14. 40 loaves of bread in Libya costed $ 0.15 during Gaddafi's reign.

15. 25% of Libyans had a university degree , during Gaddafi reign.

16. Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project, known as the Great Man- Made River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country.

If this is called "Dictatorship" I wonder what type of Leadership Democrats have.


Forwarded from Q?AreYouAwake? Chanel (@F4all_2c_2020)
The Dark Truth About the CIA! The CIA was created by British Intelligence during WW2, when MI6 came over and taught Americans the ruthless tactics they had been developing for centuries. Many people think that the CIA is a patriotic organization that protects Americans from danger, and informs the President about what’s happening in the world so he can make good decisions. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is that the CIA is a vicious paramilitary mafia, that rigs elections, overthrows governments, kills people, and manipulates presidents into doing their bidding. They are the world’s foremost experts in lying, cheating, and stealing from other countries. They sow chaos, degeneracy, corruption, and violence everywhere they go.

– Uses Terrorists & Criminals as Assassins

– Blackmails & Bribes Politicians Worldwide

Funded By Slavery & Drug-Dealing

Uses Authority of the British Crown

15 Signs You’re Under Mind Control

1. You think TV shows and movies are made to entertain you.

2. You think medical doctors are health experts.

3. You think the government steals your money to build the roads.

4. You think that they spray poisons on your food because of the bugs.

5. You know mercury thermometers are banned because mercury is extremely toxic but you also believe mercury teeth fillings are completely safe in your mouth.

6. You think your vote counts.

7. You think the news is there to inform you.

8. You think the government is there to protect you.

9. You think alcohol is healthy for you in moderation.

10. You think it’s OK to research and ask questions about a new car purchase, a new house purchase or a new appliance purchase but you also believe it’s not OK to research or ask questions when the TV tells you to inject something under your skin that’s killing and crippling millions worldwide. That of course you need to trust, no questions asked and full steam ahead.

12. You think that working for the clinical psychopaths, as a government employee, is the ultimate dream job even though big brother is actively trying to remove you and your family because your pensions are already stolen and they don’t want you to find out. “If I can just push one more dose of poison under my skin, maybe I can get to my pension, which is already stolen…” It only makes sense if you don’t think about it.

13. You think a society of perpetual pleasure seekers, who don’t want to work in order to earn their keep, will always survive and that having fun is one of your first amendment rights.

14. You don’t notice that any time tyrannical authority tries to destroy you and your family… they keep telling you that it’s all for equity, equality, freedom, human rights or for your safety.

15. You think poisons pushed your skin and taken into the mouth, prescribed by a person wearing a white butcher coat, is the only way to achieve optimal wellness and better health.
Forwarded from LauraAboli (Laura Aboli)
Media is too big
Very interesting…

This doctor observed bifidobacteria drop to practically zero post vaccination.

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the pedos want to know what you're doing with smart technology....
From the series "Utopia" on Prime... A good watch, mostly.
Forwarded from SECRETSONATA 🎩 (My Name is Nobody)
When you call this number they gather info about you, then if you're a witness, or have seen a crime, know where a child is being held, or it's "your" child missing, their intelligence knows about each case where abducted children belong to them, cabal pedophiles and biolabs, so then they'll silence 🔕 such caller using different level of psyops.
116.000 ☎️ is a number of pedo trafficking call center, why you think 🇺🇦 is in there...
Call them from some forest where are no cameras and say a story, that you've seen a child walked nearby, Woman came and took him with force inside popular car model...
You'll see they'll only ask about who are you much more than about incident.
Satanists have ways and technologies working for them...
Today SAT 16 Sep at 2 central live on Rumble I will explain the fake history of the 1918 Pandemic so called " Spanish Flu and why that history matters today. Click here to join. 👇👇👇
Forwarded from THE WHITE RABBIT
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These occultic technocrats have found a way to broadcast their black magic via technology.

These 5G Towers are actually Psi-Weapons, they have nothing to do with high speed internet, they specifically target part of the brains nervous system that they want in order to make you feel more docile, angry, sad, or anxious, depending on the situation and the outcome which they desire.

They have been using these weapons for a very long time, even prior to WW2, they have been using it to break the spirits of their enemies, where these frequencies can become too much to handle.

Combine this, with blue beam technology, and you might start hearing and seeing Jesus Almighty.

🔗 THE WHITE RABBIT 👁 (@thedailyrabbit)
Forwarded from Shayne H 🇦🇺🇦🇺
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Forwarded from Tatjana
Forwarded from David Avocado Wolfe
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The London resistance group known as the Blade Runners have destroyed over 1000 hated ULEZ(Ultra Low Emissions Zone) cameras. (58 seconds)
Forwarded from The Fall of J Trudeau (Emmanuel MARANATHA)
🇫🇷The French Resistance is joining the British Blade Runners targeting 5G towers

Forwarded from Shayne H 🇦🇺🇦🇺